Happy May,
We have a full schedule for May. I hope to see you at some of these events.
During the month of May, Mothers and Others for Peace will
explore the history and commitment of women working for peace in "Mothers' Day: Back to Our Roots," an exhibit at the Oak Park Public Library in the
Community Room. Learn the story of Mother's Day. Share your favorite books about peace and peacemakers. Make a flower, give a flower.
Please join the Second Tuesday gathering on May 14 at 9:30 at the 19th Century C.A. to meet our new co-chair, discuss the programs that were presented this past year and brainstorm ideas for next year. Do you have a speaker or a topic you would like the group to explore? This is your opportunity to help develop next year's program.
Do you know about the "Plastic Free July" project? If you attended the Earth Fest at the Oak Park Public Works Center you may have taken part in the discussion with the Environment Committee regarding the project. To learn more and participate, please attend the committee meeting at 6:30pm, May 20 at Beverly Graham's house.
Our Annual meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, May 28 at 5:30pm at the Oak Park Township Senior Center. We need all of you to attend to vote on the 2019-20 Budget, Bylaws, Program, and Slate of Officers and Committee Chairs. We will be recognizing Fran Sullivan for her 50-year membership. Bonnie Cox, President of LWVIL, will be our keynote speaker. A light dinner will be served.
The League of Women Voters of Illinois State Convention will be in Champaign, Illinois, June 8-9 with pre-convention workshops on Friday, June 7. Please contact me if you are interested in being a delegate.
We will have a table at the Oak Park Day in Our Village on Sunday, June 2. Please see item below for the link to volunteer.
The Centennial Committee of LWVIL will be promoting June 10, 1919, the day the Illinois legislators were the first state to ratify the 19th Amendment. Please read the article about this event and the road to passage.
Marge Massarello