
Happy August! It's hard to believe the school year is just weeks away. We look forward to a fully enrolled school with students from 15 states and 39 countries. We can't wait to celebrate the Academy and our community in person.

And then on September 24-26, it's all about celebrating YOU, our alumni! We hope you are planning to join us for Alumni Weekend & Reunion. See below for more details about the weekend and to register. It'll be double the fun as we recognize the milestone years ending in 0 and 5 from 2020 AND the 1's and 6's for 2021.

Here's to a great year ahead. We look forward to seeing you in cities and towns around the country as we resume our alumni travels.

Ruth Keyso
Director of Alumni Engagement
847.615.3268 (office)
847.224.6072 (cell)
Registration for Alumni Weekend & Reunion 2021 is live on the LFA website, and in just under two months – September 24-26, 2021 – we will be welcoming alumni to campus.

Planning the celebration has involved a greater focus and emphasis on COVID-related safety. Read on to learn more, including about our masking policy.

Alumni/ae vs. Students Soccer Game
Alumni of all ages: Join us on campus on Sun., Aug. 22 at 9:30 a.m. for a friendly match against co-ed players on the LFA varsity squads. Email if you'd like to be on the roster! We have 12 alumni players registered already--dust off your boots and join them on the pitch. Refreshments will be provided. Hope to see you there.
Upcoming and IN-PERSON Alumni Events
We're hitting the road again! Please plan to join Head of School José M. De Jesús P'22 and fellow alumni in the following cities. Watch your email and mailbox for invitations in the weeks and months to come.

Sun., Oct. 3, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.: Ponte Vedra Beach Alumni/ae & Friends Reception, hosted by Ferry Hall alumna Jean Royster Smiley '56

Mon., Nov. 15, 6:30 p.m.: NYC/Tri-State Area Alumni/ae & Friends Reception at the headquarters of McCann advertising agency, hosted by Sean Bryan '89

Wed., Dec. 8, 5:30 p.m.: Denver Area Alumni/ae & Friends Reception: the Cooper Lounge at Crawford Hotel, Union Station

Check the LFA website regularly for more upcoming events.
Limited Time: Scholarships at Discounted Gift Amount
Have you ever considered supporting an LFA student through a scholarship? For a limited time, an anonymous donor is sponsoring the Access & Excellence Challenge to encourage endowed scholarship support for students in financial need.

Read more about the Challenge here. For questions about establishing an endowed scholarship at LFA in your name, or in the name of a loved one, please contact a member of the school's Advancement staff. Thank you in advance for your consideration. 
The Power of 10. The Power of YOU.
When you make monthly recurring gifts, you are a part of each of these milestones in the LFA student experience:

  • August – Checking in for pre-season athletics and settling into dorms

  • October – Service project to benefit local elementary schoolers

  • December – Exams and end-of-semester concerts

  • January – Beginning new classes and meeting with new student organizations

  • March – International Fair, learning about other cultures and sharing their own

  • May – Move Up Day and Graduation, celebrating accomplishments and accolades of hard work

Between now and June 30, 2022, you can make 10 monthly recurring gifts to spread out your philanthropy as it works best for you, and ensure that LFA students and faculty receive consistent support all year.

You make a difference when you choose recurring gifts to the Academy Fund. That is the power of YOU.

Set up your plan today! Please contact Hannah Shallenberger, Director of Annual and Reunion Giving (, 847-615-3233), with questions.
Read All About It
Hungry for news about campus and our students and alumni? Be sure to check in regularly to the "campus news" section of the LFA website. Simply visit the LFA website's home page (, then click the "quick links" dropdown on the right and then click "school news."

If you're a social media user, connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. (Links at bottom of this page)