Empowering Voters/
Defending Democracy
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Coalition Publishes
Voters' Bill of Rights

Tomorrow at 10 am we’ll be joining with others to launch the Arizona Voters Bill of Rights--a new grassroots effort to inform Arizonans of their rights as voters, and to ensure those rights are respected and protected.

Join us!

There will be a special newsletter on this soon,
but we're giving you a heads up!
Upcoming Advocacy/RTS Trainings

Central Arizona, League of Women Voters
Yavapai College, Clarkdale
Monday, January 28th
4:00 - 5:30 (Flyer Here)

AZ Advocacy Network
Phoenix: Thursday, January 17th, 6:30 - 8 pm
Burton Barr Library (Info Here)
Southern Arizona : Saturday, January 19th
Oro Valley Library at 10:30am (Info Here)
YWCA of Southern Arizona at 2:00pm. (Info Here)
It Has Begun
So far . . .
House -- 184 bills and 9 concurrent resolutions (which would amend the Constitution).

Senate -- 84 bills and 1 concurrent resolution.

Bills can be introduced for approximately 3 more weeks!
RTS can be used once a bill is has been assigned to a committee.

The League's focus will be on bills in the general areas below:

Passage of the ERA. There will be a bill filed in both houses.
Maybe Arizona can be the 38th and final state to pass this (in spite of the road of legal issues that will arise if it passes; one step at a time!) More info on the ERA at this website . See ERA Forum event below.

Voting Rights. We want no more obstacles to registering or voting. For example, Senator Ugenti-Rita would like to keep people from turning in their early ballots on election day ( SB1054; Judiciary). They would instead have to vote a provisional ballot. This will not shorten count times and is more likely to disenfranchise voters. On the other hand, another of the Senator's bills ( SB1054; Judiciary) would allow early-ballot curing (contacting a voter about a deficient signature) up to 5 days after an election, which is a good thing!

Citizen Initiatives. Fewer obstacles! Rep. Finchem's HB2021 would allow initiative organizers to collect signatures online, but has not yet received a first read. However, a bill by Rep. Kavanagh ( HCR2005) would require that a certain % of signatures come from each legislative district, vs. statewide.

Clean Elections and the CE Commission. "No!" to any attempts to weaken responsibilities for campaign finance tracking/auditing or candidate funding. We're still reviewing a bill by Fillmore ( HB2076) that looks promising.

Independent Redistricting Commission. At this point League would support a portion of a bill (Fillmore, HCR2002 - no 1st reading yet) introduced to increase the number of commissioners to 9. The power to nominate those Commissioners would be given to the Clean Elections Commission instead of the Commission on Appellate Court Appointments, but League sees no justification for this part of the bill since we see no evidence that the process hasn't worked since it became law.

Campaign Finance. We want transparency! As an example of what we don't want: Rep. Kavanagh filed a bill ( HB2038-no 1st reading yet) that would exempt lawmakers from having to report their attendance at lobbyist events.

Public Education Funding. Senator Sylvia Allen's bill SCR1001 (Education Cmte) would raise sales taxes by a penny, beginning in 2021, for for primary, secondary and higher education. There will be other bills filed. We will evaluate such bills based on criteria of long-term sustainability, accountability to taxpayers and educators, and fairness to all children needing education.

Charter School Reform. Transparency and accountability in funding and administrative transactions is needed. A small step is Rep. Townsend's HB2032 , which would specifically require charter schools, including their sponsors, governing boards and private management contractors, to comply with Arizona’s open meeting laws.


Still need to activate a
Request-To-Speak Account?
We can do that for you!
Make a request HERE .

Get a pdf for basic "How to Use RTS" instructions HERE.

Link to sortable spreadsheets here.
(columns will be scrunched when first opened; widen one to straighten out)

Legislative Committee assignments compiled by
Civic Engagement Beyond Voting, HERE.

ERA Forum
Friday, January 18th, 10 am - 11 am
Executive Tower, 3rd Fl, 1700 W. Washington St., Phoenix
Hosted by ERA Task Force Arizona,
Senator Victoria Steele (D-9) and
Representative Pamela Powers-Hannley (D-9)

The ERA is one state from ratification (legal issues aside)!
What is the ERA and why do we still need it?
What you can do to get it ratified?
Click HERE for Facebook info. with map and speakers.

Want to help keep the issue in the forefront? Volunteer as an ERA Sentinel:

Women's March Phoenix 2019

Saturday, January 19th
10 AM – 2 PM
Arizona State Capitol Facebook

January 31 | 5pm
 Old Main
"How to Have a Civil Conversation Across the Political Divide" with Nadine Strossen and Judge Michael Mukasey.

MLK March & Festival
Monday, January 21st, 9 am - 4 pm

March begins: 9 am (assemble at 8:30), Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, 14th Street & Jefferson, Phoenix
Arizona citizens – young, old, of all nationalities and of varying Valley organizations – take part in a march symbolic of King's 1968 march. Led by City officials and community dignitaries, such as the Mayor. Culminates at Margaret T. Hance Park, for the Festival (3rd & Moreland Streets).

Water Resources Research Center Conference 2019

Arizona Runs on Water:
Scarcity, Challenges, and Community-based Solutions
Friday, February 1
7:30 am - 2 pm
Black Canyon Conference Center, Phoenix

Thanks for being
an involved citizen!

Please consider a donation to support our advocacy and education efforts.