LWV OPRF May 16 Week in Preview

LWV OPRF Annual Meeting

On Thursday, June 2, at 6:00pm, LWV OPRF will hold its 97th Annual Meeting. As per our Bylaws, attached you will find the packet of information for the meeting, minus the proposed Bylaws changes. The Bylaws changes will be sent out via a separate email this Thursday. The packet and the proposed Bylaws will also be posted on our website. This again will be a virtual meeting, and the Zoom registration link will be sent out next week. In addition to our business meeting, we will have Laura Davis, LWV IL Environmental Specialist, LWV Cook County Director, and LWV Palatine member, speaking to us about the Cook County Forest Preserve Referendum that will be on the November ballot. We hope all members will read the packet before the meeting to be prepared to vote on the 2022-23 Budget, Program, Bylaws changes, and Slate of Officers. 

Wildflower Walk

Interested in a Wildflower Walk? Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 17, from 9:30-11:30am, there will be a Wolf Road Prairie Nature Preserve Wildflower Walk. Sponsored by the Greater LaGrange Area LWV, this wildflower walk will feature Wyatt Widmer as the guide for the morning. This walk is limited to 20 participants, and you will need to contact Michele Niccolai ASAP if you are interested. Read more about this event here.

Congressional District 7 Forum

If you missed the Wednesday, May 4th, 7th Illinois Congressional District Democratic Primary Candidate Forum sponsored by the Greater LaGrange Area LWV,  LWV OPRF, and LWV Chicago, you can watch the video here. The three candidates, Kina Collins, Danny Davis, and Denarvis Mendenhall, answered questions from LWV moderator Barbara Yong on a wide range of topics. There will be another candidate forum for these same candidates sponsored by Indivisible Oak Park on Monday, May 23, 6:00pm, at Maze Branch Library, 845 Gunderson, Oak Park. This will be in person, with a live stream option (once registration details are confirmed.)

Waxing Poetic

This month's Feminist Four from LWV Berkeley Heights, New Providence, & Summit, NJ, celebrates four women who used the poetic power of their prose to advance the feminist cause. Julia Ward Howe, Anne Spencer, Marie Ponsot, and Megan Falley are highlighted in this monthly newsletter.

LWV UMMRR May Newsletter

LWV IL May Newsletter

 LWV US May 5 Update

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