Thank you for your support!
Here's what we've been doing, and what we need.
Thank you for your support of the work we do at Loudoun Hunger Relief.

With your partnership, we are helping the most vulnerable of our neighbors with sufficient, nutritious food every day, AND in a crisis.

Over the last few days, we have seen enormous changes in the situation within our county and state. LHR has been responding to the COVID-19 crisis, providing both our regular food service and emergency food preparedness bags. We have also been working closely with our county agency and nonprofit partners to ensure that resources are used wisely and effort is not duplicated.

Since Thursday, we have served around 300 families in the pantry, provided food for another 53 families at the Lucketts Community Pantry, and provided 400 emergency food bags to other organizations for distribution. This is a 40% increase over the numbers we served the week before or basically a full normal week served in just 3 days.

We expect that demand for our services will increase over the next weeks, as hourly workers face potential layoffs, vulnerable older adults must stay at home or parents are not able to go to work.

We will do our best to keep you posted, as we work hard to make food available to those in need. For official information about the community guidelines and response to COVID-29, please see our county's website .

At this time, we are asking for monetary donations to assist in our emergency response. Please give if you can.

You can also order food to be shipped directly to us from our Amazon Wish List .

If you would like to bring food donations directly to us, we are in need of canned fruit, breakfast foods, basic hygiene products, diapers, wipes, cleaning products and feminine hygiene products.

We have witnessed such incredible kindness, caring, and goodwill toward our community and neighbors. It's giving us hope and energy during this time. Thank you so much!