APRIL 2023

I hope you are doing well. April has been a busy month. Our Alumni Advisory Board (AAB) enjoyed two days on campus at their annual meeting, and our whole community is working hard in preparation for the Gala at the end of this month. Thank you to everyone who has registered to attend and to help raise funds in support of the Athletic Center Expansion project!

Ruth Keyso
Director of Alumni Engagement
847.615.3268 (office)
847.224.6072 (cell)
LFA Gala: Athletic Center Expansion Project
Let's have a ball at LFA on Sat., April 29! This year's Spring Gala will take place in the gym as we raise funds to support LFA’s Athletic Center Expansion project.

Click here for details about the event, including tickets and sponsorship opportunities. Special pricing for young alumni!

Also, read testimonials from our alumni and coaches about athletics and how sports shape and inspire, as well as how our indoor athletics facility will impact our community and program.
Podcast: Community Excitement for Athletic Expansion Project
The latest edition of Caxology is now available on your favorite podcast platform. Caxology is part of the Academy Drive podcast family, which also includes podcasts from students, faculty, and staff throughout the year.

The latest episode features the upcoming Gala and the recently announced Athletic Center Expansion project. Among the guests on the show are Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo P’22, ’24, AD Darrin Madeley P’11, ’14, Athletic Trainer David Atas, Dean of Admissions Carolyn Gorowski, Dean of College Counseling Andrew Poska, parent Robyn Rosenblatt P'24, '25, and students Gray ’25 and Mimi ’25.

Subscribe to "Academy Drive" on your preferred podcast platform or listen online https://sites.libsyn.com/451695/site
AAB Gathers on Campus for Annual Meeting
Thank you to our Alumni Advisory Board (AAB) members who returned to campus (or joined us on Zoom) for our annual meeting on April 14-15.
This year we welcomed new AAB member Jaime Hermosillo '07!

During our two-day meeting, we spoke with a panel of faculty; shared advice and insight with consultants, who are working with LFA on its next Strategic Plan; toured the new Health Center; engaged in a discussion about athletics as LFA embarks on its Athletic Center Expansion project; and had an audience with Head of School Chris Tennyson to talk in depth about matters at the Academy today.

The April weather cooperated: We enjoyed dinner on the patio at Wood House, the head of school residence. View photos from our meeting here.

Interested in learning more about the AAB or being considered for membership? Contact rkeyso@lfanet.org

caption for photo above (in person, l to r): Jaime Hermosillo '07, Loretta Kalnow Kaplan '73, Eric Bauer '12, Mghnon Martin '05, Jordan Wolff '15; Terry Hall '67 (center); Head of School Chris Tennyson, Eric Brown '98, Leland Brewster '07, Jeff Parker '81. On screen, top, l to r: Gail Gadberry '85, Elizabeth Alicea '98, Ann Ridge '71, Romaer Chopra '15, Jennifer Runchu Ma '15, Mark Karstrom '80, Artie Preiss '04, and Josh Brass '10
BIPOC & Friends Brunch
Members of LFA's Black Alumni Advisory Council (BAAC) met on April 15 to discuss ways to stay engaged with the Academy and to support our students. We would like to expand our popular Multicultural Dialogue session during Reunion (October 14) to include brunch, small-group discussions, and networking with students and alumni of all generations.

Want to learn more and be a part of this event in October? We will host a 30-minute evening Zoom call in early May to start planning. Email Ruth Keyso (rkeyso@lfanet.org) if you'd like to join the Zoom!

caption for photo above: Alumni and students engage in the Multicultural Dialogue during Reunion Weekend 2022
YA Happy Hour
Alumni, join us on Thurs., July 13 for the annual young alumni happy hour in Chicago at Punch Bowl Social in Fulton Market District! For graduates in the classes of 2008-2019. We'll bring faculty members with us--a great way to spend a summer night.

Details and registration HERE.

Our Host Committee (in progress!) includes the following alumni:

Eric Bauer '12 (AAB), Josh Brass '10 (AAB), Romaer Chopra '15 (AAB)
Emma Ismail '15, Liza Tarr '15
Peter Corsiglia '17, Katie Dozois '17
Andrew Ryder '17, Connor Hudziak '19
Alumni Profiles
Alumna Jade Steger '20 recently responded to our call for alumni who received financial assistance at LFA. She shares her LFA story here.

If you have an inspirational story about your LFA experience and how it changed your life, we'd love to hear from you and consider your story for publication. Please reach out to Ruth Keyso at rkeyso@lfanet.org
Class Notes and Death Notices
We plan to run class notes and death notices in the alumni enews as well as in the Review. Please click here to read recent submissions. Send your career/family updates and photos to classnotes@lfanet.org
Lake Forest Academy and Ferry Hall Reunion 2023 - Saturday, Oct. 14
Please mark your calendars for Reunion 2023. We will celebrate milestones for those in classes ending in 3s and 8s -- including the 50th for the Class of 1973, 25th for the Class of 1998, and 10th for the Class of 2013 -- but all Lake Forest Academy alumni and Ferry Hall alumnae are welcome.

Questions? Contact Director of Annual and Reunion Giving Hannah Shallenberger.
The Bell: Planned Giving Newsletter
The current issue of The Bell, the planned giving newsletter for LFA, is available online and will arrive in mailboxes soon. This issue's featured article is on LFA alumnus and faculty member Dieter Villegas '18.
Contact Info Updates
If you have recently moved, changed jobs or have a new email address or cell phone number, please let us know so that we can update our database and reach you with news from LFA. Send your data to updates@lfanet.orgdates@lfanet.org
Link In with Us
Alumni, stay connected with us through the LFA Alumni LinkedIn page. As our students graduate from LFA and start building their networks of alumni contacts, we'd like our LinkedIn site to be as robust as possible. Thank you for joining our group.