February 2020
Why is this Antarctic Glacier "Bleeding?"

John Franks Chair in Geology and Geophysics Peter Doran and his former graduate student and current tech Krista Myers are featured in the PBS series Antartica Extremes. In the premiere episode, hosts Caitlin Saks and Arlo Pérez follow in the footsteps of the brave scientists—including Doran and Myers—who have made McMurdo Station, an otherworldly Antarctic outpost, their research base and second home . | More
More LSU Tigers in Antarctica...

Check out the Science Next blog post " What Can Antarctica’s Ecosystems Tell Us About Climate Change? " featuring Elizabeth Sicard, a natural resource ecology and management major minoring in geology. Sicard is also a member of the Doran research group. | More
Newly Discovered Mineral named for LSU Geology Professor Barb Dutrow

Like stars and ships, it's rare for a new mineral to be named after a living person. Exactly that honor was accorded in December to Barbara Dutrow, LSU mineralogist and Adophe G. Gueymard   Professor in Geology and Geophysics, by the International Mineralogical Association. The new mineral "dutrowite” is a member of the tourmaline family of gemstone minerals.  | More
Study Finds First Major Discovery in Hydroformylation in 50 Years

In a new study published in Science magazine LSU chemistry professor emeritus George Stanley and fellow LSU researchers from the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biological Sciences discovered a new cationic cobalt bisphosphine hydroformylation catalyst system that is highly active and extremely robust. | More
Dean Peterson Talks About Building a Science Community at LSU

Cynthia Peterson, dean of the College of Science, discusses why she finds it important to pursue community, inclusivity, and communication in today's science environments.  | More

Brighter Than Any Other Star In the Milky Way?

Forget Betelgeuse! The star V Sagittae is the next candidate to explode in stellar pyrotechnics, according to LSU astronomers Bradley E. Schaefer, Juhan Frank, and Manos Chatzopoulos. The team set the year for that cataclysmic explosion around 2083. During this time of eruption, V Sge will be the most luminous star in the Milky Way galaxy. | More
What Could Recovery Look Like for Blazing Australia?

Australia's bush fires have continued to terrorize the country's communities well into the new year, leading to its deadliest fire season yet. LSU researchers weigh in and discuss the impacts the fires will have on the country's ecosystems and future.   | More
Ph.D. Candidate Anna Hiller Talks Hybrid Zones on CxC's LSU Experimental Podcast

Anna Hiller, LSU Museum of Natural Science PhD candidate, tells us what hybrid zones are, what we can learn from them. She also shares adventures from her previous expeditions and how her passion to include women in science is informing her upcoming field trips to Peru and Bolivia .  | More
Support Research and Scholarship at LSU
Join the LSU College of Science Dean's Circle

The Dean's Circle (DC) is a loyal group of alumni and friends who share a passion for advancing research and scholarship at LSU. To join online, go to www.lsufoundation.org/givetoscience .

The LSU College of Science welcomes the newest members of the Dean's Circle.

Thank you for supporting research and scholarship at LSU!

  • Dr. Coral A. and Mrs. Danelle D. Lamartiniere, January 2020
  • Dr. Jared J. and Mrs. Susan T. Patterson, December 2019
  • Drs. Amanda W. and Charles L. Pearson, December 2019
  • Dr. David J. Longstreth and Dr. Sue G. Bartlett, December 2019
  • Dr. Richard T. Rauch, January 2020
  • Dr. Ambar N. Sengupta and Mrs. Ingeborg Wald, January 2020

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