Volume 16 | April 01, 2021
LSA Monthly Update
A Monthly Electronic Newsletter from the Louisiana Shooting Association, Inc.
Early Look at Louisiana Legislative Session
Several Bills have been filed or may be filed for the 2021 Legislative Session. Here is a run down of what we know.

  • HB16 by Rep. McCormick (R) - Constitutional Carry, legalizes Concealed Carry for the same law-abiding citizens who can legally Open Carry in Louisiana. The Concealed Handgun License will remain in tact as an option for those who wish to seek reciprocity in other states.
  • HB118 by Rep. Frieman (R) - Firearms Protection Act making Louisiana a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State, to prevent federal regulation from infringing on a citizen's right to keep and bear arms.

Do you support or oppose the 2nd Amendment of the constitution, which states the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?
New McLaughlin Poll Shows Majority of Americans Support the Second Amendment
A new survey by McLaughlin & Associates, a nationally-recognized polling firm based in Blauvelt, N.Y., shows overwhelming public support for the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and a clear majority belief that more gun control laws would not have prevented recent mass shootings in Georgia and Colorado.

LSA President Dan Zelenka in the News
In the REPORTER published by the Second Amendment Foundation, Dan was quoted as saying, "One mission of the Louisiana Shooting Association is to protect Americans' right to keep and bear arms, which necessarily includes their ability to acquire firearms. Handgus are the firearm of choice for self-defense as well as for many types of sport shooting disciplines. Nothing in the Constitution would subject adults under the age of 21 to different rights and protections under the Second Amendment as adults over the age of 21. On behalf of our members who are currently banned under federal law, as well as our younger members who will soon be that banned age group, the Louisiana Shooting Association is proud to be a part of this effort to stop the federal government from enforcing its unconstitutional ban."

AG Jeff Landry Files Legal Brief Against Radical Anti-Gun Rights Law
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich are leading a 22-state coalition defending the Second Amendment rights of American citizens.

Get Your 2021 M1 Garand Raffle Tickets!
Tickets for the 2021 M1 Garand Raffle in Support of Junior Shooting are now on sale. The drawing will be held October 16, 2021. Winner need not be present to win!