LWV OPRF May 27 Week in Preview

LWV US Convention
Early Bird Registration for the LWV US Convention held in Chicago, June 28-July 1, closes on June 1. Go here to register.
Annual Meeting 
Our Annual Meeting on Tuesday, May 22, was a wonderful evening of stories from our panel of 50+ years LWV OPRF membership.  Barbara Ballinger, Ginny Cassin, Harriet Hausman, Bobbie Raymond, and Sherlyn Reid shared personal anecdotes and accounts of their community involvement.  We are lucky to have this treasure of living history in our organization. In a few weeks, you will be able to view the video of the evening on our website.  Congratulations also go to Mary Rose Lambke on being selected for this year's Hazel Hanson Award. Her words were inspiring.  
With Sadness
Betty Johnson, a long time LWV OPRF member, passed away on May 2. There will be a memorial service for her on June 2, 11:00am at First United Methodist Church of Oak Park, 324 N. Oak Park Ave. Read her obituary here
Day in Our Village
Stop by our League booth at Day in Our Village on Sunday, June 3. Scoville Park is filled with local groups letting community members know all about their organizations. There is food and lots of activities for children. We will be registering voters and educating everyone on our mission. See you there!