August 13, 2021
Patient Care
Patient and provider tools

London X-Ray Associates to provide MSK interventions

CPSO has approved London X-Ray Associates to provide image-guided MSK injections and other MSK interventions at their 450 Central Ave. clinic as of July 2021. The clinic will be staffed by the 4 radiologists who provide these services at St. Joseph's Health Care London -- Drs. Garvin, Howey, Kalia and Wang. Read the full letter from Dr. Greg Garvin here.

Do you use Ocean? They are looking for a few clinicians to take part in a pilot project to optimize the experience. If you're interested, please contact Dr. Garvin ([email protected]) or Darrell Pilon ([email protected]).

Hepatitis A outbreak linked to frozen mangoes | Hep A Vaccination

  • Middlesex London Health Unit healthcare provider alert. Patient and provider resources available on the Middlesex-London Health Unit website.
  • MLHU encourages those who may have eaten affected products in the last 50 days, but not in the last two weeks to contact their healthcare provider if symptoms develop.

Tackling TB Stigma - new PHAC-supported research report

Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services (CHC) from Toronto released the report "Tackling TB Stigma" (English and French). See the full project page for more.

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) changes
(from the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario)

New Disability Determination Package (DDP) for Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) applicants as well as a new Medical Review Package (MRP) Self Report for recipients. Relevant documents include:
COVID-19 - for patients
Mass vaccination clinics - changes to hours of operation

Closing in early September:

  • North London Optimist Community Centre Vaccination Clinic - Tuesday to Saturday, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The clinic’s last day of operation will be Saturday, September 4.
  • Earl Nichols Recreation Centre Vaccination Clinic - Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The clinic’s last day of operation will be Friday, September 3, but it will be brought back into service in October, if necessary.

Remaining open:

  • Caradoc Community Centre Vaccination Clinic
  • Open August 14
  • Closed Sunday, August 15 and Monday, August 16.
  • Re-opening on Tuesday August 17, and then operating Tuesday to Saturday, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
  • Western Fair District Agriplex Vaccination Clinic - seven days a week, from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm, through the month of August.

Rides available to vaccination sites for people with disabilities
An Ontario Community Support Association program provides door-to-door rides to vaccination sites for people with disabilities. Participants must have a vaccine appointment, be a person with a disability, and experience barriers to getting to/from their appointment. Request service online or call 2-1-1 (toll-free: 1-877-330-3213 / TTY: 855-405-7446).
COVID-19 - for providers
Community of Practice for Ontario Family Physicians 

August 20, 8:00-9:00 am EST. Discussing the latest on the vaccine, the virus, and increasing in-person visits in our offices as we head into the Fall with back to school and cold and flu season coming. Also sharing the latest evidence and policy related to vaccination. Certified for Mainpro+ credits. Register here.

Improving indoor air quality for infection control
Alliance for Healthier Communities indoor air quality webinar shares knowledge and best practices for community health care and service agencies wanting to improve indoor air quality and reduce the risk of airborne transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. The recording and slide deck are found here.

New/Updated COVID resources for providers

How to get your patients' COVID-19 Vaccination Reports

  • HRM - Starting May 18, 2021, physicians/NPs with access to HRM will receive vaccination reports for patients who identified their primary care provider at the time of vaccination. To automate the process of entering HRM reports into the patient's immunization list, eCE has created a free bot which is currently compatible with the Telus PSS EMR. Click here for a demo. For more info or to add this bot to your workflow, please click here
  • COVaxON Aggregate Primary Care Vaccination Reports
  • PEM physicians/clinicians with access to OneID have access to aggregate eReports from the same portal as the Cancer SAR reports to download a complete list of patients vaccinated up to July 15, 2021. After this date, the report will be updated monthly.
  • For instructions on completing a ONE® ID self-registration, refer to the ONE® ID CPSO Registration Guide. To assign a delegate further information can be found in the FAQ document here.
  • Clinical Viewers (ConnectingOntario ClinicalViewer and Clinical Connect): These reports are available for any time period on a per patient basis. For step by step instructions on how to access ClinicalViewers, please see this reference document
  • COVaxON: If you have access to COVaxON, you can query on a per patient basis to inquire on vaccination status.

Back-to-school guidance
(from Middlesex-London Health Unit)

The Ontario government released its back-to-school plan for September. No details were provided on how COVID-19 outbreaks will be managed, or the conditions under which a classroom or school will be shut down, but there is general guidance for the return to classes:
  • Returning to the classroom full-time, with remote learning as an option
  • Staff and students in Grade 1 and up must wear masks indoors
  • Self-screening will be required before coming into a school
  • Team sports, field trips, and extracurricular activities will resume
  • Assemblies, physical education classes, music programs, and recess are allowed
  • Students will be allowed in shared spaces including libraries and cafeterias
  • Secondary students are to have no more than two courses at a time.
Local News
Health Zone Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic - new location

The Health Zone NPLC is merging its 3 locations to one new location at the Advanced Medical Group Building at 230 Victoria Street, Unit 230.
Education Opportunities
Wisdom in Wound Care Webinar Series: Skin tears
Aug. 25, 2021, 12:00-12:45 pm EST. Find out more and register here.

Virtual Care

Asthma/Lung Health

  • FREE specialized training and supplies for people likely to encounter an opioid overdose (from the Alliance for Healthier Communities) -- Heart to Heart CPR has completed Phase 1 of their “Peer Support Responder” program that provides free advanced overdose training and protective equipment for people most likely to encounter, witness or experience opioid poisoning. Email [email protected] to secure your spot.
  • Tapering And Stopping Opioids, October 19, 2021, 12:00-1:00 PM EST. Dr. Andrea Furlan summarizes 10 years of experience of the pain clinic at Toronto Rehab UHN where she works with an interprofessional team to help patients come off long term opioid therapy for chronic non-cancer pain.

LAP Webinar: Legal Issues for Nurses in Independent Practice
Date: August 31. Tim Hannigan, Ryder Wright Blair & Holmes LLP and Mara Haase, RNAO’s Legal Assistance Program (LAP) administrator will discuss legal issues for nurses in independent practice. Find out more.

ACES Community of Practice
Connect with peers to learn best practices for providing trauma-informed care to people with a history of adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and how to reduce the negative impact of ACES through positive childhood experiences (PCES). Register now for the kickoff meeting on September 23.

2021 Trillium Primary Health Care Research Day

The 2021 Trillium Primary Health Care Research Day is virtual on October 15. See their save-the-date for more details.
Western Ontario Health Team

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