LUM Has Big Plans for the Fall & Winter
Wes's Weekly Wrap Up - JC History 101
In this edition of Wes's Weekly Wrap Up, Wes Tillett, LUM executive director, spotlights LUM Jubilee Christmas with an oral history of the development and evolution of the program featuring the Rev. Jud Dolphin and Joe Micon, former LUM executive directors. Please watch this video and SHARE with others.
Meet the Hunger Hike Honorary Co-chairs
Coach Gearlds & Coach Mitchell Join the Fight
Two prominent Purdue coaches announced this week that they will be teaming up with Hunger Hike to join the Fight Against Hunger.
This year's Honorary Hunger Hike Co-chairs are Coach Katie Gearlds (women’s basketball) & Coach Jason Mitchell (rowing & crew). Both are passionate about the importance of Hunger Hike, the power of coming together as a community to Fight Hunger, and the value of Purdue students understanding the issues facing their university community. They issued a challenge to start fundraising now and to exceed this year’s goal of raising $100,000
Coach Mitchell & Coach Gearlds, the 2022 Hunger Hike Co-chairs, are pictured (L to R seated) with the representatives from the three sponsoring organizations (pictured standing L to R) Wes Tillett, executive director, Lafayette Urban Ministry; Kier Crites Muller, chief engagement officer, Food Finders Food Bank, Inc.; & Duane Sellers, St. Thomas Aquinas Haiti Ministry. Each shared how vital this annual fundraiser is to funding the food programs necessary to addressing the current needs of the families — locally, regionally and abroad. To learn more about Coach Mitchell & Coach Gearlds, click HERE.
Hunger Hike will take place at Riehle Plaza (Lafayette, IN) on Sunday, September 18. For more information on how you can begin fundraising for Hunger Hike, please go to the official website —
Three Ways to Help LUM Students TODAY
Urgent Need: After School Snacks & Volunteers
The LUM After School Program provides safe, fun and enriching childcare for children in Kindergarten to 8th grade. The program serves up to 70 children from elementary & middle schools in Tippecanoe County for three hours each school-day afternoon, enabling their parents to finish their workday.
Make a Monetary DONATION, click HERE
Sign up to VOLUNTEER, click HERE
The LUM After School Program needs VOLUNTEERS from 2 to 6 p.m. every weekday. Make a positive impact on the life of a student through your presence, tutoring, interaction, and guidance. Please consider signing up TODAY. To begin, click HERE.
LUM is Thinking About Christmas in August
LUM Jubilee Christmas 2022 Needs YOU!
LUM Jubilee Christmas is a special program for families with children ages 12 and younger, serving more than 600 families & 1,800 children. In addition to the toys and clothes, each family also receives a food gift card and homemade cookies to make Christmas dinner special too. Here are a few ways you can get engaged with Jubilee Christmas:
DONATE: to make cash donation or donate toys & needed items, click HERE. If your business or group would like to become an event sponsor, call or email us (765-423-2691 |
VOLUNTEER: to sign up to volunteer, click HERE. Volunteers are needed on Wednesday, October 12 to assist with Open Registration of local families, from November 28 – December 6 to staff the Donation Center, and from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. on Jubilee Christmas Day (Saturday, December 10).
HOST a FAMILY at Jubilee Christmas Part 2: Saturday, Dec. 10 – 2:30 p.m.; Part 3: 12/11 – 5:30 p.m. - to sign up to volunteer, click HERE.
HOST a SITE: if your church or group would like to become a Jubilee Christmas “host site” on Saturday, Dec. 10, click HERE for more information
REFER a FAMILY: if you wish to refer a family to participate, click HERE
LUM Restoring Hope This Thanksgiving
A Time to be Grateful & Serve Those in Need
For LUM, Thanksgiving is more than football and eating too much. It is about being grateful for our blessings by restoring hope to our neighbors in need, especially during this difficult time.
This Thanksgiving Day (November 24), start a new family tradition by participating in the LUM Community Thanksgiving Feast, where more than 800 free meals will be served at Central Presbyterian Church in downtown Lafayette.
Sign up to donate needed items such as food items, paper products, pies, cleaning supplies and more. Dozens of volunteers are needed at the event on Thanksgiving day.
The LUM Turkey Trot 5K Run is a fun & rewarding way to start off your Thanksgiving day. Runners, walkers, families, dogs, strollers, costumes & turkey hats are welcome.
Date: Thursday, Nov. 24
New Time: 8:30 a.m.
New Location: Connection Point Church, West Lafayette
Fees: $35 Adult; $10 Youth
Course: Cattail Trail Loop – Celery Bog Nature Area
Volunteer: to sign up, click HERE