If you haven't already heard, our League's 100 year Gala was a tremendous
success with just over 140 people attending!
We were honored to have Catherine Adduci, President of River Forest, Rory Hoskins, Mayor of Forest Park, and Vicki Scaman, President of Oak Park as our honorary chairs. All of these officials spoke eloquently about our League’s history and its work with emphasis on contributions in their villages. We also welcomed Illinois State Senator Kimberly Lightford and Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi. Becky Simon, League of Women Voters of Illinois (LWVIL) President, presented our League with a Centennial certificate. The League’s history narrated by Tina Birnbaum, Marsha Borders, Judith Crown, and Mary Ann Porucznik was very informative and many complimentary comments were received. Other members of the Gala committee were Jody Evenson, Michelle Fitz-Henry, Jane Hastings, Peggy Kell, and Marge Massarello. All made significant contributions to the success of the Gala.
The 19th Century club ballroom was the perfect venue in which to celebrate our Centennial. LWVOPRF President Jane Hastings gave wonderful opening remarks and succinctly wrapped up the evening with final comments.
Thank you to all of our sponsors and donors; we exceeded our event’s goal, raising more funds for future League programs and outreach.
The Gala pictures are now in the LWV OPRF Photo Gallery. If you attended the event, chances are you’ll see yourself!