Life at LIFT
Newsletter - Gym Header Image
In This Issue
We Salute Ms. Constance Jones! 
Hello Lift members,
I have decided to join the Air Force! This is not a decision that I have taken lightly or made on a whim. The thought of joining is something that has been on my heart and mind for over three years now, but it was not until recently that things began to fall into place for the process to begin. I am thrilled about the opportunities and possibilities that come along with embarking on this new endeavor. I will be joining with the job of being a U.S. Air Force Cryptologic Linguist. I will be leaving May 17th headed to San Antonio, Texas to the Joint Base - Lackland for Basic Military Training (BMT). After completing BMT, I will then report for language training at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC or DLI) in Monterey, California for 14 months. I hear it is beautiful; I'm excited to see for myself.
 So at this point members, you all are about as informed as I am about my next steps! I have thoroughly enjoyed becoming a part of each of your lives and your health and fitness journeys. I hope that I have been able to positively impact both at some point because you all have definitely made a positive impact on me. Thank you all for your kind words and smiling faces over the past 2+ years. They are what kept me coming back every morning at 5 AM till 2 PM Monday - Friday! Thank you for the memories and friendships! You all will be missed! 

With Health and Happiness,
Constance J. Jones, CPT, WLS
Exercise Specialist
Mind + Body + You
Try LIFT reFORM.    This is a total body approach to fitness: the beauty of strength, the elegance of flexibility, and the poise of stability.  This is for all fitness levels.  If you are looking for that studio feel of personal training and muscle, mind connection, ReFORM is for you! 
For more information contact or  call 425.6875
 for availability     
Meet Us at the Barre! 
Congratulations to our instructors who reveived their Barre Certification this past month!  With more certified instructors, we can bring you more Barre classes!
-Cherie Tung
-Lynsey Kennon
-Kristin Bodiford
-Courtney Burton
-Rachel Royer
-Jordan Joyce
Come check us out!
Mondays @ 5:30pm
Fridays @ 9:30am
Know Your Numbers:
InBody Testing
We are only 8 weeks away from the pools opening!  See where you're starting TODAY and see where you end up 8 weeks from now! 

This is a great tool for you to see where you are and it will help you see results in a different light (not just the weight).  The data will analyze your weight, which is broken down by water, muscle, and fat.  The test will then break down lean mass by extremity.  You can set up your appointment at the front desk.  Payment must be made at the time of the scheduled appointment.  Please see this link for additional information and rules to follow before your InBODY test.  
Members: $30
Nonmembers: $40
LIFT Wellness Center's Vision:
The LIFT Wellness Center will serve as the premier vehicle for driving improvement in the health and wellness of the West Tennessee community.
A Letter from Our Director

Dear LIFT Member,
We are officially coming out of the "busy" wellness center season.  Kudos to those of you who are still consistent and have continued your healthy habits! I hope that you are seeing and feeling the difference by your lifestyle changes.
For many of you, the "new" has worn off and consistency with a healthy eating and exercise program have somewhat gone by the wayside... maybe the resolution goal was a little too lofty, maybe you had a change in your daily schedule.... somehow, as life has it, things just got "too busy" and when you were once coming 5 times a week, you are now coming twice a week or maybe twice a month.  
Whatever the circumstance, I ask you to stop and consider why you decided to take that first step toward a healthier lifestyle. Every individual who decides to take that first step, whether it was 20 years ago or 2 months ago, had a trigger... something that caused the lightbulb to go off... maybe it was to look better, to have more energy, to lower your blood pressure, to avoid surgery, to avoid taking medicines with known side effects, to be able to get in the floor and play with your grandchildren. Whatever the reason, YOUR reason, know that a adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn't happen in a few months. Living a healthy lifestyle is a series of habits, new habits that replace old bad habits. It is a series of little changes that add up over time.
You may have heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit... well, it actually takes a MINIMUM of 21 days to start to form a habit. So if you started out strong and lost your way, know that you can't master a behavior in just 21 days. You don't have to be perfect. A setback does not equate to failure, just commit to the plan and start again. I promise it won't be as hard as the first time you started! At the end of the day, a healthy lifestyle is a journey. It is about tenacity and consistency. Every workout session and every meal won't be perfect, but some might be pretty darn close. Revel in those days and be proud of the days where you just show up! That, my friend, is a lifestyle!

Miki Martin, PT, MBA, COMT
Director LIFT Wellness Center

LIFT Basketball League
Basketball has been a hot commodity lately.  We've had lots of members coming in and playing pick-up  games, which got our wheels turning.  What do you think about the idea of a LIFT Basketball league?  Members can sign-up and play on Tuesdays/Thursdays from 8pm-10pm.  No team required to sign-up.  Teams will be chosen at time of play.  We'd like to know if you would be interested...
Sit Bad- Stand Bad!
Looks like your mother was right when she told you to sit up straight.
There's growing evidence that good posture contributes to a range of health benefits, from reducing back and joint pain to boosting mood. Health-care practitioners from physical therapists to surgeons to psychologists increasingly take posture into account when evaluating patients, and offer tips and tools for improvement.

If you would like to focus on your core stability and balance, discuss the FMS (functional movement screening) with one of our Exercise Specialists today and Move Well. Move Often
Buzz Word: Exercise IS medicine
It is the mission of EIM to work with and on behalf of healthcare systems and community resources so that the long-term health and wellness benefit of physical activity can be realized to each of these Community Populations, regardless of age or location.  Click here to see how prescribing exercise is the right drug for you! 

For more information about out Exercise is Medicine program, please contact Hilary Keen, Clinical Integration Coordinator, on how you can get yourself or a loved one started on the way to a healthier lifestyle. 
How Much Exercise Is Enough?
In 1996, the release of the Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health provided a springboard for the largest government effort to date to promote physical activity among Americans. This historic turning point redefined exercise as a key component to health promotion and disease prevention, and on the basis of this report, the Federal government mounted a multi-year educational campaign. The Surgeon General's Report, a joint CDC/ACSM consensus statement, and a National Institutes of Health report agreed that the benefits mentioned above will generally occur by engaging in at least 30 minutes of modest activity on most, preferably all, days of the week.
motio n Name
Have you been trying to get your friends and family to join, but the enrollment fee has been the hold up?  Share with everyone- Medical Fitness Week is April 23rd-29th!
 For $10 the community can receive a 1 week pass to the LIFT Wellness Center to reach the challenge goal: 70,000 in 7 days.  If they complete the challenge and turn in their logged steps to the front by April 30th, they will be eligible for a FREE enrollment fee!  Offer will end May 7th...some restrictions may apply.  Please see the front desk for more details. 

April 18th-May 29th: 
It's getting close to summer and we are bringing back Bingo!  
  • Bingo starts April 18th and ends on May 29th.  Please see the front desk to pick up your card.  All cards must be turned in to the front desk by May 30th to be entered for a drawing to win a prize.
  • Once you've completed a class, see the instructor to sign off on the square that represents that class.
  • Fill out an entire line (straight up and down, diagonal, or straight across) and be entered for a drawing for a
    level one "BINGO" prize.
  • Fill out one side of a card and be entered in a drawing to win a level two "FULL CARD BINGO" prize.
  • Fill out every square on both sides of the card and be entered in a drawing to win a level 3 "DOUBLE BINGO" prize.

April Time = Go Time
For information- click on the event below or click here to view all events



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Family gym/swim

Kids Klimb
Family gym/swim
4 5 6 7 8
Family gym/swim 4:30-7:30pm

Kids Klimb 

Family gym/swim
11 12
Stress Talk
13 14

Family gym/swim 4:30-7:30pm

Kids Klimb 
Family gym/swim
Starts *
19 20 21 22
Family gym/swim 4:30-7:30pm

Kids Klimb 
SlimPOSSIBLE 2nd Challenge
@ 8am
Family gym/swi





Glow Run 

Family gym/swim 4:30-7:30pm

Kids Klimb 