March 24, 2022
Celebrating Nutrition and Pharmacy Months and Social Work Week in March!

To our dietitian, pharmacist and social work colleagues, we appreciate your ongoing commitment to helping patients create a healthier future!
Did You Agree to Be Listed on Online Appointment Booking Platform Bleen?

FYI, Ontario Health is working with OntarioMD and MOH to review the use of the Bleen platform as it is not aligned to the service standard. Clinics are advised to look at Bleen closely and decide whether they still wish to be associated with this platform. The list of clinics currently associated with Bleen is available here.
If your team did not agree to be listed on Bleen and would like to be removed, please contact Bleen at 1-866-943-9480 or through an online form. For privacy concerns, please contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC).
Anti-viral treatment referral forms - EMR templates

Accuro and Telus friendly versions of the LHSC Pharmacy Paxlovid referral form and the Clinical Assessment Centre Referral form are available for download.

COVID-19 care 

COVID education opportunities

COVID Recovery: Community of Practice for Family Physicians - Friday, March 25, 7:55-9:15am EST. Register HERE. Discussion includes:
  • Latest changes in provincial guidance
  • Review current recommendations for infection prevention and control
  • Provincial data on care gaps
  • How one region is approaching COVID recovery in primary care.
  • Your Q&A

Lunch 'n' Learn: COVID-19 and indoor air quality -- Reducing transmission using ventilation, filtration and ultra-violet disinfection. Tuesday, April 5, 12:00-1:00 pm (free session). Dr. Jeffrey Siegel and Dr. Amy (Tianyuan) Li share practical advice about simple-low-cost measures you can take now to monitor and improve air quality in your facilities. Register here.

Where do we go from here? Understanding the impact of preventive screening backlogs video. From Choosing Wisely, a talk focused on the impact of screening delays in primary care related to the pandemic as part of their monthly conversation series. Watch the March 9 recording with Drs. David Kaplan and Guylène Thériault here.
Patient Care
For patients: virtual self management groups in March and April

Sweet Talk
April 5 (1:30-3:30)
Individuals at risk for or have pre-diabetes or newly diagnosed diabetes learn about blood sugar control and associated risk factors. Register here!

Heart Health
April 20 (1:00-3:30 pm)
Practical approaches to managing cholesterol and reducing cardiovascular disease risk through health behaviour changes and the potential use of medications. Sign up here!

These virtual programs are led by qualified facilitators (pharmacists, dietitians, OTs, RNs, etc.) See the full list of programs in this printable poster or on the Thames Valley FHT website (contact: Kelly McConnell [email protected]).
Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions
Tuesdays, April 5-May 10, 1:00-3:30 pm

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Pain
Thursdays, April 7-May 12, 9:30 am-12:00 pm

Pre-registration required:
Email [email protected] or register online at
Free Mainpro+ Accredited 1:1 Best Practice Support 
Centre for Effective Practice (CEP)

Family physicians can sign up for CEP's academic detailing service* to have a tailored discussion with a trained clinical pharmacist. Optional ongoing support available. Topics include:
  • Falls Prevention & Management
  • Type 2 Diabetes: Insulin
  • Type 2 Diabetes: Non-Insulin Pharmacotherapy
  • Benzodiazepine Use in Older Adults
  • Opioid Use Disorder
  • Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
  • Opioid Tapering/Rotation/Safety
  • New topic added every 4-6 months

*Physicians with Thames Valley FHT can sign up through their FHT pharmacist.

Job opportunities
Middlesex London OHT Clinical Lead (Primary Care)

The Middlesex London (formerly Western) Ontario Health Team (MLOHT) is seeking an exceptional primary care leader to work in partnership with the Clinical Lead (Specialty Care) to engage and represent the perspectives of primary care clinicians during the planning and implementation of initiatives that improve integrated care. This individual will work closely with the MLOHT Primary Care cluster representatives, LMPCA Executive, and other primary care stakeholders to ensure meaningful engagement, communication, and coordination with the work of the OHT. Read the full posting here.
Education Opportunities
Being Your Best: assertively communicating with patients while taking care of yourself
Three sessions: March 24, April 5, April 14.

Free webinar/workshop series for primary care providers. For more information on each session, please see this registration link.

Diabetes Care: Tools and Resources to Support Mental Health Needs, Friday April 8, 2022, 12:30–1:30 p.m. 
Hosted by Ontario Health, hear about updates on screening for mental health needs among people with diabetes and new, provincially-funded resources available to support them. First of an ongoing series highlighting Ontario Health’s three diabetes quality standards. Register here.

The links to the diabetes quality standards can be accessed here: Type 1 Diabetes, Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, and Diabetes in Pregnancy

2022 Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership
Our Planet, Our People, Our Health: Calling on Physician Leadership
May 6-7, 2022 

The CCPL is a unique conference designed for forward-thinking physician leaders to make connections across urban, rural and remote regions of practice. Are you concerned about your wellbeing, your patients, your planet? COVID-19 has challenged us to improve our approach, to become more adaptive and more inclusive. Register here!

30th Annual Clinical Day in Family Medicine
Wednesday, May 11 (in person if COVID requirements permit)
Four Points by Sheraton, 1150 Wellington Rd. S., London

Sponsored by the Citywide Department of Family Medicine, LHSC, St. Joseph’s and the Department of Family Medicine, Western University. Register at:

Family Medicine Connections: Hospital and Community (Schulich)
June 1, 7:45-8:30 am

Meeting ID: 943 9272 4770

Grand Rounds in Family Medicine (Schulich): These Hormones are not Normal
June 1, 8:30-9:30 am

Meeting ID: 963 0919 0239

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Follow us on Twitter! @lmprimarycare