5 Hwy 55
We met with, owner, Annette McClellan after her busy season, though as a bookkeeper for many and a payroll manager for over 30 clients, there is never a dull moment! Annette has served most of her clients for over 20 years, in Buffalo since 2015, in her new location (by Moon Donuts) since 2022.
She likes to help people looking to open a small business - from what they need to do legally, to sharing the difference between an LLC and S-Corp. She also likes to make sure people understand their tax return. She even has one staff person who is fluent in Spanish to help Spanish speaking people understand.
Annette has several PT employees who help her ongoing and during tax season with personal and business tax returns and payroll. During peak tax season they are open 8 to 8 Monday through Friday and 8 to 5 on Saturdays. Now/off peak, the office is open Tuesday through Thursday from 9 to 4.
If you are in need of a good tax person who specializes in small business, give Balancing the Books a call. Annette and her staff will be ready to help!
Below are Chamber Ambassadors Andrew Agrimson/Insurance Center of Buffalo, Taylor Gronau/City of Buffalo, staff Bridget, Annette, Chamber Ambassadors April Murch/FCC and Cheree' Hoese/CRS.