JNESO has agreed to the following OR On-Call bonuses for core call team members who commit to a minimum of 200 hours of on-call time in a 12-week cycle:
# of Call Hours
200 – 224
225 – 249
250 – 274
275 - 299
300 - 324
325 – 349
350 – 374
375 – 399
Bonus Payment
All core team members will comply with department-specific policies for on-call.
2021 PTO carry-over will be extended to February 5, 2022, to allow employees additional time to take their PTO. Any approved requests will be honored.

Requests to transfer PTO hours into the Extended Illness Bank (EIB) will be processed in January.
For Union questions or concerns, please contact a
Local Officer or your Labor Rep. Victoria Pacheco:
[email protected] | (800) 292-0542 x128