June 1, 2021 | Long-Term Care Newsletter
Rate Refresh in 4 Additional States Effective June 1, 2021
Effective today, June 1, 2021, Mutual of Omaha is refreshing rates for the MutualCare Solutions portfolio in 4 additional states - DelawareFloridaNorth Dakota, and South Dakota.

Applications must be signed BEFORE June 1, 2021, and received by ARM by 3 PM EST on Friday, June 11, 2021 to be considered for the current rates.

Updated quoting software and marketing materials are now available for order and download.

CLICK HERE to view the full announcement from Mutual of Omaha
Virtual Assessment Update
Effective today, June 1, 2021, Mutual of Omaha will be moving back to face-to-face assessments for applicants 65 and over with favorable medical records as a result of the increasing number of Americans being vaccinated.

Virtual assessments will continue to be conducted when a nurse is not available or due to geographic location.

CLICK HERE to view the full announcement from Mutual of Omaha
Premium Rate Adjustments
Effective August 1, 2021, Mutual of Omaha will implement rate adjustments on in-force business in Colorado. Effective September 1, 2021, Mutual of Omaha will implement rate adjustments on in-force business in Rhode Island.

CLICK HERE for more info about rate adjustments in Colorado
CLICK HERE for more info about rate adjustments in Rhode Island
Updated Marketing Material
Effective, Friday, May 28, 2021, updated marketing materials were made available by NGL. These materials are designed to make explaining the benefits of NGL EssentialLTC to your clients easier.
These materials are not yet approved for use in AZ, CA, CT, DE, DC, FL, HI, IN, NJ, ND, SD.
We will keep you posted as to when updated materials are available in these states, but in the meantime, please continue to use the current versions.

CLICK HERE to download a copy of the updated Consumer Brochure
CLICK HERE to download a copy of the updated Consumer Presentation
CLICK HERE to download a copy of the updated Consumer Flyer
CLICK HERE to download a copy of the updated Employer Brochure

CLICK HERE to view the full announcement from NGL
WA State Carrier Updates
Due to the WA Cares Fund, carriers have made some product and compensation changes for business written in Washington State through November 1, 2021. Please see below for previously announced changes:
Premium Rate Action
Effective today, June 1, 2021, Genworth implemented rate action on in-force business in Georgia. Effective today, June 1, 2021, rate action was implemented in Nebraska. Click the links below for more info.

CLICK HERE for more information about rate action in Georgia
CLICK HERE for more information about rate action in Nebraska

Advanced Resources Marketing
Pioneering Long-Term Care Insurance Strategies
313 Washington Street, Suite 225 Newton, MA 02458
| info@armltc.com | www.armltc.com