SUPPORT LD 92: Clean, Drain and Dry to Reduce Risks of Invasive Species Spread
Photo: Variable Leaf Milfoil, Pleasant Pond, Litchfield Maine.

First of all, a huge thank you to all who responded to the request for testimony for LD 164. You impressed the committee with almost 100 pieces of testimony, both written and spoken, and you made a difference! As a result, we have good news to share:

The committee unanimously supported the bill for $2.5 million over two years.

For a committee with a wide range of fiscal perspectives, this is a huge win. And the smaller amount is much more likely to actually be funded in the end after the budget is hammered out. It's great to know committee members value clean lakes, and that has already set a great tone for the rest of the session. Stay tuned for more details on how this bill makes it through the budget process. A huge thanks to Rep. Bill Bridgeo of Augusta for sponsoring this important bill!

But now it’s time to turn to another committee and another bill.

Committee: Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Public Hearing: Monday, February 13, at 1:00
Location: Room 206 of the Cross Office Building in Augusta

We need your support!

You might remember we have all advocated for this bill before. In 2021, LD 184 had tremendous public support, with over 50 people submitting written testimony in support (Click here, then click on "Status in Committee" on the left side menu and "Public Hearing Testimony"). Despite that extraordinary level of support, the bill was defeated in the committee in large part due to agency concerns about enforcement and a desire for voluntary measures.

We have argued, and will continue to argue, that enforcing the removal of drain plugs before transporting boats is on par with enforcing the current ban on traveling with plants on a boat trailer. Both can be enforced if the trailered boat is stopped, and both can be addressed with friendly education and outreach about the problems during a Courtesy Boat Inspection (CBI). The CBI program, which hires staff to inspect boats and trailers at boat launches across the state, has an excellent track record of informing boaters about (and not enforcing) invasive plant laws. Checking ballast plugs at the time of inspections is a great way to increase awareness about a new rule, at the same time reducing the risk of invasive species spread.

We need even more letters of support this time around.

We need the committee to understand the problem, and recognize that reducing avenues for invasive spread, especially by easy and straightforward tools like “clean, drain, and dry”, are critical for the future of Maine’s healthy lakes.

I am asking you to join me in speaking up for Maine’s lakes today.

To view the text of the bill, click here.

To read a fact sheet for LD 92 developed by a collaboration of watershed organizations, click here.

To keep up to date on bill news, including a copy of Maine Lakes written testimony, visit our Advocacy page here. Click on the light blue box for LD 92.

Please consider speaking at the public hearing on Monday, Feb. 13th at 1 p.m. in Room 206 of the Cross Office Building at the capitol in Augusta.

Legislators and committees are very friendly and welcoming, and a few words from you will go a long way to moving this bill forward. A sample outline is below if you need some assistance crafting a letter. Consider adding a line or two about your experience with invasives and your concerns for what will happen if invasive species spread. For more letter writing tips, click here.
Dear Members of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee,

I am asking for your support for LD 92: An Act to Minimize the Propagation of Invasive Aquatic Plants.

I am concerned about the risk of invasive species spread because:                        
I support “clean, drain, dry” as a smart approach to reduce invasive species spread because:                                                                                                                                                   Please vote to support LD 92 as a smart way to further reduce invasive species spread.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this important bill.

(add Name, Town (year round or seasonal), and lake of interest)
See below for directions on submitting written testimony and for speaking at the hearing.

Please forward this email on to friends, lake association members, or anyone who cares about Maine’s lakes. It will take many voices to get this bill to the finish line!

Thank you for speaking up!

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Susan Gallo, Executive Director
Directions for Providing Testimony:

Legislative committees need to hear from you! See below for directions on how to testify in person, in writing, or via Zoom. Telling a personal story about your experience with lake protection will be engaging and compelling to committee members. The committee will get facts and statistics from organizations and agencies. Focus instead on a personal story that connects you to lakes. The same advice applies to written testimony.

  • To submit written testimony: Visit, and click on the “Testimony Submission” button (bottom, right). At the next screen select the committee where the bill is heard, then the date and time. Check the box for the bill you want to address. Upload your document (Word or PDF) or type text directly into the submission box. Below that, add your full name, town or organization in Maine (either full time or part time/seasonal residence), email and phone.

  • To speak at the public hearing via Zoom: Follow the directions above but check the box beside “I would like to testify electronically over Zoom.” You do not need to upload any written testimony, but note that if you do you will need to upload it after you check that box. You’ll see an additional box to indicate that you support, oppose or are neutral on the bill. Uploading written testimony at this time is always a good idea so that legislators have a written record of what you will say. Note that what you submit in writing and what you say do not have to be exactly the same, especially since you will likely be given a three-minute limit to speak and you may want to submit more information in writing. You will receive an invitation and Zoom link from the committee clerk after you submit testimony.

  • To speak at the public hearing in person: Plan to arrive at the committee room a little before the scheduled hearing. Note that if there are other hearings earlier in the day, the schedule may be significantly delayed. Patience is a virtue at public hearings! Bring a book or some knitting to pass the time while you wait to testify. Plan to bring 20 copies of your written testimony or supplemental materials for committee members. Note that in-person testimony is typically limited to three minutes. People speaking at public hearings have been asked to not submit electronic testimony via the website.

For more details on testifying provided by the state, click here.

Click here to view public hearings (either recordings or live streams). Select the committee you want to listen to, and then the “Play” button for the day and time.

Thank you for speaking up for Maine’s lakes!