LWV OPRF December 19 Week in Preview

Ranking Wrap-up

Our Beer Ranking event was a small but fun event. We received great feedback from participants on our presentation and guidance on what our path forward should be. We thank Oak Park Trustee Ravi Parakkat for stopping by to learn more and support us. In the new year, we will plan more presentations on Ranked Choice Voting and how it would work in Oak Park. And our winning beer? OLB Lager! Thanks to One Lake Brewing for being a perfect venue.

Women Toymakers

Has holiday shopping left you feeling burned out? Get inspired by the stories of these Feminist Four Women toymakers! Read about the Landlord's Game (pre-Monopoly), Jenga, Barbie, Ginny, Shindana, and littleBits, all designed by women. Go here to read more about these women. Click on the pictures to learn more on each toy.

Deputy Registrars-Last Reminder!

It is time to renew your commission as a deputy registrar! All commissions expired on November 30, 2022. Please complete the new Deputy Registrar oath and email it back to deputy.reg@cookcountyil.gov in order to be re-commissioned for another 2 years. You can also mail it back to the address at the bottom of the oath. Once the Cook County Clerk's Office receives the oath, they will mail you a new card (same DR number.) Would you like to watch a refresher video on how a deputy registrar should register voters? Go here.

LWV IL Training

Mark your calendars now for some January training being offered by the LWV IL. On Saturday, January 14, there will be three trainings: Illinois Voter Guide at 9:30am, Candidate Forum at 10:00am, and Moderator Training at 11:00am. You can register to attend all or any of these opportunities here.

Our next LWV OPRF email will be in January.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

LWV US December 15 Update

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