LWV OPRF February 27 Week in Preview

Candidate Forums

Our next two candidate forums are today, Monday, February 27, for the River Forest School Board District 90, and Thursday, March 2, for the Oak Park-River Forest High School District 200. Both start at 7:00pm. Go to our website calendar to register for either of these events. You can now view recordings of past forums and candidate statements using the links on our website calendar. Questions are still being accepted at our email address for upcoming forums. Please indicate to which race the question is directed.

Please share our forum information with other organizations, houses of worship, and your friends and neighbors.

One Earth Film Festival

The One Earth Film Festival Launch Party is scheduled for Friday, March 3. Go here to see the movie offerings. Most are free with a suggested donation of $8.

Equal Rights Amendment

There will be a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the Equal Rights Amendment this Tuesday, February 28, at 9:00am CST at the Dirksen Senate Office Building. You can watch the proceedings live online here. You can also see Senator Durbin here calling for a vote on women's equality.

Advocacy Committee

As the Illinois legislature begins its work on Governor Pritzker’s proposed budget and other legislative initiatives, the Advocacy Committee is preparing to meet with our senators and representatives to discuss the important issues at hand, including allowing the Invest In Kids to sunset rather than extending the tax credit for private schools. Our meetings with representatives will begin March 13 and continue into April. If you are interested in working with the Advocacy Committee, please contact the Advocacy Committee Chair, Marilyn Pearson

Impact on Issues

Throughout our 103 years, the League has served our dual purposes of education and advocacy by engaging in studies of representative government, international relations, natural resources, and social policy. Although our history of advocacy goes back to our beginnings, this version of Impact on Issues covers our advocacy efforts beginning in the 1960s.

Impact on Issues provides a clear understanding of LWVUS positions, how they interrelate, and how they can complement and reinforce state, local, and regional Inter-League Organization (ILO) positions, thereby strengthening the League’s impact at all levels of government. Read the policy positions document online here.

LWV US February 28 Update

LWV Cook County February Newsletter

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