
I hope you're doing well. The LFA campus is abuzz with activity. The student-written winter musical, Trickers, debuted last week in the Cressey Center, and our winter sports teams are enjoying competitive seasons of play both at home and away. We are preparing a roster of alumni events for the months to come, including both on- and off-campus activities. Check out our terrific line-up of alumni professionals who will talk with students about their careers at the annual Josh Rothstein Young Alumni-Student Networking Night in March.

And please note the new date for Alumni Weekend & Reunion 2022: September 23-25, 2022. Read more below.

Thank you, everyone, for your support of LFA. It's always nice to hear from you, via phone and email, and to know that you are well. Please keep up the great contact!

Ruth Keyso
Director of Alumni Engagement
847.615.3268 (office)
847.224.6072 (cell)
Alumni Weekend & Reunion – Now in SEPTEMBER
Update your calendars for Alumni Weekend & Reunion 2022, Sept. 23-25. Don’t miss this chance to reconnect with classmates, meet fellow alumni and current students, and visit campus. Classes ending in 2 or 7 will have their milestones celebrated, but all alumni, particularly those who have missed their reunion in the past few years, are welcome.
If you have questions or want to assist with your milestone gathering, contact Hannah Shallenberger at: hshallenberger@lfanet.org
These September dates supersede previous announcements.
We apologize for any inconvenience. 
BSU-Alumni Gathering
As part of its celebrations surrounding Black History Month at LFA, students in the Black Student Union (BSU) will hold a conversation via Zoom with alumni Dr. Bancroft O'Quinn '72 and Richard Young '04 on Feb. 23.

Dr. Bancroft O'Quinn, a new trustee at LFA, is an otolaryngologist in the Nashville, Tenn., area, who earned his degrees at Princeton University and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Richard Young is Managing Director - Investor Relations for State Street in New York City. He is a graduate of Howard University and Harvard Law School.

The alumni plan to talk about their pathways to LFA and to their current careers, and share advice with students as they navigate high school and life post LFA.
Donors Recognized in Atlass Hall
Thank you to alumni and parents who committed more than $887,000 at the virtual Gala in October 2020 to help underwrite the construction of four new faculty apartments in Atlass Hall. Our signage is now up (after a supply chain materials delay) and looks great! Read more here.
Academy to Construct New Health Center
LFA has announced plans to build a new Health Center on campus, re-purposing space in the lower level of New Hall ("Hutch"). This $1.4 million project will bring physical and psychological health together under one roof and create new and updated spaces for our health services team to do their important work in service to our students, faculty, and staff. Fundraising will culminate at LFA's Gala on Sat., April 30, 2022, at 6 p.m. Alumni are cordially invited to attend.

Read more about the project here and how you can be a part of it through your philanthropy.
LFA Alumna Speaks with Global Concentration Students
Thank you to alumna Kelly Hewitt '05, who spoke with students in our Global Concentration program on Jan. 28 about volunteer service and making an impact in our communities--and the world--through service.

Kelly is a Vice President in the Global Family & Private Investment Offices Practice at Northern Trust in Chicago. Kelly holds a bachelor's degree in political science from Miami University of Ohio. In addition, she is a volunteer chef and member of the Board of Directors of Ravenswood Community Services, a nonprofit organization that provides meals, groceries, basic health services and life-skills education to neighbors in need.

Thank you, Kelly, for sharing your knowledge and experiences with our students!
Young Alumni-Student Networking Night March 9
The 8th annual alumni-student networking event, the Josh Rothstein Young Alumni-Student Networking Night, will take place at LFA on March 9 in Reid Hall.

The Academy is proud to welcome back the following alumni, who will speak with students about college and careers and share advice and insight that will help prepare them for their lives after high school.

This year's roster of Chicago-based alumni representatives includes:

  • Jonathan Calfee ’02, Global Sales Skills Curriculum Manager, Google
  • Olesya Salnikova Gilmore ’04, Author ("The Witch and the Tsar", Penguin Random House, fall 2022) and lawyer
  • Sean Gilmore ’04, Senior Manager-Airport Operations Finance, United Airlines
  • Justin Haines ’07, Director, Fleet Solutions, Coyote Logistics
  • Peter Graham ’08, Business Operations and Strategy Consultant, Global Services, Motorola
  • Beverly Onyekwuluje ’11, Resident Physician, Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital
  • Ariana Bhatia ’12, MBA candidate, Goldman Sachs NYC (Former Associate)
  • Alex Kirshenbaum ’13, Co-Founder and VP (81 Collection); Co-Founder and CEO (The Helix Partners, a TikTok agency)
  • Whitney Wright ’13, Healthcare Consultant, PwC

We look forward to introducing our students to these successful and highly accomplished alumni. And we are grateful to our alumni for engaging with students and inspiring them about career paths and professional opportunities. Thanks for keeping our Caxy community strong!

Read more about the networking night here and view our alumni reps here. Go, Caxys!
We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do!
Thank you, alumni, for cheering on the LFA boys Varsity Black basketball team during its Feb. 14 match against U-High. Coach Kevin Hagen was thrilled to see Caxy fans in the stands at this away game in Chicago. Many thanks for showing your spirit! Pictured, clockwise from bottom left: LFA boys Varsity Black Basketball coach Kevin Hagen, Maurice Holmes '83, Myron Ford '83, P'07, '11, Gigi Hinton '89, and Paul Robertson '81. All four of these alumni played basketball during their days at LFA.

Be sure to check out the link to our Athletics Schedule on the LFA website to see where our away games are held. We'd love to see you in the stands or on the sidelines!
Save the Date: Alumni Reception in Phoenix
Please mark May 12 on your calendars and plan to join LFA in Phoenix for an alumni gathering. Watch your email and mail for details.
Celebrate Summer at Happy Camper
We're counting down the days already! Chicago-area alumni from the classes of 2000-2018: Mark your calendars and plan to join LFA for a happy hour IN PERSON at Happy Camper in Wrigleyville on Thursday, July 21, 2022! Enjoy pizza, apps, drinks, and socializing with former classmates and teachers. (Watch your email and LFA's social media in the months to come for more info.)
What Did You Love?
When you attended LFA or Ferry Hall, did you come to love expressing yourself artistically? Find a fascination with a subject or topic? Develop passion for a certain sport?
Show LFA students, faculty, and coaches a little love by making a gift to the Academy Fund directed toward your area of interest, whether the arts, academics or athletics.
If you have questions or would like more information on ways to support LFA students and faculty, contact Hannah Shallenberger at: hshallenberger@lfanet.org
Alumni Directory Project
Thank you to the 1,200+ LFA and Ferry Hall alumni/ae who have called our alumni directory vendor, PCI, already to update their data and contact information for our upcoming alumni directory.

We want the directory to be as robust and accurate as possible. By confirming and/or updating your personal info, you can help us toward this goal.

Please note that while you will be offered to purchase the directory and LFA-branded apparel when you speak with PCI, you ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO PURCHASE ANYTHING. Simply by confirming your data and filling in information gaps, you are helping us immeasurably. (And if you do not want to be listed in the directory, that's perfectly fine. Please note that when you speak with PCI.)

Here is a link to some FAQ about the directory project.

Questions about the project can be directed to Ruth Keyso (847.615.3268) or Kristine Petroshius (847.615.3243)
Is LFA in Your Will?
Have you heard about the Caxy Legacy Challenge (CLC)? The CLC allows you to see an immediate LFA impact by unlocking funds from a challenge pool when you designate the Academy a beneficiary of your will, living trust or charitable trust.

Fueled by a Ferry Hall alumna and a Lake Forest Academy alumnus, this exciting opportunity empowers LFA alumni, parents, alumni parents, grandparents, and friends of the school to further strengthen the school's future. To learn more and how you can be a part of this initiative, visit the CLC webpage on the LFA website.