I Believe In Fairness, Fun, And Sharing What I’ve Learned With The People Who Make This Planet A Great Place To Live
The "hold my beer" meme always makes me laugh. So far 2021 has been like trying run in sand, so maybe it's too true to be funny. Oh well, we shall persevere!
I discovered that a long drive is good medicine, even if I if it's ill advised to stop anywhere. I also discovered that theatre companies are have gotten innovative to get theatrical performances in front of audiences. "The Look" by Alexa Wyatt starring Linda Grass (dir. Trevor Schmidt, Northern Light Theatre) blew my mind. I saw it twice from the safety and comfort of my own home.
Like a hundred thousand others, I enrolled in the University of Alberta's Indigenous Canada course. Only a week in, and I am really glad I signed up. Later this week the UofA's on-line beer classes start again so I'm ready to go with those too.
I had the privilege of listening to on-line sessions with Michael "Pinball" Clemons (always inspirational) and Malcolm Gladwell (always thought provoking). I picked up my juggling balls again, too. I am making progress but I'm not ready for an audience yet.
Board meetings are back in full swing, and it appears people have refocused. Good! Our communities and professions need good directors now more than ever.
The Right Questions at
Board Meetings
As I watch boards in various stages of their evolution struggle at meetings, a November 2020 reprint of an article by Robert C. Harris is worth recapping. Here are some great questions to ask at your board meeting:
- How does this item fit within our mission statement?
- Isn’t that the responsibility of our executive director?
- Will this advance our strategic plan?
- Are we doing committee work?
- How will we measure success?
- Do we have the resources?
- Is this discussion in the weeds?
- How will this add value?
- Is there another organization that could do this instead of us?
- Are there any risks?
- Is that a personal agenda?
Asking the right questions isn't difficult! If it doesn't tie to the mission, advance the strategic plan, or add value then stop talking about it. If you've already hired a person, or appointed a committee, to lead this then wait and see what they bring to the board. As important as having the resources is asking whether you've already approved the resources in the budget. If so, no need to talk about it again. Absolutely discuss the risk involved and whether it is more appropriate for someone else to do it. It would be great to know how success will be measured, and I recognize that's not always easily done. Try. Finally, most of you can spot a personal agenda a mile away so you already know how to stop it in its tracks. Please have the courage to do so.
Some People Who Made My Life Better in January
MaryJane & Luke Alanko, Jennifer Bertrand, Michelle Demers, Liz Garratt, Linda Grass, Sue Huff, Julia Kopala, Sherrill Mcgilvray David Miraguay, Erin O'Neill, Mavis Richards, Carole Ross, Kathy Roy, Lori Schmidt, Sabrina Spurber, Kevin Tokarsky, Susan & Babe Wanamaker, Elana & Jason West, Gerry West, Jenny Wood Narine, Northern Light Theatre
"Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.”
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
2020's Top Governance Developments
According to Michael Peregrine (Forbes, Dec 17/20) there were 2 major governance developments last year. He says, “A combination of social, political, regulatory, and constituent pressures rattled conventional fiduciary wisdom in unprecedented ways for organizations across the corporate spectrum...”
Positive Force of Governance. “With necessary engagement, careful oversight, and appropriate deference, corporate boards across industry sectors teamed with management to lead their companies through…stages of the pandemic.”
Board/Management Dynamic. “This critical relationship was strained by pandemic-related pressures …(and) this created a useful opportunity to review and confirm the appropriate distinctions between the roles of the board and of management.
Some Quotes I Like
"To set aside one’s prejudices, one’s present needs, and one’s own self interest in making a decision as a director for a company is an intellectual exercise that takes constant practice. In short, intellectual honesty is a journey
and not a destination." – Mervyn King, Former Bank of England Governor
“Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better,
you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility
for making it so.” -- Noam Chomsky
“Every decision brings with it some good, some bad, some lessons, and some luck. The only thing that’s for sure
is that indecision steals many years from many
people who wind up wishing they’d just had the
courage to leap.” -- Doe Zantamata
“When something is truly funny, it’s funny all the time.”
– Cloris Leachman (1926-2021)
“Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears,
and keep reminding yourself that everything happens
for a reason.” -- Unknown
"I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do so by listening.”
-- Larry King (1933–2021)
Linda & LUE-42 Enterprises #BeKind
(As ever, with fond acknowledge to Douglas Adams & The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)
Linda Wood Edwards
P.O. Box 11021, Station Main,
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3K3