Worship With Us This Sunday

There’s something very special about the words of Jesus. 


His words hold authority and power. They brim with unfailing love and faithfulness. His words heal, convict, pierce darkness and doubt, give birth to faith, and raise the dead to life. Powerful.


The words of Jesus can also be challenging, shocking, and downright misunderstood. 


In Mark 7, we have one of those sayings from the lips of Jesus that is easily misunderstood. His words challenge our sensibilities. Yet his word still reaches, heals, and saves. 


May we who have ears, hear.

And may we be thankful for the grace that Jesus gives even to us!



In the Sanctuary

Traditional Worship at 8:30 AM

In the Ark

Modern Worship at 11:00 AM

Live Streaming 8:30 AM
Worship Order for Sunday

Coming Alongside 

Tuesday, January 21, 11:30 AM

Mulligans at Shaker Run Golf Club | 1320 Golf Club Drive, Lebanon, OH 

Ladies are invited to a time of food and fellowship at Shaker Run Golf Club restaurant.

Text or call Sharlotte Way at 513-604-3349 or email Sharlotteway@yahoo.com

Please RSVP by January 17.

January 2025 Quilt-A-Thon

The LPC Quilters invite all seamstresses and friends of LPC to come and share the joy of quilting with us every Monday in January. The Quilt-A-Thon will be a wonderful time of fun and fellowship as we chase the "winter blues" and create quilts for Warren County Family Promise/Interfaith Hospitality Network. We will begin sewing on Monday, January 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Rooms 310, 311, and 306 on the third floor. The only skills required are willing hearts and hands. For additional information, please contact Sharen Benner at 513-409-5278 or email ghbenner@yahoo.com.

If you know someone who is not receiving our Weekly Update email or calls about immediate information, please have them contact Sherry Showalter at admin@lebanonpresbyterian.org so we can get them added to our congregational lists.

To Request Prayer from our Praying Friends at LPC

prayerlist@lebanonpresbyterian.org will get your request to the Prayer Warriors ASAP.

prayerrequest@lebanonpresbyterian.org will get your request to a staff member who will handle your request confidentially and will only send out information you would like shared with our Prayer Warriors.

Lebanon Presbyterian Church Office Hours

Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Friday 8:00 AM to noon

Lebanon Presbyterian Church | www.lebanonpresbyterian.org

Comments? Send to comments@lebanonpresbyterian.org
