LWV OPRF December 16 Week in Preview

Deputy Registrars

It is time to renew your commission as a deputy registrar! Here is the 2025 Deputy Registrar oath sent from the Cook County Clerk, the Hon. Monica Gordon. All commissions expired on November 30, 2024 (commissions are only for two years). Please complete the new Deputy Registrar oath. There are two ways to send it back to Cook County: 1) download, print, and fill out the oath, then scan it and email it back to Cook County via email OR 2) download, print, and fill out the oath and mail it back to Cook County using the address on the form. Even if you just took the training this fall, you must renew your commission again. We will hopefully be registering voters for the upcoming 2025 municipal elections and you need to be re-certified to register voters. Please do this ASAP!

Drinks & Dialogue

Our first Drinks & Dialogue for the year will be Thursday, January 16, at Friendly Tap Coffee Lounge in Berwyn. Starting at 6:30pm, Oak Park & River Forest High School Superintendent Dr. Greg Johnson will present the latest school updates with plenty of time for questions. Mark your calendars now.

Great Decisions is coming

Interested in joining the Foreign Policy Association's Great Decisions 2025? The goal of Great Decisions is learning about our world. Eight topics that concern the United States and foreign policy will be discussed. Great Decisions "briefing" books provide informative analyses of these issues. The meetings begin with a video on the topic.  

The discussion group meeting at Brookdale Senior Living, 1111 Ontario, Oak Park, is meeting the first and third Wednesday of month beginning February 5, 2025 at 1:00pm. If interested in joining this group and reserving a discussion book, please contact Joan Pope.

The Great Decisions discussion group meeting at the Maze Branch Library, 845 Gunderson, Oak Park, will first meet on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 1:00pm. Then the discussions will meet the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, ending May 8th. If interested in joining this group and reserving a discussion book, please contact Carolyn DeCoursey.

Moderator Training

Interested in learning the techniques for moderating an efficient and effective League candidate forum in the current atmosphere? While the rules have not changed much, the challenges of conducting a fair and cordial forum have.

Whether you’ve gone through League training previously or are new to the position, join us on Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 10:00 am for this essential updated training. Register to attend.

Members will be sent an electronic version of our membership contact list this week. Please download and save it to your desktop. Those members who requested a hard copy, one will be mailed to you in the next two weeks.

We are sad to report that Rose Meyer, member and local activist, passed away on December 1. You can read her obituary here. Our condolences go out to her family.

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