Hello Leaguers and happy December,
I am looking forward to seeing you at the Holiday Social at Maya del Sol on Wednesday, December 12. Bring a friend to encourage him/her to join and meet our members.
On Wednesday, December 5 at 7:30 there will be a Town Hall gathering at Percy Julian Middle School in the Commons. Please join Senator Don Harmon, Senator Kimberly Lightford, Representative LaShawn Ford and Representative Camille Lilly in a conversation about the next Legislative session. What are the priorities as they move forward? How do they plan on working with incoming Governor J.B. Pritzker? What issues and concerns do you have that you want them to address? Here is an opportunity to have your voices heard.
Earlier this year we had a presentation from Rosemary Heilemann LWV-Deerfield regarding the issue of Rethinking the Electoral College. If you missed it there will be another opportunity at the Forest Park Library, Austin Room on Wednesday, December 12 from 7:00-8:30. Joyce Williams from the LWV-La Grange will be the presenter. (Sadly that is the same day as our Holiday Social. Perhaps you know of friends and/or family who would be interested in attending this event.)
I hope you received the Save- the- Date card for the State of the Villages event at Concordia College on Saturday March 2. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Invitations will arrive in the mail in early 2019. This is our biennial and only fund raiser. The money from this event funds the League programs for the next two years. At this event you have the opportunity to hear presentations from the three Village governments of Oak Park, Forest Park and River Forest regarding their past, present and future. You will also have an opportunity to meet and discuss your concerns with candidates who will be on the April ballot. Did I mention that there will be food and drinks? How can you miss such a great event and support the work of the League! When you see the line "Support our Sponsors" in all of our communications, these are the people and organizations who underwrite this event. We are very grateful for their financial support.
Please remember to make those "calls to action" regarding important legislation.
We will not have a Second Tuesday or a Drinks & Dialogue gathering in December. On January 8 at 9:30am, Second Tuesday will welcome "Progress and Challenges: Success of All Youth in Oak Park and RiverForest - A Conversation with Linda Francis". On Thursday, January 17 at 6:30pm, Drinks & Dialogue guest speaker will be Susan MacLean, a principal at Zulkie Partners, a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and adjunct professor at IIT-Chicago Kent College of Law. She will discuss immigration issues(location TBD).
Please add the January 12, 2019 New Members Coffee (all members are invited) to your calendar. Our presenter, Kathryn Nesburg will share the Call to Action process.
Have a peaceful Holiday season!