Our used equipment listings change frequently and some items sell very quickly, so please contact us for the latest status to ensure that the item you are seeking is still available. First come, first served!
Our Latest High Quality Pre-owned Equipment
Mark Andy Digital One CMYK + 1 Flexo Digital Printing Press
For more information call Mark Hahn at AAA Press (847) 814-1159 or send an email to sales@aaapress.com
We Are The Industry’s
#1 Converting Consultants
AAA Press brings more than 60 years combined experience in buying and selling pre-owned equipment with thousands of solid transactions. Mark Hahn, Vice President of Pre-owned Equipment Division brings more than 25 years of experience whether you are considering buying quality pre-owned equipment or selling your surplus machines. His knowledge of flexographic & digital printing as well as support equipment in labels, folding cartons & flexible packaging have proven to be an asset to both buyers and sellers to ensure both sides win!
Please contact Mark for a free consultation to experience the professionalism you deserve.