I hope you're doing well. This is the final week of the school year here at LFA. Graduation takes place on Sat., May 28, at which time we will welcome 125 seniors into the alumni community.
Thank you all for your support this year, in particular of the Gala and the construction of a new Health Center on campus. We exceeded our fundraising goal for this project but continue to raise money in support of a Health Center endowment, which will ensure that the equipment and furnishings are well-maintained. We hope you will join fellow alumni and parents in supporting this project.
We are grateful for your involvement in the life of LFA and your enthusiasm for the Academy. Go, Caxys! Have a wonderful summer!
Ruth Keyso
Director of Alumni Engagement
847.615.3268 (office)
847.224.6072 (cell)
Health Center Construction to Begin
Lake Forest Academy is pleased to announce that more than $1.4 million has been secured in cash and pledges for the Academy’s new Health Center to be constructed on campus in re-purposed space in New Hall.
We are deeply grateful to parents, alumni, alumni parents, faculty, and staff who have generously contributed to the Health Center project. Read more on the LFA website. Thank you, everyone!
Panel Discussion on Venture Capital
LFA enjoyed an educational panel discussion on April 21 on the topic of venture capital, led by four alumni who work in the field. Thank you to Zunaira Arshad '13, Connor Crown '09, Alex Kirshenbaum '13, and Derek Mazur '08, for speaking with our students and fellow alumni via Zoom and for sharing knowledge and advice about the industry.
LFA is pleased to offer opportunities for alumni-student engagement, particularly on the theme of careers and networking. Interested in being involved on one of our panels? Let Ruth Keyso know.
Quick Look: Upcoming Alumni Events
Thurs., July 21: Happy Hour in Chicago at Happy Camper Wrigleyville (classes of 2000-2018) Register here.
Sun., Aug. 7: Alumni & Friends Picnic at LFA (open to all alumni!) Watch your email for a registration link in the coming weeks.
Fri-Sat., Sept. 23-24: Alumni Weekend & Reunion (open to all alumni!) Registration to open soon. Visit
Alumni in the Classroom
Thank you to the following alumni who spoke with students in the entrepreneurship class at LFA in April. We are grateful for your involvement and for sharing professional advice with our students.
Charlie Waddell '03, Founding Partner at Faircourt Partners, LLC; Jake Elperin '04, CEO and founder of Everest Transportation Systems; Zunaira Arshad '13, Partner, Drive Capital
captions: Above left: History and Social Science teacher Matt Vaughn with Jake Elperin '04; above right: Zunaira Arshad '13 zooms into the entrepreneurship classroom.
Below: Charlie Waddell '03, Head of School-Elect Chris Tennyson, and Matt Vaughn
Final Co-ax Concert with Steve Ryder
Thank you to the many alumni, alumni parents, students, faculty, former faculty, and friends of the Academy who joined us on May 21 in the Cressey for a valedictory Co-ax concert with retiring faculty member Steve Ryder P'15, '17. A special surprise performance from a group of Co-ax alumni added even more spirit to the concert, which honored both our senior members of Co-ax and Steve. Thank you to Rukiya Wheeler '01, Johnnie Johnson '01, P'26, Andy Bajt '03, Mghnon Martin '05, Doug Kaplan '07, Derek Mazur '08, and Marcus Koppenhoefer '16.
Congratulations, Steve, and thank you for your many decades of dedication to Co-ax and to LFA! View photos here.
Skater Takes 5th at World Championships
Congratulations to LFA alumna Autumn Coulthard ‘19, whose synchronized skating team, the Haydenettes, finished 5th in the world (and was the top U.S. finisher) in the World Synchronized Skating Championships held in April 2022 in Canada (Hamilton, Ontario). This was Autumn’s third season with the Haydenettes and her first time competing in the World Championship.
Autumn is a rising senior at Bentley University, where she majors in management, with a concentration in entrepreneurship, and minors in marketing and law. At Bentley, she is a member of Delta Sigma Pi fraternity (Lambda Tau Chapter) and president of the Bentley Skating Club. Congratulations, Autumn, and good luck as you begin training for the upcoming season!
photo sourced from LinkedIn
Joseph Signs with Bills
Congratulations to LFA alumnus Daniel Joseph '16, who announced on May 16 that he has signed with the Buffalo Bills! A former Caxy football captain his senior year, Daniel went on to play at Penn State University followed by NC State, as a graduate transfer. We are so proud of you, Daniel! Read more about Daniel in The Buffalo News.
photo sourced from instagram
Venmo, PayPal, E-Wallets - Quick and Easy Ways to Give
Supporting LFA students and faculty takes no time at all because now you can use PayPal, Venmo or your e-wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay) to make your contribution. Donate to ensure we are able to end the academic year in a strong position. Try it here.
Why I Support LFA: Leland Brewster '07
Learning how to be a better citizen -- one of the reasons Leland contributes to the Academy. Hear more from Leland by clicking on the video. (video length: 18 seconds)
Class Leaders Needed! Alumni Weekend & Reunion
If you are from a graduating class ending in 2 or 7 and would be willing to rally classmates to attend Alumni Weekend & Reunion, we need your help! Whether it is your 55th or 5th milestone, help us ensure that your reunion (Sept. 23-24) is a celebration to remember.
The time commitment and effort is minimal (send a few emails, reach out on social media or by phone), but will have a big impact on the success of the weekend. If you are interested, contact Director of Annual and Reunion Giving Hannah Shallenberger at
Arizona Reception Recap
Alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, and friends of LFA gathered in Phoenix for a reception at the Musical Instrument Museum on May 12. The group enjoyed conversation with VP of Advancement Rob Buckla and shared conversation about their LFA and FH experiences.
caption, l to r: VP of Advancement Rob Buckla, Lew Deitch, Molly Lauen GP’15, '17, John Dille ‘59, Charles Blitzer, Marsha Wasneski Blitzer ‘74, Nancy Thomas P'15, '17, Nick Rhodes '00, Jim Thomas P'15, '17, Michelle Heffel '98, John Blachaniec ’81, Nancy Blachaniec Bertschy ’83, Allen Keene P'24, Wendy Miller Patry '60, David Keene '24, Jen Keene P’24, Judy Buckingham, Dick Buckingham ’60, and Mimi Griffiths ‘66
Alumni & Friends Reception in Minneapolis/St. Paul Recap
LFA and Ferry Hall alumni/ae and friends enjoyed a lovely reception at The Minikahda Club in Minneapolis on May 19, 2022. Hosted by alumnus John Dawson '92, the group represented alumni from the classes of 1955 through 2019. This was a wonderful opportunity for Head of School-Elect Chris Tennyson to develop relationships with alumni. (View our group photo below, and a few more here.)
caption, l to r: Art Erickson '55, Julia Sinople '19, Jonathan Salm, Jim Shaver, Nancy How Speer '59, Karl Mortensen '64, Alina Stevenson, Peter Johnson '08, Rebecca Johnson P'04, '08, '08, David Johnson '08, Kim Johnson, Director of Alumni Engagement Ruth Keyso, Leslie Steiner
Johnson '79, Head of School-Elect Chris Tennyson, John Dawson '92, VP of Advancement Rob Buckla (Not pictured: Former LFA faculty Jill and Joe Silvestri)
Link In with Us
Alumni, stay connected with us through the LFA Alumni LinkedIn page. As our students graduate from LFA and start building their networks of alumni contacts, we'd like our LinkedIn site to be as robust as possible. Thank you for joining our group.
Gather in Wrigleyville
Chicago-area alumni from the classes of 2000-2018: Join us for a happy hour on the rooftop patio at Happy Camper in Wrigleyville on Thursday, July 21, starting at 6 p.m. Enjoy pizza, apps, drinks, and socializing with former classmates and teachers, including Head of School-Elect Chris Tennyson. Come congratulate Chris on being named the next Head of School at LFA!
Thank you to our Host Committee members:
Willow Walker 03, AAB member
Mghnon Martin '05, AAB member
Elisa Gutierrez '06, AAB member
Jaime Hermosillo '07
Josh Brass '10, AAB member
Eric Clamage '11
Eric Bauer '12, AAB member
Alex Kirshenbaum '13
Meg Kennedy '13
Catherine Hanlon '14
Ryan Clamage '15
Andrew Ryder '17
Sampson Hao '17
Max Hayes '18
Save the Date: Aug 7, Family Picnic at LFA
Calling all alumni--bring your parents, children, and grandchildren to LFA for an Alumni & Friends Picnic in the Formal Gardens on Sunday, Aug. 7 from 12 p.m. - 3 p.m.
There will be games and activities for children and delicious picnic fare. This is a great opportunity to meet our Head of School-Elect Chris Tennyson and his family. Watch your email for more info to come!