Landings Landlovers
Enriching the Community We Love
Welcome to Fall! Our traveling friends return, Island life ramps up, and the weather is glorious. What better way to celebrate than attending the Landlovers Opening Reception, Wednesday, September 28, 4:30-6:30pm at Palmetto Ballroom. Join us to connect with old and new friends and learn about all the activities and events we have planned for the coming year. Admission is FREE and open to all Skidaway Island Residents.
No sign-ups necessary. Renew your membership at the Opening Reception
New Activities this year:
· Shall We Dance – Put your dancing shoes on and learn how to do steps like The Shag, Cha Cha, Disco, or the Two Step. Grab a partner or come as a single and we’ll pair you up.
· Trolley to The Arts – Attend performances in Savannah; we’ll buy group tickets, and provide Trolley transportation into Savannah. How easy is that?
· Modern Bridge – Calling all Bridge enthusiasts looking for new opportunities to play.
Thanks to Marilee Dalbey, Jane Golz, and Marianne Claysmith for starting up these new activities. Anyone else want to start an activity? Contact our Activity Directors Eileen Yost and Judy Faraklas at LandloversActivities2021@gmail.com. It’s a great way to get involved and contribute to the community.
· Golf Scramble – There’s still time to sign-up for our first ever golf scramble on Sunday, October, 16th. Click here to register. Email Eileen Yost at eileenyrn@gmail.com for more information.
Landlovers welcomed into the St Joseph’s Candler Ambassadors Circle
St Joseph’s recently recognized Landlovers for the Grants given to the Nurse Navigator Program at their annual luncheon. As a thank you we received a fully stocked first aid kit that will now be present at all our events.
Volunteer Spotlight:
Thank you to Liz Sampson who ushered us into the electronic age. In 2018 Liz set up our Event Portal and PayPal links making it easy for our members to sign up and pay online. After 4 years Liz is stepping down and turning everything over to Kerry and John Ufford. Thank you, Liz, – we appreciate your help and guidance! And thank you to Kerry and John for filling her shoes!
Speaking of volunteers – Kenna Kinsey, Website Manager, works behind the scenes updating our website. She is one of our longest serving volunteers – even she can’t remember how long. We’re looking for a volunteer to assist her. Interested in helping? Contact me at Landloverspres@gmail.com.
Flea Market Pre-Intake
Do you have a car, boat, motorcycle, or other large stuff to donate before Flea Market Intake on March 4-6, 2023. Contact our Flea Market Pre-Intake team at fleamarketintake@gmail.com. We will put you in touch with a local auction house who will come to your house and pick them up. Net proceeds from the sale of these items benefit the Landlovers Foundation. In the past we’ve been the beneficiary of a motorcycle, car, boat, a fabulous camper, and lots of great furniture. Just another way you can contribute to the organization and help the community.
There are so many ways you can get involved with Landlovers – join us at the Opening Reception to find out more about our fun and fundraising. See you on the 28th.
Best regards,
Chris Lanigan
Wednesday, September 28
Palmetto Ballroom
Join your friends and neighbors at the Landings Landlovers Opening Reception in the Palmetto Ballroom on Wednesday, September 28 from 4:30 to 6:30pm. This event is free to all Skidaway Island residents interested in learning about Landlovers. There will be complimentary appetizers and a member/cash bar. Our Activity Chairs will have tables set up for you to stop by, visit and learn about the fun we have planned for you this year. We will also provide information about the Social Events we will host this year including our Holiday Party, the Winter Social, Games Day and our Closing Event.
You won’t want to miss the opportunity to check out our philanthropic groups and support our Flea Market. You can join or renew your membership, sign up for activities and social events and volunteer for philanthropic projects.
At the reception, we are promoting the mission of Safe Shelter which provides safe, confidential services to all victims of domestic violence. Please bring a check, cash or a donation of paper products and cleaning supplies.
It’s membership renewal time! You don’t want to miss the many activities and events planned for 2022-2023!
The cost is the same as last year at $30 per household for up to two people. Renewing is easy. Click here to use the online form and pay by credit card. If you prefer you can print the membership form and mail or tube a check to Vicki Knapp at 3 Oak Shadow Court, Savannah 31411. Questions?
Modern Bridge Begins Oct. 5
What: Co-ed Bridge Group
When: First Wednesday monthly, 1-4pm
Where: Marshwood
What Else: All participants must be members of Landlovers and a Landings Club member to participate, in accordance with Landings Club policy. Due to limited space, sign up is required.
Shall We Dance
Monday, October 10, 7-9pm
Join us for this new fun couple's activity where you and your partner can have some fun and learn some new moves!
What: Partner style dance instruction taught by a professional instructor from Savannah Ballroom. Each class would feature one style of dance…Shag, Two Step, Swing, Salsa, Cha Cha, Disco, etc.
When: Monday, October 10. Going forward will be held second Monday of the month, 7-8pm instruction followed immediately by 8-9pm free dance to recorded music.
Where: Skidaway United Methodist Church, Bailey Hall
Cost: $35 per couple or $17.50 per single (singles can come if like and dance with instructor, other singles, or rotate partners)
Description: The first hour of class (7-8pm) is instructor led, focusing on one particular style of dance. The second hour will be freestyle dance, playing music from a playlist. Sign-up begins the 20th of the month once the newsletter comes out with payment due by the 5th for that month’s class.
Mixed Golf Scramble
Sunday, October 16
The first Landlovers Golf Scramble is coming!!!
We will be teeing off on Sunday October 16 at 1:30 at Palmetto with dinner to follow. Get your twosomes or foursomes ready to go. Please click here to register. The cost is $65.00 per person. If you would like to invite an LL member who is not a member of the club, the guest fee for golf would be an additional $40.00. Any questions, please email Eileen Yost @ eileenyrn@gmail.com.
Coastal Georgia Living
Wednesday, October 5
Messiah Lutheran, Fellowship Hall
Coastal Georgia Living, formerly known as Green Thumb Club, focuses on gardening, wildlife, and the Georgia coastal lifestyle. Our monthly meetings begin with coffee and socializing, followed by our featured speaker.
In October our featured speaker will be Polly Powers Stramm, speaking on Southernisms. Polly Powers Stramm, a long-term columnist “Polly’s People” for the Savannah Morning News and a Southerner, will familiarize us with many of the more ‘interesting’ sayings, phrases, and dialects that compose what it means to ‘speak Southern.’ This will be an entertaining and informative session for all attending regardless of their own regional origins.
Please be environmentally friendly by bringing your own coffee cup.
We encourage you to join or renew your membership in Georgia Coastal Living by clicking here. Annual Club dues are $25 individual or $30 family. Must be a Landlovers member. Guests are welcome for $5 fee. For more information contact Donna Bunn, donnabunn@gmail.com or Deb Werner, debkwerner@yahoo.com
Tuesday, December 6
Skidaway Island Park
Save the date now for the Landlovers Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 6, 6:00-8:30pm at Skidaway Island State Park. Don't miss out on this casual, campfire-themed event! Watch for more details and registration info in the November newsletter.
Mark Your Calendar For These 2022-2023 Upcoming Events
June 2022 – February 2023: Flea Market Pre-Intake
Chair: Mark Witbeck
September 28: Opening Reception
Palmetto Club, 4:30–6:30pm
Chairs: Kathy Collura & Milli Sample
October 16: Mixed Golf Scramble
Palmetto Club 1:30pm Tee Off
Dinner to Follow
December 4: Toys For Tots Holiday Parade
December 6: Holiday Social Event
Skidaway Island State Park Group Activities Building
Chairs: Kathy Collura & Milli Sample
January 1 – April 3: Club Car Raffle
January 20: Games Day
Palmetto Club 9am-4pm
February 7: Winter Social
Wine Tasting & Food Pairing
Marshwood Club
March 4 - March 6: Flea Market Intake
TLA Parking Lot
March 11: Flea Market
Messiah Lutheran Church: 9:00am-1:00pm
To schedule pickup during this time, contact Mark Witbeck, fleamarketintake@gmail.com
March 13: Auctionmania
Palmetto Club: 6:00-8:00pm
May 16: Awards Ceremony
Palmetto Ballroom
May 23: Closing Celebration
Diner En Blanc
Location is a secret for now!
Chairs: Kathy Collura & Milli Sample
Monthly Activities
Landlovers has a variety of recurring monthly activities. Most resume this fall. Check out the list of activities by visiting the webpage here.
Landlovers is grateful to announce a bountiful year for recurring and first time Individual Donors. As is the custom with Skidaway Island, the generous nature of our residents came through with family and private donations. If you have not had an opportunity to give, you may click here.
Landlovers would like to sincerely thank Sound View Wealth Advisors for their continued support of our organization as a Gold Sponsor.
Sound View Wealth Advisors is an independent, fiduciary wealth management firm founded on one guiding principle: their clients’ interests come first. As a team, they have spent over 20 years custom tailoring solutions for individuals and families. Entrepreneurs at heart, they have continued to evolve by moving to a new, independent structure that enables them to better serve the needs and interests of their clientele. They do this by offering access to a wider universe of investment vehicles, more value-added services and more personalized attention in an open and transparent environment.
Sound View can be reached at 912-239-4630 or online at svadvice.com
Thanks to Our Generous Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze Sponsors!
Diamond: The Club Car Championship at The Landings Club
Platinum: The Landings Company, The Marshes, Michael’s Roofing, Sound View Wealth Advisors, Thrive on Skidaway, Yates-Astro Termite and Pest Control
Gold: Nicole Casino
Silver: South State Bank, Village Bar & Grill / a.Lure
Bronze: Coastal Dentistry, J.C. Lewis Ford, Jones Coastal Landscaping, Zipperer Land Management
Communications Directors
Tina Dorward & Julia Harrell
Click on the Facebook icon below to visit our Facebook page!