Dear Rachael,

I hope you've enjoyed a relaxing summer so far. We are preparing for the start of the school year with preseason on August 13. Classes start August 21.

Thank you for your support of the Academy during the past fiscal year. We are grateful to all of you for remembering LFA in your annual giving. It makes an impact!

We hope to see you this fall at our events. Don't forget: Reunion takes place on campus on Oct. 14.

Ruth Keyso

Senior Director of Alumni Engagement & Philanthropy

847.615.3268 (office)

847.224.6072 (cell)



Sloan Named Dean of Advancement

The Academy is pleased to announce that Garry Sloan P'19, '21 was named LFA's Dean of Advancement effective July 1, 2023. Garry has been at Lake Forest Academy since 2016 and has directed the planned giving and major gift programs.

Read more about Garry here. He can be reached at gsloan@lfanet.org or 847.615-3287

Alumni Gather at Summer Happy Hour

We enjoyed a robust happy hour with our young alumni on July 13 at Punch Bowl Social in Fulton Market District. Thank you to the more than 70 alumni, faculty, staff, and friends, who joined us on a beautiful summer night in the city. Watch the LFA website and social media for upcoming events. View photos from the gathering here.

caption for photo below (l to r): Alli Hostetler Dolan '13, Dani Mendoza '13, Allie Cedergren '13, Chris Shadek '13

Registration Open for Reunion 2023

The celebration is just two months away and registration for Reunion 2023, October 14, is open! Alumni of classes ending in 3 and 8, this is a milestone year for you, but all alumni are welcome.


Check out the full schedule, sponsorship opportunities, and register at lfanet.org/reunion.


Questions? Contact Director of Development and Stewardship Hannah Shallenberger.

Class Notes and Death Notices

We plan to run class notes and death notices in the alumni enews as well as in the Review. Please click here to read recent submissions. Send your career/family updates and photos to classnotes@lfanet.org

The Power of 10. The Power of YOU.


When you make monthly recurring gifts, you are a part of each of these milestones in the LFA student experience:


  • August – Checking in for pre-season athletics and settling into dorms

  • October – Service project to benefit local elementary schoolers

  • December – Exams and end-of-semester concerts

  • January – Beginning new classes and meeting with new student organizations

  • March – International Fair, learning about other cultures and sharing their own

  • June – Move-Up Day and Graduation, celebrating accomplishments and accolades of hard work


Between now and June 30, 2024, you can make 10 monthly recurring gifts to spread out your philanthropy as it works best for you, and ensure that LFA students and faculty receive consistent support all year.


You make a difference when you choose recurring gifts to the Academy Fund. That is the power of YOU.


Set up your plan today! Please contact Hannah Shallenberger, Director of Development and Stewardship (hshallenberger@lfanet.org, 847-615-3233), with questions.

Contact Info Updates

If you have recently moved, changed jobs or have a new email address or cell phone number, please let us know so that we can update our database and reach you with news from LFA. Send your data to updates@lfanet.org

Link In with Us
Alumni, stay connected with us through the LFA Alumni LinkedIn page. As our students graduate from LFA and start building their networks of alumni contacts, we'd like our LinkedIn site to be as robust as possible. Thank you for joining our group.
Visit our website
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