This memo includes updated info for faculty coaches.
Recent changes in state law and BESE regulations require additional measures regarding the health and safety of student-athletes.
Louisiana Act 259 mandates that member schools provide an injury management program that includes
- Comprehensive Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for each sport
- Safeguards to remove students from competition when they exhibit signs or symptoms of serious sports injuries
- Annual documented training for coaches about the nature and risks of serious sports injuries
- Best practices for any activity that does not occur in a climate-controlled facility
- heat acclimatization
- wet bulb globe temperature
BESE Bulletin 135 (Chapter 5 Injury Management Program Rules for Serious Sports Injuries) includes rules to support compliance with Act 259. BESE policy now requires
- Venue-specific EAPs with annual review
- LHSAA Pregame Administrative Conference (PAC) before all events to review EAP
Annual documented training for faculty and non-faculty coaches (CECPs) about the nature and risks of serious sports injuries (concussion awareness, exertional heat illness and sudden cardiac arrest)
- Serious heat illness and acclimatization protocol
- wet bulb globe temperature
- acclimatization period and best practices
See links below for resources regarding these recent policy changes.