LCSA News & Upcoming Events


Happy New Year:

LCSA would like to wish all our members and their family a peaceful and prosperous 2025.

Late Membership Dues:

For anyone who has NOT paid their 2025 dues by December 31st.

Starting January 1 - 31, 2025 there will be a $25 late fee

added to your membership dues total amount.

Late Adult Membership Dues: $150.00

Junior: $5.00

(Per person)

Dues can be paid multiple ways: at the clubhouse on Sundays,

online at 2025 LCSA Online Renewal, or by mail.

If mailing in please send all 2025 Dues payments to:


PO Box 8955

New Castle, PA 16107

Reminder emails have been sent monthly since October, and will continue until the collecting period is over. Once you have paid your due, disregard any future emails.

Returning ~ Indoor .22 Rifle Shoots:

The Indoor .22 Rifle Shoots will be resuming on Monday nights in January. The .22 Rifle Shoots are made up of 5 shooting events. Members and Non-members are welcome to join in on the fun. More information below under "Events".

Steel Challenge RO Training Classes:

When: January 18 & 19

Locations: Indoor Range

Steel Challenge Range Officer Training classes will be held in the Indoor Range on the dates listed above. The Indoor Range will be closed during the classes.

Steel Challenge Returning in February:

There will not be a Steel Challenge match held in January. The first match of 2025 will be held February 15, 2025.

Bullseye League Returning:

The Bullseye League is to return in January 2025.

IDPA and Steel Challenge:

As we move forward with colder and at times, unpredictable weather, the scheduled IDPA and Steel Challenge matches will be held "Weather Permitting". Check Practiscore for any changes/updates. Match dates are posted below under 'Events'.

No January Membership Meeting:

There will not be a New Member Meeting in January due to Board of Directors Elections. Membership Meetings will resume in February.

Board of Directors/Elections:

Elections for the Board of Directors will be held on January 21, 2025. All LCSA Members that are in good standing are welcome to attend and vote.

The following members are on the ballot for the Board of Directors.

* Currently sit on the Board of Directors

Clinton Dicks*

Steve Blumberg*

Jason Schliffka*

John Buttermore*

Tom Wehman*

Youth Shooting Sports at LCSA:

Lawrence County Young Guns: Is a youth clays target team that provides athletes the opportunity to learn and compete in shotgun shooting sports. Athletes have the opportunity to learn Skeet, Trap and Sporting Clays. They compete against athletes of the same age at the local, state and national level. For more information check out their website:

Lawrence County Young Guns Range Racers: Is a SASP youth speed steel target team that provides athletes with the opportunity to learn and compete with rimfire rifles and pistols, as well as pistols, revolvers and PCCs. Athletes will gain quick target acquisition and speed shooting skills, but most importantly gun safety and proper gun handling. The team competes at local, state, regional and national level. For more information contact Wade Shaner, Head Coach: 412-605-9697 or

Coming 2025 - Cowboy Action Shooting:

Starting in March, Cowboy Action Shooting matches are scheduled monthly. Cowboy Action Shooting is a multi-faceted shooting sport in which contestants compete with firearms typical of those used in the Old West: Single Action Revolvers, pistol caliber lever action rifles, and old time shotguns. Similar to other shooting sports involving props and steel targets, contestants are timed in staged scenarios using all four firearms in designated orders and patterns against the steel targets. It’s a safe, fun and family friendly competitive sport that’s both thrilling and skill driven.

-Match dates are added to the club calendar

-Matches are scheduled for Saturdays

-Fee: $15

-Look for a flyer to be sent out soon with more information!

Indoor Range Safe Area:

The Indoor Range will be closed and used as a safe area during all scheduled shooting matches held at the Upper Pistol Bays.

This includes the following Upcoming Matches:

  • Monthly IDPA Matches
  • Monthly USPSA Matches
  • Monthly Steel Challenge Matches

Buy, Sell, Trade Posting Rules:

For any member looking to utilizing the board, please adhere by the following rules.

1.Items for sale may only be posted by club members.

2.Write the date on the item(s) to be posted. Any items posted without dates will be removed immediately, regardless of how long it has been hanging on the board.

3.For Sale items will be removed 30 days after posting. Please post again if the item(s) are not sold or you would like them posted again.

4.Wanted items will be removed 60 days after posting. Please post again if still wanted.

Ammo for Sale:

We have 12-gauge shotgun shells for sale. They are available on Sundays only from

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.

Club Reminders:

Rifle Range Guest Policy: 

Rifle Range Guests, who are shooting, are permitted on Sundays ONLY from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Members may bring 2 guests at a time per day. Guests need to be registered at the clubhouse counter before proceeding down to the range. The first 2 guests per year per member are $10 each. Subsequent guests after the initial 2 of the year are $25 per guest per day. Any member violating the guest policy is subject to loss of membership privileges.

Junior Members becoming an Adult Member: 

The month a Junior Member turns 18 years old, and wishes to continue their membership, they are eligible to become an Adult Members. They will need to complete/submit an application and attend a 'New Member Meeting'. The $100 initiation fee is waived, however there will be the fees for the Membership and key card. * Please add a note on the completed application that they are transferring from a Junior Member to an Adult Member.

Steel Target Approval:

Reminder: All outside steel targets need to be pre-approved by the Board of Directors prior to usage on club property. Targets can be approved on meeting nights, third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM. Please have all targets set up on the front covered porch by 6:45 PM, prior to the start of the meeting.

Upcoming Events:

*For more future events check out the Club's Event Calendar HERE

Board of Directors Elections:

When: January 21, 2025

Time: 7:00 pm

Who can vote: Any LCSA adult member in good standing.

February General Membership Meeting:

No January Membership Meeting due to Board of Directors elections.

Scheduled for Tuesday, February 18, 2024 @ 7:00 PM

*Sign in Starts at 6:00 PM at the clubhouse counter

Board of Directors meeting held after the Membership Meeting.

Skeet, Trap, 5-Stand & Indoor Pistol Range Orientation:

January Orientation will be held on January 26, 2025 @ 10:00 AM

*Sign in starts at 9:30 AM at the clubhouse counter.

Steel Challenge RO Class:

When: January 18 & 19

Where: LCSA Indoor Range

Steel Challenge Range Officer classes will be held at the Indoor Range.

Indoor .22 Rifle Shoot:

When: Mondays, January 6, 13, 20, & 27

Time: 7:00PM

Where: LCSA Indoor Range

- Members and non-members are welcome to participate

- Bring your own ammo

- Any safe .22 lr rifle is permitted

- Hearing and eye protection is required for all shooters

- No limitations on scopes, trigger pull, barrel size or stocks


All shooting will be done from the 50 foot firing line. Targets will be furnished by the club. Fee is $10 for the evening. $5 of the fee will be returned to the shooters. For safety, the firing line will be called and all shooters must obey loading and firing commands. Hearing and eye protection are required.

Event #1- Aspirin shoot:

For the first 20 minutes, or so, we will shoot standard aspirin tablets. For the next 20 minutes, or so, we will shoot baby aspirin tablets. Each shooter will place a quarter (quarters are in addition to the $10 evening fee) in the quarter board number that corresponds to their shooting lane. All quarters per relay will be divided among those shooters who hit their aspirin. If no one hits, the quarters for that relay roll over to the next relay, and so on, until at least one aspirin is hit. One shot per shooter in each relay.

Event #2- Dartboard Target:

Each shooter will be given a dartboard target at the beginning of the evening. Shooters shall write their name on their target prior to shooting. Each shooter will shoot 5 shots at their dartboard target when their relay is called to the line. $1 per shooter in each relay will be returned to the shooter with the highest score for that relay. Any shots “cutting” a line will be scored to the higher value.

Event #3- Poker Target:

Each shooter will be given a target consisting of 52 poker deck playing cards. Shooters shall write their name on their target prior to shooting. Each shooter will shoot 5 shots at their poker target when their relay is called to the line. $1 per shooter in each relay will be returned to the shooter with the best poker hand for that relay. Only one shot per individual poker card will be scored for that card. Any shot cutting two cards will be scored for the higher card.

Event #4- Bullseye Targets:

Each shooter will be given a target consisting of 5 bullseye targets, numbered 0-4. Shooters shall write their name on their target prior to shooting. Each shooter will shoot one shot at each of the five bullseye targets. When all shooting is complete for this event, a numbered ball will be drawn. Balls are numbered 0-4. The bullseye target corresponding to the drawn ball number is the target that will be scored. High score for each relay will receive $1 per shooter on that relay.

Event #5- High/Low Blind Target shoot:

Each shooter will be given a “blind” target at the beginning of the evening. Shooters shall write their name on each target prior to shooting. Shooters may not open their target until after shooting. Each shooter will shoot 3 shots at their “blind” target. $2 from every shooter for this event will be placed in the prize pool. After shooting, each target will be scored and the high and low scores will split the total prize money. Any shots “cutting” a line will be scored to the higher value. All three shots must hit the target; any shooter failing to hit the target 3 times will have their target disqualified.


The LCSA Omega Twang Gang is currently taking a break.

The 3D Bowman Trail is open for members and non members to practice. Also, the Archery Tower is open for members only. All targets are field tip only. There is a broadhead block located at the Archery Tower.

Sporting Clays Events:

( January - February - March - April - May - June )


No Scheduled Shoots


No Scheduled Shoots


~March 8: Possible Registered Sporting Clays Shoot


~April 6: Possible Registered Sporting Clays Shoot

April 18 @ 9AM - 1PM: Good Friday Sporting Clays Shoot

April 19 @ 8AM - 2PM: Narrow Path Scholarship Organization Sporting Clays Fundraiser

April 26 @ 8AM - 2PM: Hosanna Industries Sporting Clays Fundraiser

April 27 @ 11AM - 3PM: Western PA CUP Shoot for SCTP Teams from Western PA


~May 3 @ 8AM - 1PM: HH Free Care Fund Sporting Clays Fundraiser

~May 10: Possible Registered Sporting Clays Shoot

~May 17 @ 8AM - 2PM: American Cancer Society Sporting Clays Fundraiser Shoot


No Scheduled Shoots

~ These shoots are open to LCSA Members and the public.

*All scheduled Sporting Clays Events will be on the Sporting Clays Course, and Golf carts will not be available outside of the event until after the shoot, unless noted otherwise.

**Scheduled events can change at any time. To see updates check out the LCSA Event Calendar.

Varmint Shoots ~ 2025 Dates:

When/Where: 7:00 AM at the Rifle Range

Registration Fee: $12

2024 Scores can be found by Clicking Here!

1–300-yard shoots:

April 19

May 3

July 5

September 6

2–400-yard shoots:

June 7

August 2

October 12

3–500-yard shoots:

May 18

June 22

July 20

August 17

September 21

Bullseye League:

Returning January 2025

NRA 50-foot pistol targets will be used for slow, time, and rapid fire controlled by the range officer.

Any member wishing to learn how to shoot Bullseye or increase their skill at shooting Bullseye are welcome to shoot with the group. We have a mix of Guy and Gal shooters.

If you are a beginner or seasoned bullseye (precision pistol) target shooter and would like to join the group, please email Dewey Minteer or call 724-758-5102 and leave a message.

The rules can be read by Clicking Here!

When: Wednesdays, January 8, 15, 22, 29

Time: 6:00 PM

Where: LCSA Indoor Pistol Range

IDPA Matches:

Weather Permitting

No February IDPA Match!

1st Sunday of the month.

Set up will be the morning of the match.

When: March 2, 2025

Sunday- Set up and Shoot

: 9:00 AM

Start: 10:00 AM

Volunteers for set up and breakdown are greatly appreciated.

To register, visit Practiscore

USPSA Matches:

Resuming in March 2025

Monthly Matches held at LCSA

When: March 7-8, 2025

Friday - Set Up

Saturday - Shoot

Sign-up begins at 8:00 AM

First shots at 9:00 AM

2nd Gun start around 12 PM.

$20 for first gun, $10 for second

To register, visit Practiscore

Steel Challenge:

Weather Permitting

Reminder: No January Match! Range Officer Training Course

When: February 15, 2024

Friday - Set Up

Saturday- Shoot

: 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Safety Talk: 8:45 AM

Shooting begins at 9:00 AM

Fees: $20 for first gun; $10 each additional gun; ALL Junior guns $5 each.

For more information or to register, visit Practiscore

Cowboy Action Shooting:

Starting in March!

When: March 21-22, 2025

Friday: Set up

Saturday: Shoot

: 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM

Safety Talk: 9:45 AM

Shooting begins at 10:00 AM.

Fees: $15

*For more information on IDPA, USPSA & Steel Challenge Click Here!