St. Paul's E-News


What's Happening This Sunday

New and Improved Prayer Garden

Take the 2022 Lutheran Religious Life Survey

The results of the 2021 Lutheran Religious Life Survey are being releasedRead the 2021 survey here. A year ago, this survey was distributed to every rostered LCMS church worker, as well as a large sample of LCMS members. Ultimately, about 1,400 responses were collected, and over the last year have been analyzed and packaged into a first-of-its-kind report on the attitudes, characteristics, and views of LCMS members. The report is publicly available for reading and download at the Lutheran Religious Life Survey homepage. But that's not all! The 2022 Lutheran Religious Life Survey is also now in the field! Read more here...

You can take the LRL 2022 survey here. 


SEPTEMBER - North County Emergency Outreach Network (NCEON).


Look for the table in the overflow area

An Update From the Manteys - HERE


Stephen Ministry has accumulated a number of books that they no longer need. Drop by the tables in the overflow after each service. Feel free to take what you want.

We still need Readers for the 8:00 Service!

Consider serving your church in this way. 

Check out the weekly need here

Prepare for Worship

September 11

Worship Music

Praise And Thanksgiving LSB 789

God Loved the World So That He Gave LSB 571

O Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou Broken LSB 439


Ezekiel 34:11-24

1 Timothy 1:12-17

Luke 15:1-10

Altar Flowers 


Dedicated to the

Glory of God

by Joan Brown

in memory of her son, Jay Brown, on his birthday


by Judy Litke

in memory of her husband,

Alfred Litke's birthday

Altar Flower Sponsors Needed

Dedication spots are open for 

October 16 & 23, November 13, 20, 27 and December 4 & 11.

Get 'em while they're still $25.

See Flower Dedication Envelope in Narthex. First come basis.

Fiscal Year




Offerings September




Offerings YTD




Raise the Roof




ways to give.png
raise the roof.jpg

Keep Praying for Brenna's Family

Brenna now rests in the arms of Jesus. You can continue to help the family by praying and/or providing a meal. DETAILS HERE

The Boosterthon Fun Run is Coming!

Kick Off September 13

The proceeds from the Fun Run will help pay for new playground equipment and additional technology in the school. Thank you for the wonderful support we know you will provide!

The Fun Run for the entire school will be September 22nd.

Each child will have a link for contributions. Or you can use this one HERE 

Substitute Teachers Needed

Substitute teachers are always needed. If you or someone you know is interested in subbing at St. Paul's, please contact the principal, John Maxwell, for more information.

Prayers of the Church & School

God's Healing and Peace for Patrick Kostkowski, Ron, William & Beth Mathes

God's Comfort to the family & friends of Brenna Corcoran, who now rests in the arms of Jesus

God's Protection for the Ukrainian Refugees & Children

God's Clear Voice for our future new Pastor 

September Mission of the Month: NCEON (North County Emergency Outreach Network)

Remember Our Homebound

in your prayers, with a card or phone call

Bill Critzman, June Danza, Patricia Harrington, Margot Hoffman, Russ & Audrey Jurmu, Vicki Kassebaum, Jacqueline Keys, Debbie Kraft, Joanna Martlock, Roger & Grace Marquis, Clyde & Terry Merritt, (Edith) Fern Muller, Betty Russell, Linda Taltavull.

Contact Us

Ministry Staff

Pastor David Maack (cell: 443-333-8841) 

Pastoral Assistant Randy Gast (cell: 443-876-6707)

Brian Sternecker, (336-480-1885)

Leah Sulonen, Music Minister (cell: 360-620-6945)

DCE Joseph Hope-Hull, Children, Youth & Adult Education (cell: 619-957-7145)

The Joans 410-766-2283,

Our School:

John Maxwell, Principal (cell: 301-512-3660)

Coral Shreve, Preschool/BASCC (cell: 443-618-6758)

St. Paul's 

Livestream and Website

Guest WIFI: saintp21

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

& School

308 Oak Manor Drive

Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Phone: (410) 766-2283

Fax: (410) 766-8758

School: (410) 766-5790

BASCC: (410) 766-0591

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