For our athletics, we do have forms that are required for participation. We will be having parents/guardians complete the concussion/cardiac arrest agreement (waiver) through google form (linked below). This form is needed for your child to participate in any athletic intramural or interscholastic sport at LGMS but only needs to be filled out once per year. This form also needs to be filled out with your child. We want athletes to know and understand the signs and symptoms of a concussion or possible cardiac arrest. All of the information needed is linked on the google form and this form should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
If you filled this out already, you do not have to do it again.
We will have paper copies available in the main office if parents/guardians would prefer to come into LGMS to complete.
David Jooss
Health Teacher/Activities Director
8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Intramural Soccer Coach
Intramural Basketball Coach