Dear Friend of Rainbow World Fund,

Hope is essential to our survival, our healing, and our humanity. In this special COVID-19 issue:

  • We are One Human Family - Calling Our Better Angels
  • Ways to help our international LGBTQ family
  • Trip Cancelations and other RWF Travel updates
The belief that we are all one human family is fundamental to Rainbow World Fund and its efforts. And today we are unified with our world community in the concern and effort of facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Borders are closed, entire cities locked down, fences and lines of military are being put in place. And yet, the vast majority of people are looking forward with hope – that the contagion will be contained, that we and those we care about will be safe, and that our lives will once again return to normal. 

Whether you are working from home or out in your workplace as a provider of essential services, your thoughts are not just local and immediate. The ability to connect with others around the world made the rapid spread of Covid9 possible, but it also brings us the ability to know what is happening, to work together and to understand the enormity of the crisis that we all, globally, are facing.

For many of the people served by Rainbow World Fund, the impact of containment and the burden on local economies and infrastructure is enormous. As borders close, those fleeing deadly transphobia are cut off from refuge and isolated with a thin lifeline of support, and the needs of urban centers are already impacting limited food and medical resources and supplies. 

We are working directly with our international partners in Cuba, Guatemala, Iraq, Mexico, Syria, and Uganda:  

  • Providing hygiene kits: water, hand soap, and clothing detergent
  • Supporting hand washing, sanitation, and social distancing skills through community education
  • Funding emergency food and medical needs
  • Distributing grants to LGBTQ organizations of the front lines

We know that many of you are coping with a great deal of uncertainty regarding health, family, jobs and housing. You are all in our hearts, as well. Still, this is a time to remember who we really are — to call upon the better angels of our nature, to respond with courage, compassion and generosity of spirit. We hope that you will be able to reach out and make an effort that will promote the well-being of our global family. Your effort will not only provide needed services but will create and share the hope that is essential to our survival, our healing and humanity. 

Be part of the LGBTQ community's response by making a donation to  Rainbow World Fund’s LGBTQ COVID-19 Emergency Fund.

Please donate today!  100% of your donation will fund these life saving actions. Specify “COVID-19” when you donate online or or when sending a check to RWF, 4111 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114. 
CUBA: We are sorry to announce that due to the COVID-19 and the unprecedented restrictions that are being placed on movement to slow it’s spread, we are canceling this years trip to Cuba. We are rescheduling the trip for May 5-15, 2021.

GUATEMALA: We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Guatemala. Guatemala's airports and borders are closed. At the time, it seems that our July 30 to August trip will not happen. We are exploring going later in the year if international travel opens up or rescheduling the trip for 2021.
INDIA: RWF safely returned from a humanitarian tour of India on March 9. India is on a 21 day lock down to stem the transmission of COVID-19. We are planning on returning to India in March 2022 .

Updates will be posted on our travel page.
Helping Cuba:  RWF funds summer camps for Cuban children living with HIV, cancer, and other life threatening illnesses. The camps teach valuable life skills aimed at fostering a healthy self esteem, independence, and self care. RWF also funds human rights work to help the Cuban LGBTQ community. We use funds generated from the trip for these efforts.  Although we will not be traveling to Cuba in May, our goal to raise $5,000 for these projects remains. If you would like to help, please consider making a donation online - specify "Cuba - general humanitarian" when you donate online or or when sending a check to RWF, 4111 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114. 
RWF is the world's first and only all-volunteer, LGBTQ- based humanitarian aid organization. Our mission is to promote peace, unity and hope by leading the LGBTQ movement in participating in humanitarian relief efforts. RWF has donated over $4.4 million of life saving aid.

Bring new hope to our friends and family around the world.  Put your tax-deductible gift to work immediately by donating online  or mail your donation to Rainbow World Fund, 4111 - 18th Street #5, San Francisco, CA 94114.