LWV OPRF November 18 Week in Preview

Federal Judiciary Study

At the 2024 LWV US Convention, Leagues overwhelmingly agreed to conduct a new national study on the Federal Judiciary. The study will be completed in a shortened time frame, conducted in just one year, with the final position set to be announced at LWV US Council in June, 2025. A committee has been appointed and will be led by Kimberley Fraser(DC), LWV EF trustee. The committee also includes Helen Hutchison (CA), Cecile Scoon (FL), Judy Ball (WV), Joan Hunault (MI), Susan Hart (TX), and Nan Shuker (DC).

The committee members will start with an overview of the study timeline, scope, and materials during a webinar on November 20, 5:00pm CT. You can hear more about how you can be part of this LWV US study. Even if you cannot attend the webinar, registering will ensure you receive any materials shared. You can register here for the webinar.

More Gala News

If you haven't already heard, our League's 100 year Gala was a tremendous 

success with just over 140 people attending!

We were honored to have Catherine Adduci, President of River Forest, Rory Hoskins, Mayor of Forest Park, and Vicki Scaman, President of Oak Park as our honorary chairs. All of these officials spoke eloquently about our League’s history and its work with emphasis on contributions in their villages. We also welcomed Illinois State Senator Kimberly Lightford and Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi. Becky Simon, League of Women Voters of Illinois (LWVIL) President, presented our League with a Centennial certificate. The League’s history narrated by Tina Birnbaum, Marsha Borders, Judith Crown, and Mary Ann Porucznik was very informative and many complimentary comments were received. Other members of the Gala committee were Jody Evenson, Michelle Fitz-Henry, Jane Hastings, Peggy Kell, and Marge Massarello. All made significant contributions to the success of the Gala.

 The 19th Century club ballroom was the perfect venue in which to celebrate our Centennial. LWVOPRF President Jane Hastings gave wonderful opening remarks and succinctly wrapped up the evening with final comments.

Thank you to all of our sponsors and donors; we exceeded our event’s goal, raising more funds for future League programs and outreach.

The Gala pictures are now in the LWV OPRF Photo Gallery.  If you attended the event, chances are you’ll see yourself!

LWV IL will sponsor Observer Corps Training via Zoom on December 10 at 1:00pm. Members can register for the training here.

Great Decisions is coming

Interested in joining the Foreign Policy Association's Great Decisions 2025? The goal of Great Decisions is learning about our world. Eight topics that concern the United States and foreign policy will be discussed. Great Decision "briefing" books provide informative analyses of these issues. The meetings begin with a video on the topic.  

The discussion group meeting at Brookdale Senior Living, 1111 Ontario, Oak Park, is meeting the first and third Wednesday of month beginning February 5, 2025 at 1:00pm. If interested in joining this group and reserving a discussion book, please contact Joan Pope .

The Great Decision discussion group meeting at the Maze Branch Library, 845 Gunderson, Oak Park, will first meet on Thursday January 30, 2025 at 1:00pm. Then the discussions will meet the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, ending May 8th. If interested in joining this group and reserving a discussion book, please contact Carolyn DeCoursey.

Need an idea for a present for a young neighbor or grandchild? Chicago League Member LeTina Brady Pettis has published two children's books about voting aimed at 5-12 year olds. The first, "I Want to Vote" tells the inspiring story of Tricee, a young girl curious about how elections work and why voting matters. In the second book, "I Voted," Tricee embarks on an exciting new chapter: casting her first vote.

LWV UMRR November Newsletter

LWV Cook County November Newsletter

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