July 13, 
Hello ELK Families!
LEAF: Learning Environmental Activities for Families. These programs welcome family members of all ages. We send out this family-oriented newsletter, full of community events, upcoming ELK programs, community resources, college prep tips for parents, and more! / 
Estos programas son para todas las edades. Enviamos este boletín orientado a las familias, lleno de eventos de la comunidad, próximos programas de ELK, recursos de la comunidad, consejos de preparación para la universidad para los padres, y mucho más!
Newsletter Contents
ELK Weekly Nature Challenge/ Reto De La Semana

Each week ELK will have a " Weekly Nature Challenge" in this LEAF Newsletter.  These challenges are designed to encourage you and your family to safely and responsibly, get outside and learn about nature! To participate, you must submit a photo of you completing the weekly challenge on our designated FB post for that week's ch allenge. ALL PARTICIPANTS WILL BE ENTERED INTO A WEEKLY DRAWING WITH A CHANCE TO WIN A $10 GIFT CARD!

Cada semana ELK tendrá un "Reto de la Semana". ¡Estos retos son para usted y a su familia para salir y aprender sobre la naturaleza! Para participar, debe enviar una foto de usted acompletando el reto en la página de Facebook de ELK. ¡TODOS LOS PARTICIPANTES SERÁN INSCRITOS EN UN DIBUJO SEMANAL CON LA OPORTUNIDAD DE GANAR UNA TARJETA DE REGALO DE $ 10!

ELK Weekly Nature Challenge/Reto De La Semana July 13th 2020


Go on a bike ride! ELK will be going on two bike rides in Montbello on July 15th at 6pm and July 18th at 10am. 

Take a photo of your journey and post it on our ELK Facebook Page. 
If you do not have Facebook, please send to Chris at:  curias@elkkids.org  or text: 720.251.0947. All posts and submitted photos will be entered into a weekly drawing for a $10 gift card! 

Please follow all Denvergov.org health safety tips and advice if you do venture to a park  or other public space.It is still important to get outdoor during this uncertain time, but please ensure you're staying at least six feet away from others. Enjoy!


¡Vayan a dar un paseo en bicicleta!  ELK va ir en dos paseos en bicicleta en Montbello 15 de Julio a las 6pm y 18 de Julio a la 10am.

Tome una foto  de su viaje publíquelo en nuestra página de Facebook ELK . Si no tiene Facebook, envíe a Chris a  curias@elkkids.org  o envíe un mensaje de texto: 720.251.0947.
¡Todas las publicaciones y fotos enviadas se ingresarán en un sorteo semanal por una tarjeta de regalo de $ 10!

Por favor siga a Denvergov.org para consejos de salud y consejos si decide aventurarse a un parque u otro espacio público. Todavía es importante salir al aire libre durante este tiempo incierto, pero asegúrese de estar al menos a seis pies de distancia de los demás. ¡Y disfruta!

Scroll down for more resources!
 College Corner

[Deadline: 7/31/20]   CORE Que Llueva Cafe Scholarship (Nationwide): Open to undocumented high school/GED graduate enrolling for the first time in an accredited college/university.

Click here for more Scholarships
July Deadlines HS Seniors

Family College Prep tip : Denver Scholarship Foundation is a great resource for scholarships (p.s you don't have to live in Denver to use this resource) if you are a Sophomore or Junior click here 

Denver Scholarship Foundation es un excelente recurso para becas ( y no tiene que vivir en Denver para usar este recurso) si es un estudiante de segundo año o tercer año, haga clic aquí
C&NN's Youth Outdoor Equity Leadership Fund
The Youth Outdoor Equity Leadership Fund will support young leaders working to increase equitable access to the benefits of nature, environmental and climate justice, and community health and well being. Grant making decisions will be made by a youth-led committee. Encourage youth leaders in your city to apply. Learn more about the fund.

Click here for to learn more about the fund
Upcoming Community Events/Resources

City/Home R esources

***LOCATION CHANGES EACH WEEK*** Locations + Dates Below

Enjoy a 35 minute yoga + journal writing session w/ Lucia Fellers followed by a connection circle facilitated by Joy as Resistance!

FREE Class! Supplies Provided! All Levels Welcome! All Ages! Snacks too!

7/13- Silverman Park
7/20 - Montbello Park
7/27 - City Center Park (Aurora)
8/3 - Del Mar Park
8/10 - Ruby Hill Park
8/17 - La Raza Park

traducción al español a continuación:

¡Oferta increíble para familias en Denver y Aurora! CAMBIOS DE UBICACIÓN cada semana, ¡así que busque la sesión más cercana a usted! Gratis y todos los suministros proporcionados! **** compartir a lo largo y ancho ****

For more information click here
Hello D5 community! This month's Commanders meeting will take place Thursday July 16th at 6:00 pm virtually. To join from a computer or smart phone use the link below.

Link Or dial
Conference ID: 463 323 040#

ICYMI: In an effort to best serve Denver residents and visitors, 3-1-1 has extended their weekday hours. Operators are available 7am - 7pm, Mon thru Fri. You can also access services online 24/7 at  http://denvergov.org/  &  http://pocketgov.com/  For emergencies, call 9-1-1.

Educational Resources

Latinitas invites all girls 9-12 to attend our online summer camps and girls 9-18 to participate in our one-day virtual conference, Future Chica on July 18th! Prepare your girls for the future! Learn more at  latinitasonline.org
¡Diversión en español es en vivo y virtual!
¡Pasa una tarde divertida cantando y bailando con Mr. Wil y sus instrumentos!
¿Preguntas? Mande un correo electrónico a  eld@denverlibrary.org o llame al 720-865-1111
Fun in Spanish is Live & Online!
Spend a fun afternoon singing and dancing with Mr. Wil and his instruments!
Note: The entire program is in Spanish.
Questions? Email  eld@denverlibrary.org or call 720-865-1111

Click here for more info
FEMpowered is hosting some in-person programming this summer!

They will be requiring participants to wear a mask, practice social distancing and take other safety measures so that everyone stays healthy!

They are hosting two series of workshops, but youth will need to register because space is limited. This is free for ages 14-21. Each youth will get a welcome bag with a YOR branded mask and so me other goodies.

Here is a link to the registration form


Upcoming LEAF/ELK Programs


Wednesday, July 15th, 6pm - 8pm, Community Bike Rides
S aturday, July 18th 10am - 12pm
Join us for a 2.6-mile community bike ride in Montbello! We'll ride around Parkfield Lake and highlight the new Shared Street (temporary recreation street) on 53rd Avenue, and visit the new bike course at the Montbello Recreation Center. 

Please RSVP with Chris at curias@elkkids.org or by phone: 720.251.0947

Loretta, Kim, Kristina, Ben, Amy, Justin, Christina, Taylor, Chris, Yesi, Ronika, and Rayven

 Environmental Learning for Kids' Staff

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