Prepare, but don't panic: LCUL provides resources for credit unions to serve their teams, members, and communities

Amid growing concerns about coronavirus (COVID-19), the Louisiana Credit Union League is providing an extensive list of resources on our website. This is a rapidly evolving situation and the risk assessment will be updated as needed. Some of these current resources include:
  • Information on COVID-19 Related Scams to share with members
  • Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers from the Center for Disease Control
  • Pandemic Tabletop Exercise and Simulation Exercise from World Health Organization
  • Sample Policy: Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response
While there are some cases in the United States, there are currently no reports of COVID-19 reported in Louisiana to date. However, credit unions should be taking proper steps to ensure their pandemic preparedness planning can be activated and responsive in an effective manner. 

Member Resources

Member credit unions may also wish to leverage their league compliance resources.
CU PolicyPro
Model Policy 2195: Pandemic Influenza Preparedness & Response provides a general policy that the credit union can tailor to meet their needs. The policy covers:
  • Role of the Board
  • Role of the Management Team
  • Planning for impact to credit union operations
  • Planning for impact to employees and members
  • Allocation of resources to protect employees and members during an outbreak
  • Educating employees
Additionally, the Business Continuity topic within the Security channel of InfoSight provides links to various pandemic resources that the credit union can utilize for their plans.

Upcoming Education Events

LCUL is following the public health guidance to assure our upcoming educational events will be safe and successful. The health and safety of our member credit unions, event attendees, employees, and presenters are a top priority to for us. Currently, we are not cancelling or altering any of our events. We will make decisions regarding our events on a case-by-case basis should the virus hit Louisiana .

Media Statement for Credit Unions

As you've likely noticed, the spread of COVID-19 continues to garner attention from national, local and trade media. LCUL does not recommend you reach out to your local media with statements concerning the recent outbreak, but it is possible a reporter may contact you. To that end, we have provided this sample statement you can customize to fit your media needs:

"At [CREDIT UNION NAME], we are prepared to continue offering members unparalleled financial service. As we monitor the local outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to assure our members we have a comprehensive business continuity plan in place, allowing us to provide uninterrupted access to their funds during such events. We remain as focused as ever on the financial wellness of the community(ies) we serve."

If you feel you need additional help with messaging to your local media, please contact Lacey Weaver, SVP of Member Engagement .

LCUL's communications team will send out additional information as it becomes available.