I Believe In Fairness, Fun, And Sharing What I’ve Learned
With The People Who Make This Planet A Great Place To Live
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November was everything you could want in a month: working, learning, playing, resting (and repeating). It felt more "balanced" than the last several months have felt, and for that I am truly grateful.
CFL playoffs happened (well, not for my team) and then it was off to the 110th Grey Cup in Hamilton. Hamilton folks were great hosts -- I assume it's because they weren't distracted by having their team in the championship game this time. I reconnected with friends, mingled with my football heroes, and witnessed an exciting game. One can't really ask for more (except for my team to be in it). The countdown to 2024 training camp is on!
I was privileged to be able to speak at the CSAE national conference in Montreal (Acts of Courage at the Board Table, Vol. 2) and I also attended some fantastic sessions. Decades into my career, I am always thrilled that there's still so much to learn and still some things I want to avoid (currently that is A.I.). I even met some new mentors and friends along the way (plus there was a Barbie suite!).
Remembrance Day at the Edmonton International Airport was another special time. The honour guard, children's choir, youth pipe band, and cadets all contributed to the impact and importance of taking time to remember.
I visited a few breweries in November and also hosted the beer exchange for our advent calendar crew. With the beer judging and tasting I've been doing, I expect some pretty strong numbers by year end (hey, for some of us it really is a contest!).
My name was drawn in the Edmonton Fringe lottery, so I'd better get serious and use some of this downtime for writing. Expect a new play from me in August 2024, and I hope for something else too, even sooner.
I need to shout out the new Beatles song Now and Then. I am stunned and moved by it. Brian would have loved it.
My place is set up for the holidays and I am in "nesting" mode for a few weeks. That means cooking, listening to music, happy movies and specials, and fun theatre events and pageants. Things are shaping up nicely!
Wherever you find yourself this month and this season, please enjoy and be well. Thanks for being on the ride with me in 2023 and we will catch you on the flipside!
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"There's room for everyone here,
I'm just happy to have a seat
at the table."
-- Haley Kiyoko
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In the Soundview review of Andrew Liveris' book Leading Through Disruption: A Changemakers Guide to 21st Century Leadership, I was interested to read the section on how boards need to look in our changing world. Here are the highlights:
What's Different:
Shareholder enrichment isn't the last word anymore.
- Boards must reflect a diverse society.
- Serving the interests of ALL stakeholders is paramount.
- Board members govern as Owners.
Characteristics of Enlighted Boards:
Depth -- Both Verticals (deep expertise/ experience in a single subject) and Horizontals (widespread expertise encompassing a wide variety of subjects and areas) are needed at the table.
Size -- Boards are/should be getting smaller (8-10). You can bump it up a bit if it helps you be more inclusive.
Rigo(u)r -- Directors need to be able to take the same heat in the medium to long term as the CEO does. And they need to be able to do the work because they have deep knowledge of the sector. (NB: This one is fascinating!)
Inclusiveness -- The board needs to resemble the makeup of the world in which they operate. CEOs must "incorporate the historically excluded percentage into their thinking, perspective, strategy, and vision." Doing this will also help increase the CEOs bandwidth.
Blend -- The board should be a blend of stakeholders (e.g., financial community, employees, customers, governments, and members of the community).
Long-Termism -- The CEO needs to manage multiple layers of the board that represent all the company’s stakeholders. The board is the point at which company executives and stakeholders connect.
The author notes that Enlightened Boards are an emerging and important factor in managing enterprises this century. We can definitely help our organizations get there!
Soundview book review here
Name that Collector
Arctophilist: Teddy bears
Brandophilist: Cigar bands
Coleopterist: Beetles
Deltiologist: Postcards
Falerist: Medals, badges, pins
Horologist: Clocks
Notaphilist: Banknotes
Oologist: Bird eggs
Phillumenist: Match boxes, match books
Plangonologist: Dolls
Scripophilist: Bonds, share certificates
Tegestologist: Beer coasters
Vecturist: Subway tokens
Vexillogist: Flags
(Costco Connection, August 2023)
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Some People Who Made Life Better in November |
Chris Agar, MaryJane Alanko, Heather/Frank Bishop, Jane/Rob Burns, Lori Bursey, Brian Carey, Jonathan Cote, Leo Dodge, Leo Ezerins, Mandy Foster, Carrie Habinski, Sue/Bill Haddox, Andrew Hoskins, Dave Hughes, Dianne Johnstone, Chris Kirkland, Danny Maccocia, Alli Marshall, Heather Marshall Lyon, Rosalind/John McNamara, Margaret Nickel, Sherrill McGilvray, Hector Pothier, Paul Rechner, Jason Riley, Finlay Ross, Lori Schmidt, Wanda Stephens, Gerry West, Jason/Elana West, Rob/Ginny/Emily Wood
“One person's punk rock is another person's singing 'Om'
or playing harp."
-- George Winston
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Leading Through Disruption (Book review)
Human Capital Experts on Boards (A good idea)
Connecting With Donors (12 tips)
Canada's Best Jarred Pasta Sauces (Chatelaine knows)
Furoshiki Giftwrapping (Sustainable and pretty)
Irish Bar's Awesome Christmas Ad (Grab a tissue)
Clown Theme Hotel (Not for me)
“Let life surprise you.
Things might not always go according to plan.”
― Unknown
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Some Quotes I Like
“The word advent means “expectation.” What advent can do for us is
create a sense of hope.”
-- Louie Giglio
“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry,
laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try
and understand each other, we may even become friends.”
-- Maya Angelo
"A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people
where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be."
-- Rosalynn Carter
"A person cooking is a person giving: Even the simplest food is a gift."
-- Laurie Colwin
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Five Beers I Enjoyed in November
1. Pocket Calculator Doppelbock, Establishment Brewing (Calgary AB) 10% ABV
2. Evelyn Barrel Aged Belgian Blonde F'2021, Endeavour Brewing (St. Albert AB) 8% ABV
3. La 475 Blanche de Pratto, Microbrasserie Pit Caribou (Anse-a-Beaufils QC) 4.75% ABV
4. Black Angus IPA, Breton Brewing (Sydney NS) 6.2% ABV
5. Solstice d'Ete 3 Fruits, Brasserie Dieu du Ciel! (Montreal QC) 5.9% ABV
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Some Things I Like
(Kitten sucking thumb, Elastic, Bat antics)
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“When preparing to travel, lay out
all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and
twice the money.”
– Susan Heller
Linda & LUE-42 Enterprises
(With fond acknowledgement to Douglas Adams &
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)
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Linda Wood Edwards
P.O. Box 11021, Station Main
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3K3
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