On Thursday, November 14th, Chuck Stone from Braver Angels led a discussion on how we can recognize our own inner political polarizers. We did a self-assessment to determine how we felt about “the other side.” The answer to each question was Often, Sometimes, Never. See the assessment on our website.
Chuck talked about strategies that can be used to counteract polarizing thoughts and feelings. These include challenging our stereotypes. Blues believe that reds are racist, anti-immigrant, homophobic, anti-science. Reds tend to believe that blues are arrogant/elitist, fiscally irresponsible, unpatriotic, and hypersensitive “snowflakes.” Distinguish between positions and people. Distinguish between policies and core values. Distinguish between inconsistency and hypocrisy. Avoid using pejorative labels (“bible thumpers,” “libtards.”) Avoid using “they all.” Criticize the idea or the policy, not the motives of everyone who holds it. A quote from a Braver Angels workshop participant sums up why it is critical that
we depolarize and work together, “Neither side is going to vanquish the other, so we better figure out how to get along and run the country together.”