October 11, 2018
In This Issue
Lagniappe Listserv
Have a question for your peers?

Email the Lagniappe Listserv at:
t o get input on compliance related issues, share best practices, or share policies, procedures and the latest in fraud awareness.   

ComplySight: FREE Recorded Webinars
Recorded Webinars - Watch on Demand!

ComplySight training webinars are available at any time, and registration is not required. 

NEW! Complaint Management System


Overview (3 minutes) 

Setting up Users (3 minutes) 

Creating a Complaint (9 minutes)

Managing Complaints (5 minutes)  

Managing Sub Categories, Member/Non-Members, and Branches (7 minutes)

Reports (2 minutes) 


New User Training and Tips


Introduction to ComplySight

Training & Tips - Where to Start? 

Training & Tips - Exporting 

Training & Tips - Reg Alerts, Etc. 

Training & Tips - Reports

Overview of ComplySight Enhancements and Features


Factor Grading Screen and Factor Grade Reports 

Factor Selection Navigation Screens 

Access Level 2.5 and How to Use It

Get immediate access to ComplySight with a 30-day, risk-free trial! Use prmo code: FREETRIAL810
InfoSight highlight- Do you have- or are YOU- a new Compliance Officer? 

InfoSight provides many compliance resources for the new compliance officer, and we thought we'd highlight just a few:
Share these with your team today!
Compliance Connection Video

Are you sure you're in compliance with the FinCEN requirements that were effective in May? You may want to take another look at the FinCEN Customer Due Diligence video from League InfoSight's CEO Glory LeDu to be sure!

Just a reminder that Compliance videos since 2016 can be found on YouTube at the Compliance Connection channel , where they are generally updated quarterly.
Reg CC rule includes presumption of alteration
The Federal Reserve has published a final rule amending subpart C of Regulation CC (Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks) to address check alteration disputes when the paper check is unavailable for inspection.

The rule adopts a presumption of alteration for disputes between financial institutions over whether a substitute check or electronic check contains an alteration or is derived from an original check that was issued with an unauthorized signature of the drawer. 
Regulators support BSA/AML resource sharing 
The federal depository institutions regulators and FinCEN have  issued a joint statement  to address instances in which certain banks and credit unions may decide to enter into collaborative arrangements to share resources to manage their Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and anti-money laundering (AML) obligations more efficiently and effectively. Collaborative arrangements as described in the statement generally are most suitable for financial institutions with a community focus, less complex operations, and lower-risk profiles for money laundering or terrorist financing. The statement, which was issued by the Fed, the FDIC, FinCEN, the NCUA, and the OCC, explains how these institutions can share BSA/AML resources in order to better protect against illicit finance risks, which can in turn also reduce costs. 
CUNA and FS-ISAC to host free webinar on effective cyber-exercises for credit unions 
The first rule in achieving success with cyber-incidents is to have a documented response plan. The second rule is to practice that plan. However, knowing how to conduct a cyber-exercise and what resources are available to help practice the plan can be a challenge for credit unions.
Join the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) and the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council (FSSCC) on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 for a webinar designed to:
  • Help CUs know how to exercise their plan
  • Share what resources are available and how to find them
  • Explore tips and tricks to make practicing incident response easy and effective
Waiting until an incident happens is not the best way to practice your plan! Learn how to have confidence in your response plan by practicing and where you can put it to the test.
Attendees are welcome to submit their questions ahead of time by emailing CIAC@FSISAC.com
Source:  CUNA
Upcoming Educational Events

November 13