Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, but you can do a lot to protect your heart. You have the power to protect yourself against heart disease. Small heart-healthy actions like adding more movement to your day or choosing healthy foods, can have a big impact on protecting your heart. Through regular physical activity you can lower risk factors of heart disease such as LDL cholesterol, managing blood pressure, reducing stress, and improving HDL cholesterol. Aerobic exercises such as walking, running, biking, and swimming cause your heart to beat faster and use more oxygen - thus benefiting and making your heart and lungs stronger. Always talk with your doctor before beginning an exercise routine. Here at LIFT, we offer a variety of options to get you moving and get your heart stronger!

Outside of taking care of your heart health, you can make a change in the community by joining The Care Team and Jackson's 4 Minute City. This program was made possible through Friends of Heart - West TN Healthcare, Avive AED, The City of Jackson, and The Jackson Fire Department. Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is the leading cause of death, but you can do your part to prevent this here in Jackson. The mission of The Care Team is simple - to ensure everyone is prepared to save a life and get to the victim as quickly as possible. When a cardiac arrest 911 call is made, if early hands-on CPR is given, the victim's chance of survival can double or triple.

If early delivery of shock with a defibrillator (AED) CPR is given within 3–5 min of collapse, the victim's chance of survival are 49% to as high as 75%.

Here are three ways you can get involved:

  1. Learn hands-only CPR/AED Training--either by scheduling an in-person class or going to the virtual training site where you can learn what to do if you witness an SCA incident. 70% of out-of-hospital SCA occur in the home, so you need to be ready to aid a loved one should an SCA occur.
  2. Become a member of the Cardiac Arrest Rapid Engagement Team (CARE Team) led by the Jackson Fire Department.
  3. Give a donation of $1,500 to sponsor an AED in our community. This donation will supply a person on the CARE Team with a life-saving device and connectivity for five years.

Virginia Laarz

Q: When did you join LIFT and why?

A: I joined the LIFT in the summer of 2023, as I wanted to use the pool in order to make healthier habits for myself.

Q: What do you like best about the LIFT?

A: I love the great Variety of exercise I can choose from, and the atmosphere here is very positive and encouraging!

Q: How has being part of LIFT improved your life outside of the gym?

A: LIFT has helped me get into better shape which allows me to be more active in my daily life. Is has also helped me learn how to make good habits in and outside the gym!

Q: What is your favorite thing to do when at LIFT?

A: The Stationary bike has become a real favorite of mine along with the hot tub!

Q: What advice would you give someone who is thinking about joining LIFT?

A: Just go for it! Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Its 100% worth it!


We are happy to announce that Family Swim will now be offered on

Fridays from 4:00-6:00 P.M. and

Sundays from 2:00-4:00 P.M. Thank you all for being patient with us as we found qualified lifeguards to assist and run this program.

We are thrilled to be able to add an additional day for family fun!

Apply Today! Click Here.


LIFT WELLNESS turned 11 in January, and we are thankful you are a part of our family. We have invested time and energy into making this the place wellness center it can be. Through hiring the best staff, investing in new equipment and continually making updates to better serve you. We just recently re-finished the flooring in one of the Group Exercise studios, updated to a new HVAC system in the pools, upgraded ellipticals, step-mills and bikes in our cardio space and we can't wait to see what's next for LIFT!





CrossFit LWC Member Spotlight

Josh Little

In March of 2023, I got into CrossFit with my “big bro” Tyler. We decided we wanted to be a part of the family. I think I really joined because I truly believe CrossFit athletes age well. Getting off the ground, getting on the ground, carrying things above your head, pulling yourself up and out of something all seem to be positions that don’t age well. I didn’t grow up in a gym or with a healthy lifestyle and wasn’t much into sports, but I secretly loved reading about the science and mechanics of sports science and nutrition. I’ll admit my love for CrossFit is met greatly with my love for cooking. I am still learning so much about the impact nutrition plays into CrossFit. I have lost roughly 40 pounds since joining the gym. I have gotten much stronger and much more confident in the gym. I give thanks to LIFT Wellness and CrossFit LWC. My goal is to lose more weight and I would also like to get more equipped in the gymnastics side of CrossFit. I know I’ve not even scratched the surface on what I aim to achieve through the CrossFit workouts. I can’t speak enough of the coaches and their belief and support! We are always scaling and finding ways to move the body through things instead of holding back and being okay with checking the box. I can honestly say because of Tyler pushing me I believe more is possible for myself than I ever imagined. I am glad he invited me, and I invite you to join us - do not be afraid. Just do it!


Refer a friend and earn your next month's dues free! At CF LWC, we love community and sharing our fitness journey with one another so why not workout with your friends. The highest compliment that you can pay us is referring a friend or family member to CF LWC. So, we’ve decided we’d love to give back to our community for making it what it is.

Trying to eat better for your heart health or more healthfully overall doesn’t mean cutting out all fat. Focusing on the healthier varieties of fat can not only improve your cholesterol but can offer other great benefits too.

Omega-3 fats help promote normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. These fats may also reduce inflammation in the body. By being intentional about adding these fats in to your diet, you can gain health benefits without feeling restricted or like you’re cutting a bunch of things out of your diet.

Adding walnuts, flaxseed, or chia seeds to cereal, oatmeal, or salads are easy ways to incorporate these healthy fats into your everyday foods. When adding nuts, being mindful of portion size and choosing unsalted options can help manage weight and blood pressure.

Choosing fatty fish like salmon or sardines twice a week is another great way to incorporate more of these fats. Eggs can be fortified with Omega-3s if the chicken is fed a diet high in these fats, so look on the packaging to sneak some more in that way.

Another great way to focus on adding in health fats is by using oil in salad dressing or to sauté vegetables, seafood, or meats. When cooking with high heat, avocado oil may be better than olive oil due to its higher smoke point. Adding avocado can add fiber, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals to your diet, and is great on sandwiches, salads, soups, or on toast. 

HMR Chocolate Covered Strawberries



  1. Pour HMR 70 Plus Chocolate or Vanilla shake mix into a bowl and mix with water. 
  2. Roll each strawberry in the chocolate or vanilla pudding mixture to coat evenly. Set the coated berries on a clean plate.
  3. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, until pudding hardens. 






Smoothie of the Month: White Chocolate Mocha

$1 OFF every FRIDAY in February

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