Happy New Year to a challenging and hopeful 2019!
Get your calendars open and start filling in those boxes.
We open with Second Tuesday, January 8, from 9:30-11:00 at the Nineteenth Century Club, for a conversation with Linda Francis from Success of All Youth, the progress made and the challenges ahead. Linda Francis was our speaker last year. It will be interesting to hear how she sees the progress of the programs she discussed.
Please join us for the New Years Coffee on Saturday, January 12 at the Township Senior Center, 130 S. Oak Park Ave. All current members and prospective members are welcome. Kathy Nesburg will present "A Call to Action." The committee chairs will be available to share the work of their committees and invite you to join them as a member or for an event.
Susan MacLean, from Zulkie Partners, will give a presentation on Immigration at Drinks and Dialogue, Thursday, January 17, 6:30-7:45 in the back room at Shanahan's, 7353 Madison. This is free and open to all.
Great Decisions 2019 begins in February. You may purchase the discussion books at the New Years Coffee for $30.00. You do not need to purchase the books to attend the discussions. See the article below for the link to sites and schedules.
Coming soon! Watch your mailboxes for your invitation to the State of the Villages (SOV) event, Saturday afternoon, March 2 at Concordia University. This is our only fundraiser that supports our programs for the next two years, 2019-2021. I hope you will be joining us for a lovely lunch, meet the candidates running for the various positions in the Villages and hear about the past, present and future of our three Villages.
We will be scheduling candidate forums in March. Dates and times will be posted in our newsletter, on our website and on our Facebook page. Be informed and vote.
Have you wanted to become an Executive Board member, a Director, or a Committee Chair but weren't sure who to contact? The Nominating Committee is ready to fulfill your dreams. Please contact Fran Sampson or Kathy Balk for more information or they may be contacting you.
Marge Massarello
Our first Second Tuesday of the new year will be January 8, from 9:30-11:00am. Linda Francis will be our presenter. She directs Success of All Youth, a Communityworks initiative of the Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation.
Reflecting our community values, SAY works to remove barriers to achievement and empower every child and youth to reach his or her full potential regardless of learning style, race or ethnicity, family income or education, or gender or sexual
Join us for this important conversation for a current appraisal of progress made and challenges ahead held at the Nineteenth Century Club.
Our upcoming January Drinks & Dialogue will be on Thursday, January 17, from 6:30-7:45pm at Shanahan's, 7353 Madison in Forest Park. Susan MacLean, Immigration Attorney with Zulkie Partners, will be our presenter. Come have some refreshments and hear about this important topic. Resolve to bring a friend to this event!
Interested in helping at upcoming municipal candidate forums? Want to register voters for the Spring elections? Then attend the Thursday, January 10, Voter Service Committee Meeting at Peggy Kell's house at 7:00pm. We now know that almost all of the local municipal board elections will be contested. Members will be needed to organize and run these important forums. Can you help? RSVP
Peggy Kell with your attendance or with any questions.
Are you a Deputy Registrar? All DR certificates expired on November 30, 2018 (they expire every two years). You must fill out a new oath of office form and mail it in to the Cook County Clerk's office. Don't delay, send in
the oath today!
As the New Year starts, we will be welcoming new, prospective, and long time members to the Saturday, January 12, Member Coffee. Starting at 10:ooam in the Oak Park Township Senior Room, refreshments will be served while we hear from Kathy Nesburg on LWVIL Call to Action importance. Afterward, Committee Chairs will give short overviews of their doings. Great Decision books will also be for sale ($30). This is a perfect event to introduce that neighbor or friend to the League and its mission. Almost all League members were invited by a friend to join. Will you be that friend today?
State of the Villages Fundraiser
Have you marked your calendar for our biennial fundraiser? Invitations will be going out soon for our State of the Village luncheon on Saturday, March 2. Held at Concordia University, we will have municipal candidates in attendance in addition to hearing from the Village Presidents of Oak Park, River Forest, and Forest Park. You will be able to buy tickets online or by mail. Our Vice-Presidents and their committee have been working hard to organize this event. Spread the word to friends and neighbors, all are invited.
The Great Decisions discussion groups have been part of our League's program for many years. Starting in February, we will once again have three locations to choose from to join in the discussions. Brookdale, Maze Branch Library, and the River Forest Community Center will host groups in the afternoons from 1:00-3:00pm. Books will cost $30 and will be on sale at the New Year Member Coffee, Saturday, January 12. You can also contact
Maria Jepson if you wish to purchase a book.
Here is a list of the topics, locations, dates, and times for all Great Decisions discussions. This will also be posted on our website for future reference.
Please welcome new members, Stasia Thompson and Bridgett Baron. Thanks for joining us!
Photographer to take some pictures at the Saturday, January 12 Member Coffee. Contact
Peggy Kell.