CES Mourns Passing of Former Executive Director Pulsipher
The faculty and staff of the Center for Energy Studies mourn the passing of former Executive Director Allan Pulsipher, Ph.D. Under his leadership, the Center saw significant advancement in terms of its externally-funded research, as well as faculty hires, publications, academic presentations and media citations.
Dr. Pulsipher was associate executive director and Marathon Oil Company Professor of Energy Policy in the Center for Energy Studies and a professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at LSU. He joined the Center's faculty in 1990. Prior to coming to LSU, he worked as the chief economist for the Congressional, Monitored Retrievable Storage Review Commission (1988-89); chief economist of the Tennessee Valley Authority (1980-88); a program officer with the Ford Foundation's Division of Resources and the Environment (1977-80); as a senior staff economist with the President's Council of Economic Advisers(1973-75); and was on the faculties of Southern Illinois (1968-77) and Texas A&M (1964-68) Universities. He earned a B.A. from the University of Colorado and a Ph.D. from Tulane University, both in economics.
A service will be held Saturday, December 2, at 11 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Baton Rouge, with visitation beginning at 9 a.m.
CES faculty and staff extend their condolences to Dr. Pulsipher's family and close friends. He will be missed.
Read Dr. Pulsipher's obituary
CES-led Team Awarded DOE Grant to Research Subsea CO2 Storage
The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced its intention to fund a cutting-edge research project, associated with offshore carbon capture and storage, for several LSU researchers who are working as part of a multi-regional team headed up by the Southern States Energy Board, or SSEB. The LSU-SSEB team was one of only two selected by DOE for this highly competitive research project.
The team, led by Dr. David Dismukes, executive director, LSU Center for Energy Studies, includes researchers from the Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering (Drs. Richard Hughes and Mehdi Zeidouni) and the Department of Environmental Sciences (Dr. Brian Snyder).
The award leverages LSU's ongoing work in carbon capture and storage that includes a large 2016 DOE-funded award designed to explore the feasibility of capturing carbon emissions from industrial facilities in Louisiana and sequestering those emissions in onshore geologic formations.
Energy Summit™ 2017 in the Books
On Oct. 18, the Center hosted its annual fall energy conference, Energy Summit™. This year's event attracted a crowd of more than 150 attendees, including representatives from business, industry, government agencies, faculty and students.
With a program featuring a broad scope of energy topics, the conference provided the latest research and information on the industry's cybersecurity, labor issues, developments in power generation, energy infrastructure, global energy prices and more.
Keynote speaker John Wasik, author of
Lightning Strikes: Timeless Lessons in Creativity from the Life and Work of Nikola Tesla, kicked off the program with an overview of Tesla's revolutionary, forward-thinking innovations and concepts, which continue to be explored today. After his talk, Wasik signed books and met with attendees at the LSU Barnes & Noble book sale.
View Tiger TV's video on Energy Summit™ 2017
CES Hosts Workshop for Nigerian Officials
In October, Prof. Emeritus Wumi Iledare (third from right) hosted representatives from the Dept. of Petroleum Resources Nigeria for a fiscal framework workshop.
During the week of Oct. 16-20, the Center hosted a petroleum aministration and fiscal framework workshop for oil and gas regulators from Nigeria. The group of 12 officials, representing the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Nigeria, were guests of CES Professor Emeritus Wumi Iledare, who serves as director of the Emerald Energy Institute, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
The workshop included presentations by LSU faculty and state agency staff on Louisiana's royalty and severance tax computation process, insight into the state's petroleum resources management, governance and regulation, petroleum taxation schemes, administration and management, as well as licensing, industry governance, regulation and mineral revenue collection.
As part of the workshop, participants attended the Center's annual fall conference, Energy Summit™, which provided a broad scope of current energy topics, including energy industry cybersecurity, labor issues, developments in power generation, energy infrastructure, global energy prices and more.
Dismukes Named to National Petroleum Council
David E. Dismukes, professor and executive director of the LSU Center for Energy Studies, was recently appointed by U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry to serve as a member of the National Petroleum Council, or NPC. The NPC, in existence since World War II, responds to requests from the Secretary of Energy for analysis and guidance on energy matters, with a particular focus on crude oil and natural gas.
"It is an honor to be appointed to the NPC," Dismukes said. "I look forward to representing Louisiana, the Center for Energy Studies and the University on this very prestigious advisory panel."
Prior to Dismukes' appointment, former Executive Director Allan Pulsipher represented the Center on the Council.
First Coastal Geology Framework Symposium Held in July
On July 26, Louisiana Geological Survey's John Johnston III hosted the Louisiana Coastal Geology Framework Symposium. Held in the Energy, Coast & Environment Building and co-sponsored by the Center for Energy Studies and the College of the Coast and Environment, the symposium was designed to showcase cutting-edge research into Louisiana's coastal geology that had not yet reached the publication stage.
Presentations were made by Chris McLindon, Sherwood Gagliano, Jeff Hanor, Nancye Dawers, Rick McCulloh, John Lopez, Elizabeth McDade and John Johnston III. A poster session featuring works by numerous graduate students and faculty of various Louisiana universities accompanied the presentations. After the presentations a joint question and answer session was held.
"The symposium was viewed as a great success and is likely to be reprised in 2018," said Johnston.
Center Hosts International Energy Conservation Code Workshops
Bobby Parks of Healthy Homes of La., LLC. (left) and Brian Snyder, assistant professor, LSU Department of Environmental Sciences, have teamed to present several energy efficiency workshops around
the state.
The Center for Energy Studies has teamed with the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance to offer the "Success with 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for Louisiana Workshop," providing area builders, contractors, subcontractors and code officials training on recommended practices for optimized energy efficiency and how to avoid common pitfalls.
The first of four workshops, conducted with the assistance of the Capital Region Builders Association, took place in the LSU Energy, Coast & Environment Building on Sept. 6. The second, which took place in Metairie and was hosted by the Home Builders Association of Greater New Orleans, took place Sept. 26. The final two workshops are scheduled for Dec. 6 and Dec. 14, in Lake Charles and Shreveport, respectively, with the assistance of the Homebuilders Associations of Southwest Louisiana and Northwest Louisiana. All workshops are conducted by Bobby Parks of Healthy Homes of Louisiana, LLC.
Workshop participants receive a course booklet featuring targeted guides for each subcontractor and recommendations on reducing expenses, creating low- to no-cost quality control and increasing customer satisfaction. Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors CEUs are available.
LGS Produces Portfolio of Maps
Louisiana Geological Survey has created
A Portfolio of Published Maps, a 66-page example of maps produced by the Survey's Cartographic Services section since 1980. The full-color publication showcases the wide-ranging cartographic design technologies used by LGS in creating maps of Louisiana's offshore oil and gas structures, river basins, aquifers, estuarine basins and more.
For more information, contact LGS at 225.578.5320.
Dismukes also contributed a
Greater Baton Rouge Business Report "Insight" piece on the passing of Amendment 1, which blocked the ability of tax assessors to tax energy infrastructure that was under development and construction around the state. Dismukes writes an "Insight" column for the
Business Report every quarter.
In September, Assistant Professor Greg Upton wrote a guest column for
Public Utilities Fortnightly titled "Jobs, Electricity Prices and Renewable Energy Policies: Costs versus Benefits."
In August, Upton appeared on La. Public Broadcasting's
Louisiana the State We're In to discuss Hurricane Harvey's impacts on Gulf energy infrastructure.
This fall, both Dismukes and Upton have been in demand as speakers, having given presentations at numerous events and meetings.
At the
National Academies coastal zone dynamics meeting in New Orleans on Sept. 18, Dismukes presented on energy-related infrastructure along the Gulf Coast.
On Sept. 13, at a meeting of the
Louisiana Energy Export Association, he discussed LNG and the state's energy export economy.
And on Sept. 7, Dismukes took part in
"An Evening with Raphael Bostic," honoring the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
 Upton presented "The Future of Solar in Louisiana: An Analysis of the Technical and Economic Implications of Solar P.V. Growth on Louisiana's Economy and Electric Grid" at a gathering of the
U.S. Association for Energy Economics in Houston on Nov. 14.
On Nov. 16, Upton presented a project outlook at a meeting of the
American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana.
At the
Southern Economic Association Meeting in Tampa, November 17-19, Upton presented two papers: "The Future of Solar in Louisiana: An Analysis of the Technical and Economic Implications of Solar P.V. Growth on Louisiana's Economy and Electric Grid" and "Firm Dynamics and Local Economic Shocks. Evidence from Shale Oil and Gas Booms."
Also presenting at the
Southerns in Tampa was Assistant Professor Mallory Vachon, who discussed "Labor Mobility and Migration in the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry."
And in October, both Dismukes and Upton taught at the
Michigan State University Institute of Public Utilities Advanced Regulatory Studies Program. Dismukes taught "Economics of Alternative Ratemaking" and "Performance Regulation and Rates." Upton taught "Econometric Forecasting and Energy Regulation."
Visit our Bibliographies page for a list of CES faculty research publications.
CES Now Accepting Scholarship Applications
The Center for Energy Studies is now accepting applications for its four energy-related scholarships for the 2018-2019 academic year. All four scholarships--
LMOGA/Robert R. Brooksher Scholarship, F. Malcom Hood Scholarship, GCPA/David Olver Memorial Scholarship and
the GCPA emPOWERing Women Scholarship--support the educational goals of LSU students interested in energy-related fields.
Application deadline
: March 23, 2018.
Questions or comments?
Contact us at ces@lsu.edu