Shop & Share Days - May 18-20, Good Earth Greenhouse, 7900 Madison, River Forest, use this coupon on checkout.
LWV OPRF Annual Meeting - Tuesday, May 22, 5:30-8:30 pm, Oak Park Township Sr. Room, 130 S. Oak Park Ave., packet of information for the meeting. Panel discussion with five lifetime members.
Wastewater Treatment Plants - Saturday, May 19, 9:00am-Noon, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Free Open Houses at six different locations. Read more
Day in Our Village - Sunday, June 3, Scoville Park. Volunteers needed for two hour shifts, 11-1, 1-3, and 3-5. Contact Marilyn Cantisano if you would like to help.
New Voters - Thanks to Margaret Prechel, Candace Enockson, Linda Valentine, and Peggy Kell for registering 30 students at Trinity High School on April 23. Welcome to these new voters!
And welcome to our new member Kathy Schroer. Glad to have you on board!