Hey Crew,

This week's contents:

Info on ESP RAW DVD 184 [See the next block for details, it's a honey if I do say so myself.]

This week's video is another blast from the past. This clip from The ABCs of NHB Volume 2 has an impossibly young me demonstrating a takedown finish from the knees called a "suck-in." 

Big thanks to Brother Kory for the fun, and Father Time, why's you gots to be so cruel?
BTW-This video, plus all of our Paladin, TRS, and RAW titles are available at our store.

We're running a special on ARMOR-PLATED this month. See the last section of this week's Legends newsletter for how to pick up a copy + snag a free DVD on top of it.
This week's feature article is a historical piece on an old French grappling/MMA game that gives us an insight into today's version of the same.

BTW-More such historical thoughts over at my blog:  https://indigenousability.blogspot.com/

Hey can I get even more freebie video, Mark?

Not on the old-school Rough & Tumble Bandwagon with the RAW Crew? Come on, start those New Year's Resolutions now. "I'll start tomorrow" has a sneaky way of getting kicked unto the horizon

And last, but not least, check out the ESP RAW Subscription service info. You can save yourself some money on this volume of RAW ($5.50 to be exact) and pick up 3 more volumes of RAW absolutely free. And become a member of the Vale Alliance absolutely free.

Thanks everyone and have a great weekend!

Mark Hatmaker
Extreme Self Protection
Solo Exercise to build Hand-Scalping Grip
Solo Exercise to build Hand-Scalping Grip
Hand-Scalping/Sweep Cranks/Sit-Out Lollapalooza #1

Crew! RAW 184 is tight with old-school evil.
In the Rough & Tumble/Street Unit we delve deep into Hand-Scalping.
  • We'll show you an easy way to construct a piece of solo training gear to educate this skill.
  • We'll hit two exercises with gear, one for grip-tenacity the other for explosive ripping.
  • We'll game out standard combat helmets, so you can train hand-scalping with a partner.
  • We'll get into how to use the hair as a guide, then go into actual hand-scalping, and then finish up with some bulldogging which is vicious vicious stuff
We'll break the Mat-Work into 2 Units. On the back side of things...
  • We'll introduce the Alley-Oops Sweep and...
  • Follow it up with two Neck-Cranks.
We'll start the Old-School Sit-Out Lollapalooza with an even dozen fluid options.
  • We'll school turning in and out...
  • Petersons and Tunnels.
  • Pop Chanceries and Double-Sits.
  • We'll bust follows with Snap Rolls to Neck Cranks.
There is some serious violent and historical fun on this volume. As usual it comes with a written syllabus for inclusion in your training notebook, and  we've included in this one a chapter on Hand-Scalping from our forthcoming book on Rough & Tumble Frontier Combat.

ESP RAW 184 can be had this month for $32 (S & H included--Domestic & International) at the end of the month the price goes to $42 Domestic/$52 International.  (Of course, it's only $26.50 for the RAW Crew.)


To pay only $26.50 for this DVD + receive 3 other RAW DVDs for free and gain free membership to the Vale Alliance, subscribe to our  ESP RAW DVD Service.

Lucho Brancaille
Mark Hatmaker

In last week's Legends we discussed the French origins of Greco-Roman wrestling; this week let's stay with Franco-influenced fighting styles. Brancaille is a form of no-holds-barred/All-In that allowed strikes (kicks included) and ground wrestling (sounds pretty forward thinking doesn't it?)
            Brancaille seems to be an off-shoot of the French versions of Catch-As-Catch-Can. In Provence (depending on the area) the Franco version of Catch was/is known as Lucho Libro ("free style"), Lucha a touto lucho ("wrestle any way you wish"), or Lucha en arrapant per tout ("catch any way you can"). [Please keep in mind my translations are rather loose as I am an ignorant monolinguist.] These varieties of wrestling still adhered to much of the catch tradition but, the Provence region seemed to want something more so, they went NHB.
            How this NHB sport came to be called Brancaille is a bit of a round-a-bout story. Provence is/was an important wine-growing region. The peasants had a pagan tradition of praying to a minor deity to prevent spring frosts that could be devastating to the wine crops. There was a festival held for this minor deity at which Brancaille contests were part of the entertainment. The Catholic Church, always a bit jealous of attention paid to other deities, substituted a Saint that would accept the prayers of the wine-growing peasants. The Saint they offered was Saint Pancrase-sound familiar? In Provence the name was, more often than not, written/pronounced as San Brancai. There may also be a bit of a Gallic joke in the name Brancaille, as brancai, also refers to limping and (as you may have guessed) competitors rarely left a Brancaille game without injury. Sounds like a game after my own heart.

Video Clip of the Week
ABCs of NHB Vol 2
ABCs of NHB Vol 2

February Deal: Armor-Plated + 1

Hey Crew!
Here's the deal. Buy a copy of Armor-Plated and pick up a free RAW DVD on the house--your pick of volume.

To take advantage, purchase Armor-Plated from this link, then drop me an email with your RAW pick.

Here's the skinny on what you'll find on Armor-Plated.
(150 minutes) This project is all defense--it is designed for both the street CQB specialist and the MMA player and gets to the core of self-defense in that it is 100% D-E-F-E-N-S-E. This series covers in encyclopedic scope Defense for Punches, Kicks (all ranges and varieties), Elbows, Knees, Head-Butts, and then hits the ground for the must-know info for surviving a Ground 'n' Pound attack. Please remember, if you are looking for offense, you won't find it here, this is nothing but laser-focusing your defensive skills and tightening that shell so that you can survive and launch a tighter offensive game from behind your armor.
Armor-Plated Clip
Armor-Plated Clip

To become a RAW Subscriber and receive Vale Alliance membership absolutely free, as well as take advantage of the members deal click the RAW Subscription button on the RAW Crew page.

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