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December Calendar

Unity of Palmyra

December 11, 2022



For the Love of Tiny Tim

Rev. Stephanie Seigh

10:30 a.m.

We continue our journey through “A Christmas Carol” with this week’s theme of Love, and Bob’s love for his family, and specifically Tiny Tim.

Bob saw everyone through the eyes of love. He understood that love is our true nature, and chose to see it in everyone, even Ebenezer Scrooge. Join us as we celebrate the power of Love and the love Bob Cratchit had for his family and the world.

Music by:

Janie Womack & Jody Echterling

Thank you to everyone who participated in last Friday's Blue Christmas dinner and sharing. We were blessed by the memories of your loved

 ones and your vulnerability.

This Week at Unity of Palmyra


December 11th

Celebration Service

Rev. Stephanie Seigh

10:30 a.m.

Youth Education

December 18th

Click here to be directed

to the Facebook page.

Spirit Sisters

Wednesday, December 14th

10:00- 11:30 a.m.

For more information,

e-mail Bridget at [email protected]

HeartRhythm Meditation

with Leslie Bures

All meditations

are via Zoom

Sunday, December 11th

9:00 a.m.

Click here for Zoom link

Tuesday, December 13th

12:00 p.m.

Click here for Zoom link

Prayer Requests

Please e-mail any

prayer requests to

Jackie at [email protected]

Unity Kids

*In person, 1st and 3rd Sundays, during service*

December 4th

Let's learn about Holiday traditions all over the world

and decorate some cookies.

With Bridget Grieve-Carlson & JoAnn Yeagley

December 18th

We will tell the story of Christmas and the birth of Jesus and do a Christmas craft.

With Renee Flasher & Linda Raber


December 18th

With Lisa Bechtel & Jeff McFarland

Thank you to our staff and worship team for going

above and beyond!

December 4, 2022     

Message: Rev. Stephanie Seigh

Music: Beci Torrance, Kate McCutchan,

Janie Womack & Jody Echterling

Service Assistant: Holly Dietz

Daily Word: Beci Torrance

Sound & Sanctuary PowerPoint: Dave Freas

Streaming & Virtual PowerPoint: Ken Seigh

Greeters: Linda Raber & Stephanie Dobroski

Counters: Sherri Freas & Stephanie Dobroski

Prayer Chaplains: Lisa Bechtel & Debbie Latulippe

Stream Monitor: Jackie McNeill

Fellowship(Food/Assistant):Lorraine Pennesi

& Jo Ann Yeagley/Gerry Bush

Youth Ed: Bridget Grieve-Carlson & JoAnn Yeagley


Our global tithe for November goes to support:

American Heart Association

Thank you for your

consistent and generous giving. We are so

grateful for the ongoing financial support of our community!

Save the Date

The Spiritual Social Activism Team

Invites You to Join...

For Questions and Zoom link, e-mail Karin Ast at [email protected]

Watch Last Sunday's
Celebration Service
Connect with Us Online
We are now streaming to both Facebook & YouTube!

Connect with us via the ethers
Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. 


Attention all Coffee Lovers ...

Welcome Holly Dietz,

our new Fellowship Team Leader!

We're looking for a couple more volunteers to make sure that we have coffee and tea water on Sunday mornings. This is a very important function in our community!

(Rev. Stephanie gets very cranky without her coffee. :-)

If you are able to help out, please let Holly know at

717-877-9498 or [email protected]

Prayer Chaplain Check-In

Weekly Prayer Time is on hold until further notice. Please e-mail any

prayer requests to Jackie at [email protected]

*Updated Prayer List Policy*

Once received, prayer requests will be active for 30 days. Any one who has been on the permanent list, will need to make a new request each month in order to remain on the list. We are doing this to increase the energetic flow as part of the healing process begins with the actual request for prayer. 

Please e-mail Jackie at [email protected] with any questions.

If you have a need for individual prayer please reach out to Jackie and she will coordinate for a prayer chaplain to call you via telephone.

Click here for the weekly Prayer List.

Our Serenity Space Practitioners
Our practitioners are dedicated to your health and wholeness and are available by appointment.
Please contact your provider directly.
Healing Hands by Helene
Feel the need to safely relax this holiday season?
Gift certificates available!
Call Healing Hands by Helene, Certified Massage Therapist.
Your fellow Unity member Helene Gaydos 
443 745 4319
(Honoring all Covid safety protocols)
Hi! My name is Rachael Coughlin
and I am booking appointments
Tuesday - Saturday at Unity's Serenity Space.

Please call or text to make an appointment 717-306-8133.
Rates are currently $110.00 per hour and a half session. 

I'm an instinctual healer for both body and emotions
and I also have a certification in Reflexology.
No one quite knows what to call my gifts including myself,
but I have different abilities that seem to help a lot of people. If you are currently struggling or know someone who is, 
I'd like to see if I can help.

Hurqalya Healing

with Lisa Bechtel

Hurqalya Healing Method Trainee


For a free session

call or text 717-856-2537

or email [email protected]

What is Hurqalya Healing?

It is healing from the heart. We have long understood that pain and illness have their roots in emotional and spiritual as well as physical dis-ease. Hurqalya is a form of energy healing that targets all three aspects of the human experience and can have profound physical and psychological effects. Your body generates an electro-magnetic energy field that surrounds your physical body, called the bio-field. Your heart generates 99% of this energy, which is also called a Pulse Electro-Magnetic Field, or PEMF. Electronic PEMF devices are used in medical settings to treat both physical and emotional illnesses. In Hurqalya Healing, the practitioner directs the heart’s own energy field into their hands and then into their client to generate healing.

Who is Lisa? 

I am a current student of Hurqalya founders Madeleine and Puran Bair. As part of my training, I am engaged in a practicum experience supervised by the founders and other trained and certified Hurqalya Healers. 

What does Hurqalya Healing cost? 

Because I am not yet certified, I will not be charging for healing sessions. I will be asking for a love offering for the church to pay for the use of Serentity Space.

Limitations of Hurqalya Healing:  

Hurqalya is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment but can be a very effective adjunct. The Hurqalya healer does not use medical or psychological language and does not attempt to make any diagnosis in medical or psychological terms. Our diagnosis and our interventions will only concern the types, locations, shapes and intensities of energy that you or we can feel in your system.

For more information visit

Community Bulletin Board
Body Groove Dance Classes with Elaine
Elaine is now a licensed Adult Groove DANCEfloor and Groove FIT Facilitator! Groove is a super fun, super simple dance experience where we unite together in simple movements that you get to express in your own unique and creative way. Pricing for classes are $12 to drop-in; 5 class card for $50; 10 class card for $80.

Please email Elaine to ask about day/times and locations of classes.
Ascension Holistics
phone: 717-892-5779
owner: Jessica Miller
Electronic Ways to Support
Unity of Palmyra
By Check:
We are very grateful for the checks being sent and dropped off. Thank you!

Consistent Giving:
If you would like us to charge your love offering to your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Debit card on a weekly, monthly, or bimonthly basis, please fill out a Consistent Giving Commitment Card available on the table in the Rose Room. You may place these cards in the envelop provided on the table, give them directly to Jackie, or place them on her desk in the office. If you have any questions about the mechanics of this, please see Jackie.

PSECU Person to Person Transfer:
PSECU does not allow the use of Zelle, but you may still give electronically using their app or their website. Sign in to your account using either, then perform a person to person transfer using [email protected] and label "tithe'.

Donate Button on Unity of Palmyra Website or Email:
Click on the Donate Button in the header of our weekly email (see above), or navigate to and click on the donate button there. You will be taken to a PayPal page where you can specify the amount. You do not need to have your own PayPal account.
Look for us on AmazonSmile as Unity of Hershey INC
Little Free Library
Welcome to the newest addition to our Unity of Palmyra outreach… our very own Little Free Library! The little library is an extension of our Bookstore, which is also by donation. The little library is registered with on their nationwide website and is officially open for business.

The mission of this wonderful organization is: Building Community, Sparking Creativity, Inspiring Readers. Please feel free to spread the word, to take a book, and leave a book for others to enjoy. 
Unity of Palmyra | 37 East Main StreetPalmyra, PA 17078
(717) 838-7808 | [email protected]
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