Tomorrow night we will start to get the results of our national election. It will be the culmination of one of the largest voter turnouts in decades, one in which early voting and mail in ballots were at an all-time high. Some of this was due to the pandemic, but there can be no doubt that millions of Americans understood how much was at stake at a time when our country has never been more polarized politically. Whatever the reasons, The League of Women Voters has made a huge contribution by helping to register voters, advocating for the Fair Tax constitutional amendment, providing vital information about the election, and promoting good government. We will all stay tuned for the results.
Last Thursday evening, our Criminal Justice Update Study Committee presented the first half of our ambitious effort to make recommendations that will hopefully reform existing criminal justice positions and create new ones that are much needed. Our committee members discussed investing in communities, addressing bias in the criminal justice system, shifting to a gender responsive approach for all offenders, advocating for a state-wide and transparent data system, promoting criminal justice coordinating councils and reforming police. For those of you who were unable to attend, you can watch a recording of the meeting with this link.
We will have another meeting on Saturday, January 16, 2021, to present the remaining sections of our study in preparation for a final vote on January 30. By this date, all local leagues in the state who are participating will have voted as well. After the results are approved by the State Board, a final vote will take place at the 2021 LWV IL Convention in June. If all goes as we anticipate, we will be able to support any bills that result from Governor Pritzker’s recent plan to reform and modernize the state’s criminal justice system.
We will all be together in spirit as the returns come in tomorrow after the polls close. To quote Bette Davis in All about Eve, “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night!”
Beverly Graham
November Second Tuesday
Coming Soon! For better or for worse, the election will be OVER next week (though final vote counts might still be in process). Join us next Tuesday, November 10, for our not-to-be missed Second Tuesday discussion on the election. View the flyer here, and sign up here to register. The Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the event.
African-Americans and Japan
Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio is proud to offer a virtual presentation on African Americans and Japan on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, beginning at 2:00pm EST. The presentation will be led by Professor John Davis of Denison University. Professor Davis lived in Japan and studied a group of Japanese people called the "burakumin," an "untouchable" group in Japan at the bottom of the traditional social hierarchy. He has explored how this minority group organized a movement to advance their human rights. To register for this free event,go here.
Online Auction
LWV Lake Michigan is having an online Fall Fundraising Auction to raise funds. Place your bids before November 14 to get these prizes. Go here to see what is available.
Within the next few days, members that requested one, should be receiving an online LWV OPRF directory. Printed directories have been mailed to those who requested one. There are still a few paper copies remaining. If you would like one, please contactMary Haley.