

We know this is a time of uncertainty with wear a mask don’t wear a mask.   

The mask mandate was lifted on June 1st, but do your best to be smart and 

take care of your neighbors, customers, and family.  


The new old buzz word now is “resiliency”. Working, living, and playing in a gritty mountain town - you got this. The new normal, if there is such a thing, is here. Check out the website from the SBDC.


In this “new normal” and we understand how busy you are! If you have questions or concerns and you don’t know what to do - please reach out! Resources, connections and assistance is here! We are working really hard to figure out the allocations for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Stay tuned!

Marla Akridge

email: director@lakecountyedc.com

LLCEDC is committed to the development of all of Leadville/Lake County diverse and sustainable economy for all of Lake County. More about us » and Follow us on Facebook »

Special Meeting Notice Reminder...TODAY!

The Southern Colorado Economic Development District (SCEDDS) is assisting Lake County with our comprehensive economic development strategy. This is a requirement to apply for much needed federal grants.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

5:00 p.m. The Commissioners will hold a work session with SCEDS for project updates and continued planning.


+1 720 928 9299 Meeting ID- 602 502 0509

Password: 80461

More Info HERE
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Offer health insurance benefits to your employees tax-free!

Businesses of any size can offer plans with more savings, cost control, and choice than traditional group plans.

“Peak Health Alliance is a unique, community-based initiative that’s helping lower the cost of healthcare in western Colorado. Our goal is to ensure that residents and small businesses have a voice when seeking better health outcomes in their community.”

For the 2021 plan year, Peak Health Alliance is excited to introduce a new health insurance product for small business called “ICHRA” (pronounced ‘ICK-rah’). ICHRAs will allow businesses of any size to contribute an amount they determine, tax-free, to their employee’s health insurance premiums.

This is a fantastic benefit for a small business owner who can now offer health insurance as a recruitment and retention tool to both full time and part-time or seasonal workers. Businesses can determine the amount of the contribution, then the employee will use the individual marketplace to find a plan that fits their budget and situation best. 

With an ICHRA, employers keep control of the cost, and employees get the choice and flexibility that a traditional group plan can’t offer—no more force-fitting everyone into a single group plan! Plus, employers can create groups of employees, within certain criteria, and offer different amounts to different types of employees. Employees can add dependents, and choose among the comprehensive, ACA-compliant plans available in the individual marketplace.

Today, some employers already contribute extra money for health insurance. But that is taxed as income. Not with an ICHRA. That, along with the potential to save significantly over the cost of a traditional group plan, is why we expect ICHRA plans to be very popular with our business community. 

The LLCEDC will be highlighting key partners and members. Sustaining, growing and maintaining the future of Leadville/Lake County takes all of us.

NEW Member


The LLCEDC would like to welcome Peak Health Alliance!

This partnership is an important alliance as we continue to seek out exclusive LLCEDC member benefits. Please reach out if you would like more information!


Elise Neyerlin, MPH

Peak Health Alliance

Director of Outreach


Office direct: 970-455-0381 ext 101

Check them out HERE

2021 Virtual Job Fair Re-Cap!

We wanted to share the data from the job fair but we realize that help wanted signs are everywhere!   We have a couple of questions that we have if you could call or email and provide feedback - we would appreciate it!


* What do you think is holding people back from employment?

* Do you still have staff that need their shots? 

Job Fair Data:

As far as recruitment, we sent event announcements to more than 7,000 job seekers in 

Connecting Colorado across the region and state, including targeted recruitment statewide 

for the higher paying positions using skills alignment. We also used Facebook targeted 

outreach, and constant contact blasts to our mailing lists to more than 500 job seekers who 

have registered for those lists in the region.  

* 43 Employers were Registered with 74 job positions posted with 184 total vacancies  

* 39 Job Seekers visited booths 314 times 

* 43 resumes were submitted to 13 different employers  

* Businesses had 185 different chat conversations with the job seekers  

Additional Info & Resources

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Don't Forget!

Community Clean Up Day

June 12, 2021!

Join Cloud City Conservation Center and Leadville MainStreet for our annual Community Clean Up Day on Saturday June 12th from 9AM-1PM. You can pick up supplies and drop off trash you’ve collected in front of the County Courthouse. 

Sign Up HERE
More Info HERE

How to Use YouTube to Grow Your Business 

06/08/2021 - $10 – 10:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.

Join us and learn how to tap into the power of YouTube. Get best practices for creating a YouTube Channel and compelling video content that promotes your products and services and drives engagement with your brand.

In this session, we will explore:

•          Understanding different video formats

•          How to setup a YouTube channel

•          Making good creative, and how to target and measure the results

Led by Pamela Starr, a professional trainer for Grow with Google, this is a presentation for people who already have YouTube channel for their business as well as people who are curious about creating one.

Register HERE

Thank You Partners

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Our Mission Statement

The Leadville Lake County Economic Development Corporation is the leading catalyst for business success by helping to retain and expand the economic base in Leadville and Lake County.

Visit our website:



400 Harrison Ave, Ste #100, PO Box 1503, Leadville, CO 80461

719-293-2316 • admin@lakecountyedc.com
