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In This Issue

June 2020
President's Letter
Dear League Members,

I am delighted to report that with the help of Judith and Edmund McDevitt, we conducted our first Annual Meeting on Zoom.  Thirty-three members attended and the business of the League was conducted with dispatch. Edmund assisted members with technical issues, and Judith hosted the meeting providing instructions on voting and commenting. The new slate, presented by Joan Petertil, introduced three new Directors, Julianne Bonwit, Judy Crown and Jane Hastings, new Vice President Michelle Fitz-Henry, and new Treasurer Pauline Koch, was approved unanimously. The number of Vice Presidents was reduced from three to two.

We thanked outgoing Vice Presidents Kathy Balk and Mary Haley for their service,  as well as Treasurer Sarah Shirk, Directors Leigh Eicher, Fran Sampson, and Joan Fiscella. Mary will continue as Membership Committee Chair, Leigh as Membership Recording Chair, and Kathy Balk as Director. Suzanne Isaacson will join Joan Petertil as Co-Chair of the Nominating Committee.

Special mentions were made to Marge Massarello for her work on the Centennial Committee and to Mary Cay Murray, Judith McDevitt, Jane Hastings and Michelle Fitz-Henry for their participation on the 2020 Census Committees.

A big thank you to speakers Sarah Shirk, Johan Walsh, Mary Haley, Joan Petertil, and Kathy Balk for doing a great job.  

Marsha Borders, League Member for twenty years, was the recipient of the Hazel Hansen Award.  We are very proud of her!

As Fundraising Chair, I announced that 69 League Members purchased $6,384 worth of plants at the LWVOPRF Garden Sale at the Good Earth Greenhouse, earning the League $957.73! Thanks to all our members who participated.

An announcement and brief explanation of the upcoming Criminal Justice Update Study was read and members were encouraged to join the Google Group in order to read new updates. More detailed information will be forthcoming.

Our Board Transition Meeting will be on June 23, also on Zoom.

Have a lovely summer and here's hoping that next years's Annual Meeting will be in person.

Beverly Graham
Fair Tax 
Attention please: Did you know?
--There is a hugely important question on the Nov. 3 ballot about changing the state constitution.
--Without passage, Illinois will be stuck with an outdated, inadequate revenue system and a growing budget hole.
-- Protecting residents' health and safety, funding education equity, and the chance to reform property taxes are at stake in this vote.
Join the LWV OPRF Fair Tax Working Group to help spread the word in our Villages.  Our kickoff meeting is June 10 at 7 pm.  Sign up here with your email address for the link to the Zoom.  For more information, contact Jane HastingsJudith McDevitt, or  Ann Courter.  
Second Tuesday
Thank you for all your support of our programs this year, through so many challenges: lots of other things to do, parking challenges, freezing cold snaps, the onset of Covid-19, transitioning to our new virtual reality -- to name just a few. We'll be off for the summer, but we're thinking ahead. What would you like to talk about next year? Is there a speaker or program you think would be good? As we begin the new cycle, please send us your ideas and suggestions. We want to hear from you! --  Jane Hastings  and  Judith McDevitt
Ellen Annette Martin
Ellen Annette Martin was the first woman to vote in Illinois. In 1891 she walked into the polling place in Lombard and demanded her right to vote. The town charter omitted male-specific language regarding eligible voters. She arrived with a legal brief in hand challenging the poll workers. She was given a ballot and cast that first vote. To learn more about this remarkable woman please check out the following documentary. Tell your friends and fellow Leaguers. 

'All Citizens,' the documentary about Ellen Annette Martin, will begin airing on ABC-7 every Sunday in June on their digital channel, the
Live Well Network in the Chicago Market.  Producer Tim Frakes would love for the League to help promote it. They are also planning to release the program on Youtube and Facebook with live launches at noon on June 7 to coincide with the broadcast release.  June 10 is the anniversary of Illinois ratification of the 19th Amendment.  
Criminal Justice
The League of Women Voters of Illinois is engaged this year in a consensus study to update our criminal justice position.  The participation of local Leagues is essential.  The criminal justice position was last updated in the 1990s and our position needs to reflect the research and best practices that we have learned since then.  We need to update our position in order to be active voices in improving criminal justice for all. Read the questions that will form the consensus discussion here.
Sister, Sister
LWV US  May 21 Update 

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest (708) 342-0803
  lwvoprf1924@gmail.com | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301