LMM's From the Front Lines: Advocacy Edition
Margie Glick, LMM Director of Advocacy |
I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to work from home during the COVID pandemic. While I may experience the occasional spurt of stir-craziness, and miss seeing family and friends, I am able to take many of the steps necessary to avoid exposure to this life-threatening illness.
This is not the case for many segments of society. It is therefore of little surprise that the COVID pandemic is reinforcing many existing economic disparities and racial inequities within our communities. Front line workers who are unable to telework including grocery store clerks, bus drivers and sanitation workers continue to contract this deadly virus at high rates. Individuals who live pay-check to pay-check, remain unable to stock up on multiple days, let alone weeks of food to avoid "unnecessary" trips to the grocery store. People who lack stable housing, live doubled up or in congregate care settings, remain at greater risk of contracting the virus.
There's Still Time to V
The Ohio primary election voting date has been moved to Tuesday, April 28. The deadline to request an absentee ballot for the primary is Saturday, April 25. You can request an absentee ballot or call your
county's Board of Election
. For those who have a disability or are unable to access the postal system, contact your local Board of Elections for alternative options.
Once you submit your absentee ballot request, you can track your ballot through this
. Completed ballots must be post-marked by April 27, or submitted in-person to the Board of Elections on April 28, 7:30pm.
Protect Our Health & Human Services: Issue 33
Cuyahoga County's Health and Human Services Levy (Issue 33) is on the ballot for April 28. The HHS levy provides critical funding for services that benefit LMM program participants including housing and shelter, services for older Americans, mental health and addiction services and emergency health care.
As a social service and advocacy agency serving vulnerable populations, more than 90% of LMM's program participants will be impacted by the results of this levy.
Now more than ever we need your strong investment in these critical programs.
To learn more about the levy, visit
Federal Relief is On The Way
On March 27,
the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (The CARES Act), was
signed to law. This legislation included $2 trillion of funding for individuals, corporations, small businesses and social services. Prior to the law passing, LMM issued advocacy alerts asking for increased funding for programs that serve people who are homeless or who are at risk of becoming homeless.
LMM also advocated for the inclusion of funding to promote the financial well-being of nonprofit organizations. The passed legislation included $12 billion for housing and shelter programs and $349 billion for the Payroll Protection Program which is providing financial relief to nonprofits and small businesses. As Congress continues to debate its next federal relief package, LMM will again advocate for ample funding for programs that ensure the health and safety of those most vulnerable.
Protecting Those Most Vulnerable
Photo by Karin McKenna |
A growing tragedy within the COVID-19 pandemic is the disproportionate number of COVID-19 cases that have occurred in nursing homes and group homes. LMM continues to advocate for the well-being of the wards cared for by
LMM guardians, many of whom are living in congregate care settings. Specifically, LMM has asked the Ohio Department of Medicaid for a temporary suspension of the
Pre Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) assessment.
These assessments are used to determine whether an individual in a nursing facility is living in the least restrictive environment. We expressed concerns that if an assessment is done through telehealth or over the phone instead of in-person, there is a chance an incorrect determination is made and in turn, an individual being prematurely and inappropriately released from their care setting.
COVID-19 in Ohio's Prisons
Jails and prisons across Ohio are becoming hot spots for COVID, with cases from the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections comprising 20% of all Ohio's diagnosed cases. In March, LMM signed on to an ACLU letter sent to Governor DeWine asking for a plan to protect individuals who are currently incarcerated. LMM continues to monitor this issue, and is asking anyone directly impacted to share their story with the Ohio Organizing Collaborative.
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