A Call to Pray

In this pivotal time of pastoral transition, we embark on a "Season of Seeking." With daily prayer prompts tailored for individuals, families, and ministry groups, we unite in seeking God's guidance and grace. We encourage you checkout lebanonpresbyterian.org/prayer and find ways to participate:

Weekly Sunday Prayer Meetings 6 p.m. 

1/28 | 2/4 | 2/11  

Daily Prayer Guide

Do a prayer walk around LPC

Try a short term fasting plan

Sign up to pray for 30 minutes in the "Pray Where You Are" 24 hr Vigil

Week 3 Prayer Guide
LPC Prayer Page
Prayer Vigil Sign Up

Change in Live Streaming

Beginning Sunday, January 28, 2024, we will only be live streaming the 8:30 a.m. service. We are suspending live streaming the 11 a.m. service and hope to bring it back as soon as we get more audio-visual volunteers. We hope you will consider joining the Audio-Visual Crew. No experience is necessary. It is fun and easy! If you can push a button - you can join the Team! For more information, contact Jerry Hentschel at [email protected].

Outdoor Nativity Take Down Help Needed

The Reach Out Team is looking for help to take down the outdoor Nativity Stable. We need at least 8 people that are capable of taking down the roof and panels, and storing in the garage.

Weather permitting, we are targeting the weekend of January 27th and 28th at noon.

If we have enough people, the whole process should take less than 2 hours.

Please contact Chris Dorsch if you are interested, able to help, or with any questions. at [email protected] or 513-824-1370.

Please join us for a Congregational Meeting Sunday, January 28 at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary for the purpose of forming the 2024 Nominating Committee and for receiving the 2023 Annual Report. 

Spring Bible Study

We will offer a Spring Women's Bible study from March 7 to April 25. This study will be on Ruth, led by Kelly Minter.  

We will be meeting on Thursday afternoons, from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.  There are 7 sessions with weekly video/discussion sessions and homework in the workbooks. Book Fee is $22.  

Books must be preordered, so the SIGN UP CUT OFF DATE IS FEBRUARY 4!!!  Books will be ordered on February 5. 

Please contact Mary Jo Oliver by text or phone call to 513-235-1844, or email  at [email protected].

Family Promise Signups for February 

We are looking forward to hosting our Family Promise families on February 4-11. Our families find themselves temporarily homeless and are being housed in local hotels. Thank you in advance for being the hands and feet of Jesus as we provide meals, gift bags, Bibles, cards of encouragement and prayer for our Family Promise families. We will also have a play date with the families at LPC on Thursday, February 8. Below are the signups. Signups will also be available on Sunday, January 28 at the Information Table after services. 


Deliver to the Ark church kitchen at the time designated on the day that you select. Note: Serving quantities will be updated on Friday, February 2 with final headcount, NOT TO EXCEED 20 servings. Thank you for your flexibility so we can best serve our families and allow us not to waste your gift and time. Here is why the counts may change. Currently there are four families in shelter of which two are scheduled to move in the next week or two. Those families could be replaced by other families.

Questions – text, call or email Terri Catanzaro at 513-288-2313 or [email protected]

Engage 56 Events!

Attention 5th and 6th grade Parents:

Engage 56 has two upcoming events!


Friday, Feb. 2 - Pizza & Game Night

5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall (Room 101) SIGN UP NOW!


Saturday, March 16

The Amazing Grace Race

2 - 6:15 p.m 

Sign up coming soon in February.


Friends are Welcome!

Feeding Ministry Volunteers Needed

As the old proverb goes, many hands make light work, and the LPC Feeding Ministry wants yours! Our local missions cannot function without the ongoing commitment of our congregation. Right now, we are looking to build a crew on the fourth Monday of every other month starting in January for our Monday night dinner. To volunteer to help or for more information, please contact Monte Wiederhold at 513-519-9824 or [email protected].

Dinner for Eight

You are invited to participate in Dinner for Eight, a group of eight people, both singles and couples, to have dinner together at someone’s home. This is an opportunity to meet new people and grow deeper relationships with fellow members and attendees of LPC through shared meals together. 

Sign up to host the dinner in your home or to attend. The host will provide the main course and attendees will bring a dish to share. You will be assigned to a host family for your meal with the goal being to group people together that do not already have an existing friendship so that we can all meet new people.  

Any adult member or visitor of LPC is welcome to participate. Fill out this form on or before Monday February 12, 2024. Choose to attend a dinner on Friday, February 23rd; Saturday, February 24th; or Sunday February 25th at 1:00 p.m.


February Coming Alongside

If you are looking for a way to connect with the women of LPC, 

please join us for an afternoon of fellowship. 

The February Coming Alongside will be held: 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 11:30 a.m.

Mae Ploy's • 11 South Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio

Please R.S.V.P. by text, phone, or email, to Sue Baumann at 513-228-0881 or [email protected] if you are planning to attend.


Bible Sunday

February 25

If you are a parent of a child in second through sixth grade who has NOT previously received a Bible on Bibles Sunday, and you have not already been contacted, please email Tracy Untener:  [email protected].

If you know someone who is not receiving our Weekly Update email or calls about immediate information, please have them contact Sherry Showalter at [email protected] so we can get them added to our congregational lists. 

To Request Prayer from our Praying Friends at LPC

[email protected] will get your request to the Prayer Warriors ASAP.

[email protected] will get your request to a staff member who will handle your request confidentially and will only send out information you would like shared with our Prayer Warriors.

Lebanon Presbyterian Church Office Hours

Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to noon

Live Streaming Worship

8:30 a.m. Worship
Worship Order

Lebanon Presbyterian Church | www.lebanonpresbyterian.org

Comments? Send to [email protected]
